Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

Thousands of weapons is nothing for a population of 40 million. The ease at which Russia just invaded the Ukraine is proof that thousands for tens of millions is nothing.
Billions of US dollars in military aid has had contradictory effects. The weapons ensured Putin would invade and slowed the initial progress of that invasion. Ultimately the US cares little if Ukraine wins or loses as long at it bleeds Russia in the process.

U.S. Military Assistance to Ukraine • Stimson Center

"U.S. military assistance has come, principally, from the Department of Defense’s Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative ($1.35 billion) and the Department of State’s Foreign Military Financing program ($721 million).

"Those packages and several others, including from the International Military Education and Training program, made Ukraine among the most significant recipients of U.S. military aid, ranking 7th globally between FY2016-FY2020 and the largest such recipient in Europe, according to the Security Assistance Monitor.

"Beyond the dollar amounts, the U.S. has provided foreign military training to at least 10,629 Ukrainian trainees between FY2015-FY2019."
Nuclear weapons in 1962 are now equal to defensive weapons of 2022?
Nuclear weapons in 1962 Cuba were defensive.
They guaranteed the US would not launch another invasion.
All it takes for the Maga boobs is for the Orange One to bellow "fake news" & that's it.

Two words seal the deal for the gullible.
The psychology of this fascinates me. With just two words, they can simply shut the door to anything that they don't like. Poof, it's gone.
The psychology of this fascinates me. With just two words, they can simply shut the door to anything that they don't like. Poof, it's gone.
"Fake news"!

"The election was stolen"!

The Rubes fall to their knees.
What you call hostile military bases have not committed a single war crime inside Russian sovereign borders..
In the same way hostile Soviet missiles in Cuba (1962) had never committed a single war crime inside the US

Or hostile US missiles in Turkey at the same time never harmed the USSR.

When the Soviet Union collapsed NATO's reason to exist as a defensive military alliance ended; however, US arms merchants saw billion$$ opportunities to expand their blood-drenched profits.

How many Ukrainians and Russians will die for that?
If the fucking bases are a threat - take out the fucking bases with conventional warfare. Don’t be a war criminal coward and target innocent women and children in a fucking hospitable and apartment building for Christ’s sake. What is wrong with you @georgephillip ? Are you human.
I'm sufficiently human to recognize Putin and Biden, Bush, and Clinton are all responsible for the crimes you shed crocodile tears over. The CIA began training Ukrainian nationalists when Harry Truman was in the White House. Until Americans demand their government stop all attempts at regime change, innocent human beings will continue to die for US war profits. .
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More of the bed wetting eh? You pussies are really scared of your own shadow aren’t you?
Covid had them pissing on themselves, walking around by themselves talking to themselves with full mask armaments in place.
Putin, who is Real, would naturally terrify them.
I'm sufficiently human to recognize Putin and Biden, Bush, and Clinton are all responsible for the crimes you shed crocodile tears over
Typical NAZI sympathizer - everybody is responsible so no one is responsible so you can be the sophisticated genius - pontificating on the great global conspiracies while . . . - did you see what the NYT journalistic has put on air. Three bodies two kids and an adult freshly killed by Russian coward artillery laying in the street where they were trying to flee to safety., Pick the innocent side in this current fight - or defend Hitler Putin straight up. Innocent Ukrainians need the entire world’s support right now in the here and now.
did you see what the NYT journalistic has put on air. Three bodies two kids and an adult freshly killed by Russian coward artillery laying in the street where they were trying to flee to safety., Pick the innocent side in this current fight
Would you be surprised to know the US has done worse in Vietnam and Iraq?

You are being duped into distinguishing between worthy and unworthy victims:

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

"What Russia is doing militarily in Ukraine, at least up to now, was more than matched by our own savagery in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Vietnam.

"This is an inconvenient fact the press, awash in moral posturing, will not address..."

"When I (Chris Hedges) entered southern Iraq in the first Gulf War it was flattened.

"Villages and towns were smoldering ruins.

"Bodies, including women and children, lay scattered on the ground.

"Water purification systems had been bombed.

"Power stations had been bombed.

"Schools and hospitals had been bombed.

"Bridges had been bombed."

War will never end until its profit motive is removed.
When the Soviet Union collapsed NATO's reason to exist as a defensive military alliance ended;

No NATO needed to exist in order to stop another Hitler from crossing borders to attack weaker nations. It’s called Holocaust and genocide prevention. We now have another Hitler in the form of dictator and mass murderer Vladimir Putin.
Would you be surprised to know the US has done worse in Vietnam and Iraq?

You are being duped into distinguishing between worthy and unworthy victims:

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

"What Russia is doing militarily in Ukraine, at least up to now, was more than matched by our own savagery in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Vietnam.

"This is an inconvenient fact the press, awash in moral posturing, will not address..."

"When I (Chris Hedges) entered southern Iraq in the first Gulf War it was flattened.

"Villages and towns were smoldering ruins.

"Bodies, including women and children, lay scattered on the ground.

"Water purification systems had been bombed.

"Power stations had been bombed.

"Schools and hospitals had been bombed.

"Bridges had been bombed."

War will never end until its profit motive is removed.
chris hedges, is a lying piece of crap that does nothing but denigrate the only country that gives him the freedom to spew his bullshit

You link to the vermin as if he is stating some sort of fact or reporting on something.

It is simply insults, which he embellishes into a paragraph then a chapter, eventually a book or article.
Worst than all that, Chris Hedges is a plagiarizer, and was fired from Harper's magazine because of it.
Nuclear weapons in 1962 Cuba were defensive.
They guaranteed the US would not launch another invasion.
First off, you dont know enough about Marxism, Cuba, and the Soviet Union to begin another discussion, which you will not finish.

Secondly, This has nothing to do with the Ukraine or Russia.

Third, there is a huge difference between placing Offensive Nuclear Weapons at our doorstep and Poland's deployment of defensive anti-missile batteries.
Billions of US dollars in military aid has had contradictory effects. The weapons ensured Putin would invade and slowed the initial progress of that invasion. Ultimately the US cares little if Ukraine wins or loses as long at it bleeds Russia in the process.

U.S. Military Assistance to Ukraine • Stimson Center

"U.S. military assistance has come, principally, from the Department of Defense’s Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative ($1.35 billion) and the Department of State’s Foreign Military Financing program ($721 million).

"Those packages and several others, including from the International Military Education and Training program, made Ukraine among the most significant recipients of U.S. military aid, ranking 7th globally between FY2016-FY2020 and the largest such recipient in Europe, according to the Security Assistance Monitor.

"Beyond the dollar amounts, the U.S. has provided foreign military training to at least 10,629 Ukrainian trainees between FY2015-FY2019."
And as I said, thousands of weapons for a population in the tens of millions is nothing.

The proof?

Putin's successful invasion of the Ukraine.
Would you be surprised to know the US has done worse in Vietnam and Iraq?
I grew up protesting our war in Vietnam I voted for McGovern and Kerry. I did it again against the fucking Bush lies that we Had to stop the UN inspectors in Iraq to pretend that only the US military could find WMD. I knew there were no WMD before we went in.

LBJ and Nixon made bad decisions when escalating the war in Vietnam - but Bush is a war criminal for his preemptive war policy and then lying about WMD and then not taking the peace option of UN inspectors to avoid war that he promised Clinton KERRY and Biden when he asked for their support.

How do we get BUSH on trial for war crimes. When you figure it out let me know.

Right now innocents are being slaughtered by the Russian military at Putin’s command. Deal with that - If it were not for our military and economic might Putin like Hitler won’t stop at UKRAINE. WE NEED our might and the brave Ukrainian people to bloody his fucking ruthless army to the point that a Russian gets close enough to put a bullet in his fucking head.

Our government made mistakes and committed evil in our names, but the present day crisis demands our military does its job and save democracy which does not and cannot save itself.
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I grew up protesting our war in Vietnam I voted for McGovern and Kerry. I did it again against the fucking Bush lies that we Had to stop the UN inspectors in Iraq to pretend that only the US military could find WMD. I knew there were no WMD before we went in.

LBJ and Nixon made bad decisions when escalating the war in Vietnam - but Bush is a war criminal for his preemptive war policy and then lying about WMD and then not taking the peace option of UN inspectors to avoid war that he promised Clinton KERRY and Biden when he asked for their support.
"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force — if necessary — to disarm Saddam
Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to
our security."
Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002.

I grew up protesting our war in Vietnam I voted for McGovern and Kerry. I did it again against the fucking Bush lies that we Had to stop the UN inspectors in Iraq to pretend that only the US military could find WMD. I knew there were no WMD before we went in.

LBJ and Nixon made bad decisions when escalating the war in Vietnam - but Bush is a war criminal for his preemptive war policy and then lying about WMD and then not taking the peace option of UN inspectors to avoid war that he promised Clinton KERRY and Biden when he asked for their support.
"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." - Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others Oct. 9, 1998

Would you be surprised to know the US has done worse in Vietnam and Iraq?

You are being duped into distinguishing between worthy and unworthy victims:

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

"What Russia is doing militarily in Ukraine, at least up to now, was more than matched by our own savagery in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Vietnam.

"This is an inconvenient fact the press, awash in moral posturing, will not address..."

"When I (Chris Hedges) entered southern Iraq in the first Gulf War it was flattened.

"Villages and towns were smoldering ruins.

"Bodies, including women and children, lay scattered on the ground.

"Water purification systems had been bombed.

"Power stations had been bombed.

"Schools and hospitals had been bombed.

"Bridges had been bombed."

War will never end until its profit motive is removed.
Where was the outrage when Putin was gassing civilians in Syria, including women & children? They were the wrong color/religion, that's where. Where were the billion dollar merchants who now all of a sudden seemingly just found out that Putin is a war criminal when that atrocity was happening? Playing footsie with him in Moscow, that's where.

Pet a rattlesnake, you'll get bit.

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