Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

Our government made mistakes and committed evil in our names, but the present day crisis demands our military does its job and save democracy which does not and cannot save itself.
Are you calling for a US military response in Ukraine?
Missiles in Cuba defended against another Bay of Pigs invasion attempt. How did that one turn out? Those Polish "anti-missile batteries" are dual use platforms fully capable of launching offensive strikes against Moscow.

60 years ago, those nuclear missiles gave the USSR a first strike ability.

They most modern defensive weapons in history are not the same thing.. What is note worthy is how pathetic it is that your only argument is Nuclear weapons in Cuba, from 60 years ago.
Where was the outrage when Putin was gassing civilians in Syria, including women & children? They were the wrong color/religion, that's where. Where were the billion dollar merchants who now all of a sudden seemingly just found out that Putin is a war criminal when that atrocity was happening? Playing footsie with him in Moscow, that's where.
"Dividing the world into worthy and unworthy victims is a tactic used to justify our crimes and demonize our enemies. Conflicts will not be solved until all nations abide by international law and all victims are deemed worthy."

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

Since the end of WWII the Washington Consensus has ruled ,much of this planet. This array of market oriented principles of liberalized trade and finance have formed the core of a "de facto world government" of a "new imperial age."

Choosing between Republican or Democrat in the voting booth won't change that system anymore than Putin's invasion of Ukraine will alter NATO's expansion in Europe and beyond.

Neoliberalism and the Global Order, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Profit Over People)
Russian defender.
Simplistic fallacy.
Putin is wrong and NATO is wrong.
Getting rich from war and debt is suicidal.

The Big Question on Wall Street Is Which Banks Owe $41 Billion on Credit Default Swaps on Russia

"There is a known $41 billion in Credit Default Swaps (CDS) on Russian debt.

"There is likely many billions more in unknown amounts.

"There are also billions more in Credit Default Swaps on state-owned Russian corporate debt and non state-owned Russian corporate debt.

"In addition to Wall Street not knowing which global banks and other financial institutions are on the hook to pay out on the Credit Default Swap protection they sold in case of a Russian sovereign debt default (or Russian corporate debt default), there is also approximately $100 billion of Russian sovereign debt (whose default is looking more and more likely) sitting on the balance sheets of foreign banks.

"Put it all together and you have the makings of a replay of the 2008 banking crisis when banks backed away from lending to each other because they didn’t know who would fall next from toxic subprime exposure.

"That led to a liquidity crisis and the unprecedented involvement of the Federal Reserve secretly pumping trillions of dollars into the megabanks on Wall Street and their foreign derivative counterparties."
Can you tell ne why John Kerry said there were WMD's?
Read The words that he wrote without bias. He didn’t say there were WMD in Iraq. Kerry said he believed that “ a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in SADDAM’s hands is a real and grave threat to our security." Do you disagree?

I can’t help you get to the truth if you do not decide to read what was said in 2002 and 2003,correctly.

Read this:

Do you agree with Dick Cheney that it was the correct decision to go it alone to change the regime in order to disarm Iraq and nation build without full UN support or do you agree with Joe Biden who says Bush should have gotten full UN support in order to be certain about the evidence before invading Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein and nation build Iraq into a successful democracy?

Considering the fact that there was no WMD in Iraq, Who was right? CHENEY Or BIDEN

Kerry sided with Bush who separated himself from Dick’s go it alone policy and wanted the UN involved first.

Bush did not need special Iraq authorization because he already had one. We Invaded Afghanistan with the War in Terror AUMF and CHENEY Did not want to get the UN involved because of the obvious reason he knew that if SH decided to let inspectors in and cooperate it would be hard to justify an invasion and occupation of Iraq.
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Read The words that he wrote without bias. He didn’t say there were WMD in Iraq. Kerry said he believed that “ a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in SADDAM’s hands is a real and grave threat to our security." Do you disagree?

I can’t help you get to the truth if you do not decide to read what was said in 2002 and 2003,correctly.

Read this:

Kerry sided with Bush who separated himself from Dick’s go it alone policy and wanted the UN involved first.

Bush did not need special Iraq authorization because he already had one. We Invaded Afghanistan with the War in Terror AUMF and CHENEY Did not want to get the UN involved because of the obvious reason he knew that if SH decided to let inspectors in and cooperate it would be hard to justify an invasion and occupKeation of Iraq.

Read The words that he wrote without bias. He didn’t say there were WMD in Iraq. Kerry said he believed that “ a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in SADDAM’s hands is a real and grave threat to our security." Do you disagree?

I can’t help you get to the truth if you do not decide to read what was said in 2002 and 2003,correctly.

Read this:

Kerry sided with Bush who separated himself from Dick’s go it alone policy and wanted the UN involved first.

Bush did not need special Iraq authorization because he already had one. We Invaded Afghanistan with the War in Terror AUMF and CHENEY Did not want to get the UN involved because of the obvious reason he knew that if SH decided to let inspectors in and cooperate it would be hard to justify an invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Considering all the facts, Bush Sr fucked up when he did not destroy Iraq.

Considering all the facts, Clinton fucked up when he did not destroy saddam for violating the terms of the surrender.

Considering all the facts, Bush was right to destroy Iraq, wrong not to do it with more force. Wrong for begging the United Nations.

WMD, yes you have a very tired argument to make that ignores the tons of wmd's we destroyed and the tons that were unaccounted for.

Of course simply having hundreds of tons of yellow cake uranium, and us finding that, made the war just.

Finding that Saddam gave a safe home to the most violent, and wanted terrorists in the world, and capturing them made the war just.

But we get your argument, Democrats are all good and right. Even Bill Clinton was right when he bombed Iraq.

John Kerry stated Iraq has WMD's

And you want me to read his statements, how?
Of course simply having hundreds of tons of yellow cake uranium, and us finding that, made the war just.
You are a moron for stating that - The yellow cake was stored and sealed by the UN inspectors when SH booted them out in 1998. These are easily known facts by someone interested in the truth. When SH allowed the inspectors to return in December 2002 the first thing they inspected was the yellowcake storage. It was found to be absolutely intact. This is probably because during the four years when there were no inspectors in SH still allowed once a year inspections to make sure the yellow cake was stored properly. After the invasion was launched in March 2003 Looters hit the facility. And anyway yellowcake is not WMD. Your ignorance on the history of the run up to the invasion of Iraq is abundantly clear. Start reading something.

If you wish to shed the moron label start by reading this can open an investigative truth seeking mind

What Joe Biden's Iraq war vote says about his style of politics

In the summer of 2002, less than a year after the horrific 9/11 attacks, the Bush-Cheney administration initiated a PR campaign to win support for the idea of attacking the regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. In a speech at the national conference of Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vice President Dick Cheney proclaimed, “Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.” Actually, that was a lie. Within the intelligence community, there was no consensus that Saddam was stockpiling WMD to strike the United States. Anthony Zinni, a former commander in chief of US Central Command and then a Middle East envoy, was sitting onstage during Cheney’s address, and, as he later said, he was stunned by the vice president’s remarks: “It was a total shock. I couldn’t believe the vice president was saying this, you know? In doing work with the CIA on Iraq WMD, through all the briefings I heard at Langley, I never saw one piece of credible evidence that there was an ongoing [WMD] program.”

But thus began the notorious White House spin crusade to convince the American public that Saddam posed a WMD threat to the United States to justify a military invasion of Iraq. As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden was in the middle of the WMD debate. As Michael Isikoff and I reported in our 2006 book, Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War, a few weeks after that Cheney speech, in late September, Biden was chairing a classified hearing at which CIA Director George Tenet was the key witness. Tenet told senators that there was intelligence showing that Saddam had acquired aluminum tubes used for enriching weapons-grade uranium, that he had a fleet of mobile biological weapons labs, and that he was developing drones that could transport and deliver chemical and biological agents. As Tenet testified, Biden envisioned these drones being launched off tankers cruising along the coast of the United States and attacking Philadelphia or Charleston, South Carolina. This was hair-raising stuff.
But Biden and other committee members pressed Tenet for evidence backing up these frightening claims. And a staffer passed Biden a note with a suggested question: What “technically collected” evidence of Iraqi WMD did the CIA possess? In other words, did Tenet have any concrete proof? Had the CIA tracked radioactive emissions from supposed nuclear sites, gathered electronic intercepts in which Iraqis communicated about their various WMD, or obtained samples of biological agents? “None, Senator,” Tenet answered.
A hush fell on the room. None? Nothing at all? Biden was bothered. “George, do you want me to clear the staff out of the room?” he asked. This was Biden’s way of inquiring whether the CIA chief had some super-secret intelligence nailing Saddam that he was hesitant to share with staffers present. “There’s no reason to, Senator,” Tenet responded—a signal he wasn’t holding anything back. A Biden staffer, a former Pentagon contractor who specialized in nuclear technology, went home that night and told his wife, “They’re going to war and there’s not a damn piece of evidence to substantiate it.”
At this point, the public debate concerned a congressional resolution Bush and Cheney were pushing that would provide Bush the authority to attack Iraq. Bush was essentially asking the Senate and the House to give him a go-to-war-free card, with no restraints on the option to order military action in Iraq as he saw fit. Biden, perhaps because he had seen that the case for war was flimsy, joined with two Republicans on his committee—Richard Lugar and Chuck Hagel—in a bipartisan effort to restrict Bush’s authority to invade Iraq. They proposed an alternative to Bush’s resolution that would only allow Bush to attack Iraq for the purpose of destroying WMD and only after seeking UN approval. If the UN turned Bush down, he would have to come back to Congress and prove Saddam posed a WMD threat so “grave” that only military action could eliminate it. Bush couldn’t just hop into war on his own.

The Biden-Lugar measure began attracting support from Democrats and Republicans, and it was privately supported by Secretary of State Colin Powell. No surprise, Bush was furious about the measure, and he told Republican Sen. Trent Lott that he didn’t want a measure that tied his hands. According to Lott, Bush gave him an order: “Derail the Biden legislation and make sure its language never sees the light of day.”
But before Lott could do that, Biden’s plan was undone by Rep. Dick Gephardt, the Democratic leader in the House. Gephardt had been listening to Democratic hawks in favor of a military confrontation with Saddam. And though he later claimed he was uncomfortable with Bush’s measure, he felt that he had few options. The Democrats were in the minority in the House, and the Bush measure could clearly pass within that body with both Rs and Ds on its side. From Gephardt’s perspective, it was an if-you-can’t-beat-them-join-them situation. Gephardt had run for president in 1988 and was once again contemplating a White House bid; it probably occurred to him that opposing a resolution for a war so soon after 9/11—and for a war that could end up successful and popular—might not be helpful for a future campaign.
Gephardt endorsed—and embraced—Bush’s resolution, appearing with the president at an October 2 Rose Garden event to declare his support. The move enraged many of his Democratic colleagues. Moreover, it killed Biden’s bipartisan attempt to rein in Bush and Cheney. After Gephardt bear-hugged Bush’s measure, Senate Republicans told Biden they could not sign on to his alternative. How can we be to the left of Dick Gephardt? they asked.
Biden’s attempt to impose conditions on Bush’s march to war had been killed by a fellow Democrat. And Biden was upset with Gephardt: “I was angry,” Biden said years later. “I was frustrated. But I never second-guess another man’s political judgement.
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There were many reasons to destroy saddam. WMD's were one.

There was only one reason UN inspectors went into Iraq under Resolution 1441. So You are now lying for Bush who’s words were he wanted to disarm Iraq Peacefully and the only reason to invade was if Iraq did not allow the inspectors back in we would disarm SH by force.

That is why this lie came from George Bush’s lips on March 17 2003 when SH was cooperating fully with UN inspectors.

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

W HAD zero intelligence that SH was hiding WMD from inspectors in March 2003, because if he did our invading army would have gone straight to them. If SH we’re hiding them our intelligence agencies and have to have known where they were being hidden. And they obviously didn’t. You were a sucker for the George Bush right wing yellowcake uranium propaganda now weren’t you?
Of course simply having hundreds of tons of yellow cake uranium, and us finding that, made the war just.

SH was not hiding yellow cake uranium therefore we didn’t find it by invading.

Bush admits he lied right here:

President Bush Admits Iraq Had No WMDs and 'Nothing' to Do With 9/11


the main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn’t, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction.
Considering all the facts, Bush Sr fucked up when he did not destroy Iraq.
No you are lying. George Bush Senior put together a coalition for the defense of Kuwait with money and troops because it was supported by the Arab League and the United Nations. George Bush Senior stated the military goals and when were achieved the military campaign was ended. Dick Cheney at the time said it would be a disaster to continue on to Baghdad.
SH was not hiding yellow cake uranium therefore we didn’t find it by invading.

Bush admits he lied right here:

President Bush Admits Iraq Had No WMDs and 'Nothing' to Do With 9/11


the main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn’t, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction.

Main reason, primary reason, secondary reason. Blah, blah, blah, blah

Uranium, Nuclear Weapons program, Chemical Weapons, using chemical and biological weapons on human beings. All this is true.

You claim Saddam Hussein had no nuclear weapon program, no chemical weapons, no biological weapons. You suppose these to be facts? Which day were these "facts", determined.

Which day did we no that Iraq no longer had WMD's or a WMD program. Which day, what time, who discovered it was all 100% gone and accounted for. When did we discover this, according to you. Or are you simply saying Saddam never had chemical weapons and never used them. Are you claiming there was no nuclear program and this was proven. So? On which day? When, where, by who?
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No you are lying. George Bush Senior put together a coalition for the defense of Kuwait with money and troops because it was supported by the Arab League and the United Nations. George Bush Senior stated the military goals and when were achieved the military campaign was ended. Dick Cheney at the time said it would be a disaster to continue on to Baghdad.
Lying when I say George Bush sr, screwed up? There was no disaster after we left Saddam Hussein in power? There was no chemical weapons used on civilians? Saddam did not cut off water to thousands of Iraqi people? There was not another war? A decade of weapon's inspections?

Saddam and his great two sons were not a terror to entire nation?
We have a military response that is perfect under the unifying firm leadership of Joe Biden.
Joe Biden helped instigate the current violence in Ukraine just as he has in every other conflict over his fifty year career in corporate service:

"Biden shakes hands with Ukrainian fascist leader, Oleh Yaroslavovych Tyahnybok, in Kiev, Ukraine, April 22, 2014."

MintPress Study: NY Times, Washington Post Driving U.S. to War with Russia Over Ukraine

"The U.S. has been extremely active in Ukraine’s domestic affairs, as Russian-American journalist Yasha Levine has highlighted, forcing the government to hike gas prices and raise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes.

"It has also bankrolled NGOs and local media outlets and threatened to jail Ukrainian oligarchs if further American demands were not met.

Washington’s role in the 2013-2014 Maidan Revolution, however, is the clearest example of American interference..."

"That the Maidan affair was organized, at least in part, by the U.S. is not in doubt.

"Indeed, leaked audio of Nuland talking with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt showed that Washington effectively hand-picked Ukraine’s next government. 'I don’t think Klitch should go into the government.

"I don’t think it is necessary. I don’t think it is a good idea,' Nuland can be heard saying, referring to the boxer-turned-politician Vitali Klitschko. 'I think Yats [Arseniy Yatsenyuk] is the guy who has got the economic experience, the governing experience,' she continued.

"The two also discussed plans for implementing the new administration.

"Sure enough, less than one month after the audio leaked, Yatsenyuk became the next prime minister."
Joe Biden helped instigate the current violence in Ukraine
Biden has never committed violence or even jaywalking in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin is committing violence as we write this. Vladimir Putin will never be able to justify what he has done by blaming it on Joe Biden. There is another one of your lost causes in the Putin disinformation robot farms. Robots do not have a conscience but you’re supposed to have one.

Which army crossed a southern border on February 24, 2022 in Europe? Was it the Russian army? Or was it the NATO alliance?
Hey stupid, the whole russia collusion thing has been proven to be a scam perpetrated by the Demoncrats. It's Biden that welcomed payoffs from Russia. And Biden that decided to let them overrun the Ukraine just like Obummer let them overrun Crimea. Trump is the only president that they feared. THEY DIDN'T OVER RUN ANY OTHER COUNTRY WHILE TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE.
Asking NATO to do their fair share was a good thing. Stop being a stupid American. We have way too many of those...

What? No way are the GOP going to believe that bit of History. Nor will they believe he wanted all troop to withdraw from Germany.

John McEntee, one of Donald Trump's most-favored aides, handed retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor a piece of paper with a few notes scribbled on it. He explained: "This is what the president wants you to do."

1. Get us out of Afghanistan.

2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria.

3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany.

4. Get us out of Africa.

It was Nov. 9, 2020 — days after Trump lost his re-election bid, 10 weeks before the end of his presidency and just moments after Macgregor was offered a post as senior adviser to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.

As head of the powerful Presidential Personnel Office, McEntee had Trump's ear. Even so, Macgregor was astonished. He told McEntee he doubted they could do all of these things before Jan. 20.

"Then do as much as you can," McEntee replied.

In Macgregor's opinion, Miller probably couldn't act on his own authority to execute a total withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan because he was serving in an acting capacity. If this was for real, Macgregor told McEntee, then it was going to need an order from the president.

The one-page memo was delivered by courier to Christopher Miller's office two days later, on the afternoon of Nov. 11.

You know what they say about Axios...when National Enquirer can't be used.

They say....Oh, okay. I guess.

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