Remembering Brian Williams


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013

Now MSNBC has Brian on at one in the morning after he has spent a few years under a rock.
He has been on a long time at 11pm and is very good. Is Imus still there, nope.

I will know you have a issue with lying when you hold TRump accountable and the rest of his admin that testified lies to congress.

I agree with Imus about this:

“He’s a fat, repulsive pig! I hate to be so harsh,” Imus said. “You go out in the woods and find a piece of old, dead wood, you lift it up and underneath there’s a bunch of bugs crawling around and white stuff ... that’s Newt Gingrich.”
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Now MSNBC has Brian on at one in the morning after he has spent a few years under a rock.

He comes on at 11PM in all 4 time zones. He gets a whole hour. He seems like he is having a really good time. I have no idea and won't attempt to read his mind whether he is devastated for having lost his 630PM slot. Ego and all being what those guys must share. But he sure has one helluva lot more latitude at 11PM. And he is the managing editor of his own show. He has ZERO problem getting the best and the brightest to come on his program.

Watch it sometime.

He's also a witty guy. Here he is with Kornacki, the political #s whiz kid.

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You know "who" you lying POS!
MSNBC has let Brian stick his nose under the tent to see what reaction he gets. So far they are keeping him on midnight TV hoping no MSNBC viewer is straight/sober enough to spot a LIB 'stolen valor' POS!
He has been on a long time at 11pm and is very good. Is Imus still there, nope.

I will know you have a issue with lying when you hold TRump accountable and the rest of his admin that testified lies to congress.

I agree with Imus about this:

“He’s a fat, repulsive pig! I hate to be so harsh,” Imus said. “You go out in the woods and find a piece of old, dead wood, you lift it up and underneath there’s a bunch of bugs crawling around and white stuff ... that’s Newt Gingrich.”
Yep! You're a Trump Supporter alright. Those are the kind of stories his base sucks up like mother's milk. I especially like the 'wounded knee' you claim Williams said, much like the crap Trump says about Clinton's Emails.
You know "who" you lying POS!
MSNBC has let Brian stick his nose under the tent to see what reaction he gets. So far they are keeping him on midnight TV hoping no MSNBC viewer is straight/sober enough to spot a LIB 'stolen valor' POS!

^^^ What a Sore LoserXyr ^^^

I'll refer Xyr to my sig, although Xyr won't grok it.

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