Remembering Muhammad Ali: Greatest Rebel Of All Time

The Great Muhammad Ali was born on January 17th and today we honor his memory, and what he stood for.

Never backing down from a worthy fight and never compromising your principles.

America is better for birthing him, and at a deficit, since having lost him.

May he continue to rest in peace and in power.

He was a draft dodging racist.
The Great Muhammad Ali was born on January 17th and today we honor his memory, and what he stood for.

Never backing down from a worthy fight and never compromising your principles.

America is better for birthing him, and at a deficit, since having lost him.

May he continue to rest in peace and in power.

Clay was no "rebel" at all. His "Muhammad Ali" gimmick was just a way to generate heat, create interest and sell tickets to Honky Fight Fans who would pay good money to see him get his comeuppance.

Like any good fighter, he lived his gimmick and didn't break character at least in public.
I don't have much respect for anyone who refused to serve their country when called to do so. Ali was a draft dodger during the Vietnam War. Many Hollywood stars and sports starts served in the military during World War II. When Elvis Presley's draft number was called in 1958, he put his career on pause and served. But not Ali.

As for Ali's supposed devotion to Islam as his excuse for not serving, his alleged devotion didn't stop him from repeatedly cheating on his wife and fathering two children in adulterous relationships, in violation of one of Islam's most basic moral commandments, not to mention the fact that many Muslims served in the military during the Vietnam War.

When Ali changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammed Ali, he ignorantly denounced his birth name as a "slave name." Actually, his mother named him Cassius Clay after the 19th-century abolitionist Cassius Clay, one of the early leading abolitionists in America, who twice survived murder attempts by pro-slavery radicals.
The Great Muhammad Ali was born on January 17th and today we honor his memory, and what he stood for.

Never backing down from a worthy fight and never compromising your principles.

America is better for birthing him, and at a deficit, since having lost him.

May he continue to rest in peace and in power.

Muhammad Ali is one of my heroes. RIP, champ.
I don't have much respect for anyone who refused to serve their country when called to do so. Ali was a draft dodger during the Vietnam War. Many Hollywood stars and sports starts served in the military during World War II. When Elvis Presley's draft number was called in 1958, he put his career on pause and served. But not Ali.

As for Ali's supposed devotion to Islam as his excuse for not serving, his alleged devotion didn't stop him from repeatedly cheating on his wife and fathering two children in adulterous relationships, in violation of one of Islam's most basic moral commandments, not to mention the fact that many Muslims served in the military during the Vietnam War.

When Ali changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammed Ali, he ignorantly denounced his birth name as a "slave name." Actually, his mother named him Cassius Clay after the 19th-century abolitionist Cassius Clay, one of the early leading abolitionists in America, who twice survived murder attempts by pro-slavery radicals.
Other famous men who didn't go to VeitNam:
1) Rush Limbaugh
2) Bill Clinton
3) George W. Bush
4) Donald Trump
Ali had a honorable reason for not wanting to fight in VietNam. He asked a reporter once, "Why should I go fight to free the people in VietNam when my Grandmother in Mississippi isn't free?" Ali was a smart man.
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He was a racist dupe of a violent cult.

I don't think Ali was a "dupe" at all. Or "racist" either.

Clay's "Muhammad Ali" schtick put butts into seats at his fights. The money someone pays to watch you possibly get your comeuppance spends just as well as the money someone pays to cheer you.
Robert E. Lee might be the greatest rebel of all time. Ali was just a punch drunk boxer.
What made him racist?

That was what the whole "Ali" gimmick was about.

Associate him with Elijah Muhammad and the Black Fucking Panthers, have him trash different white fighters, etc.

Get the average honky fight fan to pay money to see him knocked on his keister and get what's coming to him.

Racist at the core. If promoters didn't think that racist Ali was going to sell enough tickets, they would have had him turn face like they did with Joe Louis.
The Great Muhammad Ali was born on January 17th and today we honor his memory, and what he stood for.

Never backing down from a worthy fight and never compromising your principles.

America is better for birthing him, and at a deficit, since having lost him.

May he continue to rest in peace and in power.

There will never be anyone like him!
There will never be anyone like him!

There have been a lot of performers that have been a lot better than Ali in recent years. Iron Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather are much the better as personalities as well as fighters. Compare Ali vs Inoki in his boxer vs wrestler match, with Mayweather vs Big Show. The latter drew a lot more money and was a lot more entertaining match.
Muhammad Ali is one of my heroes. RIP, champ.
I was fortunate to meet him personally a few times in later years, and actually saw him fight live early in his career in 1966.

I later saw him fight live versus Ken Norton in San Diego, George Foreman in Zaire, Africa in 1974, and then saw him live again in Manila for the 3rd fight against Joe Frazier in 1975.

He was a GREAT champion.
Did he express sentiments of superiority based on race here?
Is this where you play with semantics until you can only call your chosen racists racist? I've seen that show before. A racist is a racist. I've heard that Ali got over his hate later in life, but I can't find a quote or a clip.

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