Remind us again how Iran is not...

And I will again point out I have not said one word about wanting to bomb anything. For some reason you seem stuck on that idea.

I want a viable solution. I have not demanded nor promoted a specific one.

You're being ridiculous. You know damned-good-and-well Iran wants nuclear power to produce nuclear weapons. No one can actually be THAT blind.

"Wanting" nuclear weapons is not the same as actually acquiring them. Making a nuclear weapon, and putting it on a viable delivery platform is a complex and stunningly hard technical accomplishment.

When it comes to launching trillion dollar wars, I'm through with guessing what the intentions and capabilities of adversaries are. I want concrete evidence. Neocons can't be trusted anymore.

We seemed to be able to negotiate resolutions with libya and north korea, with regard to their nuclear capabilities, without firing a shot. What's with the rush to war by Bush fans?
"Wanting" nuclear weapons is not the same as actually acquiring them. Making a nuclear weapon, and putting it on a viable delivery platform is a complex and stunningly hard technical accomplishment.

When it comes to launching trillion dollar wars, I'm through with guessing what the intentions and capabilities of adversaries are. I want concrete evidence. Neocons can't be trusted anymore.

We seemed to be able to negotiate resolutions with libya and north korea, with regard to their nuclear capabilities, without firing a shot. What's with the rush to war by Bush fans?

Acquiring nuclear power and the uranium that goes with it is the first step to satisfy that "wanting."

Libya pussed out, and we're paying blackmail money to N Korea. If that's your idea of "negotiating" no thanks.

I don't see anyone talking about rushing to war but YOU and the MSM.
And I will again point out I have not said one word about wanting to bomb anything. For some reason you seem stuck on that idea.

I want a viable solution. I have not demanded nor promoted a specific one.

You're being ridiculous. You know damned-good-and-well Iran wants nuclear power to produce nuclear weapons. No one can actually be THAT blind.
It is not a case of blindness. It is rather a case of NOT jumping to conclusions which is what you Bushkins seem all to ready to do.
You know damned-good-and-well Iran wants nuclear power to produce nuclear weapons. No one can actually be THAT blind.

Who are you to say what someone knows?

Since Iran has never invaded anyone, or attacked anyone, why should people believe they are pursuing nuclear weapons?

Why don't you just go ahead and admit don't trust them because they're Arab...I mean, you are always quick to throw in the "islamist" label, or the ever-so-fitting "islamofascist"...So why don't you just admit it? You don't like rag-heads, Gunny.

It's pretty easy to don't exactly hide it well, if you're trying to.

Come on...let's hear it: "They said they want to wipe Israel off the map".

That's already been clarified, and the proper context of the statement is something i agree with. Zionism has ruined the image of the state of Israel. And I would personally like to see a "regime change" there MYSELF.
A mushroom cloud argument is no more nor less valid than a "I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist," ostrich argument.

You may want to let radical, militant islamists have nuclear weapons. Not me.

uh, wasnt that the EXACT SAME arguement made by cheney BEFORE we found out that Saddam DID NOT have WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?

good grief, dude. Burst your silly little talking point bubble and look for evidence beyond simply killing them and letting your god sort em out.
uh, wasnt that the EXACT SAME arguement made by cheney BEFORE we found out that Saddam DID NOT have WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?

good grief, dude. Burst your silly little talking point bubble and look for evidence beyond simply killing them and letting your god sort em out.

Excuse me, where exactly, has it been PROVEN, that there were no WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?

Links, and links beyond those, that the loony left like to site would be appreciated.
I can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that UFOs aren't piloted by little green men from Venus.

Therefore, its possible that UFOs are actually spacecraft piloted by little green men from Venus.

Negative proof.

That's it. I really don't have the motivation to deal with republican dreams that There might be WMD; there might still be Saddam-Al Qaeda ties; and at least Bush was better than Gore

Its just embarrassing at this point.
I can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that UFOs aren't piloted by little green men from Venus.

Therefore, its possible that UFOs are actually spacecraft piloted by little green men from Venus.

Negative proof.

That's it. I really don't have the motivation to deal with republican dreams that There might be WMD; there might still be Saddam-Al Qaeda ties; and at least Bush was better than Gore

Its just embarrassing at this point.
Only to you.
working on the bomb. And of course claim that you know this because the Bush Administrartion is liars and frauds, Further remind us how the UN watchdog has made no claim the Iranians are working on a bomb...

RSG, I still haven't seen a full and honest retraction from you, regarding your assertion that UN IAEA supposedly thinks Iran is working on a nuclear bomb.

IAEA Sees No Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program

IAEA Chief Mohammed ElBaradei pretty much blew the recent Bush Administration sanctions right out of the water today when he asserted that the IAEA had no evidence that the Iranians had an active nuclear weaponization program underway, nor did the IAEA have any evidence that the Iranians were producing weapons grade uranium.

Step up and retract!
RSG, I still haven't seen a full and honest retraction from you, regarding your assertion that UN IAEA supposedly thinks Iran is working on a nuclear bomb.

Step up and retract!

I’m having a flashback. Wasn’t there something about yellow Uranium being transferred from Africa to Iraq and a CIA agent’s husband?
Who are you to say what someone knows?

Since Iran has never invaded anyone, or attacked anyone, why should people believe they are pursuing nuclear weapons?

Why don't you just go ahead and admit don't trust them because they're Arab...I mean, you are always quick to throw in the "islamist" label, or the ever-so-fitting "islamofascist"...So why don't you just admit it? You don't like rag-heads, Gunny.

It's pretty easy to don't exactly hide it well, if you're trying to.

Come on...let's hear it: "They said they want to wipe Israel off the map".

That's already been clarified, and the proper context of the statement is something i agree with. Zionism has ruined the image of the state of Israel. And I would personally like to see a "regime change" there MYSELF.

Amazing ... you question who I am to know what someone knows ... then you turn right around and tell me why I don't trust Iranians.

First off, Iranians are Persian, not Arab, so guess you screwed THAT pooch, huh?

If you think calling extremist Islamic fanatics who murder others "islamofascists" is indicting all of Islam or all Arabs, then your reading and comprehension skills are WAY suspect.

My opinion of Iran really doesn't have much to do with Israel.

Strike three .. you're out.

You HAVE done an exemplary job of making a complete fool of yourself though.:clap2:
uh, wasnt that the EXACT SAME arguement made by cheney BEFORE we found out that Saddam DID NOT have WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?

good grief, dude. Burst your silly little talking point bubble and look for evidence beyond simply killing them and letting your god sort em out.

When did we find out Saddam didn't have WMDs? You have accounted for all of the ones he is on record with the UN as having that are STILL unaccounted for?

And AGAIN ad nauseum, I have not suggested killing anyone. Can any of you MFers READ or what?

What is this? If one doesn't believe Iran should be allowed to have nuclear power they automatically have to believe in invading Iran and/or killing Iranians?

It's one side or the other with no room for thinking for yourself, is that it?
I can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that UFOs aren't piloted by little green men from Venus.

Therefore, its possible that UFOs are actually spacecraft piloted by little green men from Venus.

Negative proof.

That's it. I really don't have the motivation to deal with republican dreams that There might be WMD; there might still be Saddam-Al Qaeda ties; and at least Bush was better than Gore

Its just embarrassing at this point.

Fine. Then account for all of the chemical and biological weapons/percursors Saddam is on record with the UN as possessing which are STILL unaccounted for.

After that, explain Gulf War Syndrome since the US goverment has finally narrowed it down to US troops blowing unmarked chemical weapons in the First Gulf War.

Then explain who used chemicals on the Kurds and Iranians.

You have NO argument.
Fine. Then account for all of the chemical and biological weapons/percursors Saddam is on record with the UN as possessing which are STILL unaccounted for.

Please do keep up. They were destroyed in 1991:

"Following a particularly invasive IAEA inspection in late June 1991, Saddam ordered Dr. Mahmud Filal, former deputy of the Chemical Weapons program, to destroy all hidden chemical weapons and biological materials....Available evidence indicates Iraq destroyed its hidden chemical weapons and pre-cursors, but key documentation and duel use equipment were retained and were later discovered by inspectors."

from: IRAQ WMD Report - by Bush's Chief WMD Inspector Charles Duelfer

After that, explain Gulf War Syndrome since the US goverment has finally narrowed it down to US troops blowing unmarked chemical weapons in the First Gulf War.

That was in 1991. What does that have to do with Bush's claims that iraq had WMD and an active WMD program in 2003?

Then explain who used chemicals on the Kurds and Iranians.

You have NO argument.

They used WMD on the iranians with the approval of the reagan adminstration, who helped them with targeting the iranians. Iraq was our ally, and our strategic goal was to make sure iran didn't win, at any cost. So, its patently ridiculous to point to the gassing of the iranians to support your war two decades later.

As for the kurds, that was horrible and tragic. But again, that was the 1980s, and it had nothing to do with american national security, let alone as a justification to invade iraq two decades after the fact.

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