Reminder: the economy does better under democrat presidents

Funny, the best economy was under gop congress while Clinton was president. Inaccuracy is everything
Oh gee what convenient logic to adopt. Never mind that it is still better under democrat presidents on average. You can’t cherry pick shit you like and ignore the rest.
The economy took longer to recover because of how many jobs were initially lost. That recession that started under Bush was the biggest in terms of jobs lost. The actual rate the economy recovered was not slow. It was 100,000s of jobs per month.

Republicans are just awful at critical thinking skills.
No, I will repeat. If you take the history of recovery from US recessions, Obama's was sluggish. That means, his results were slower , his solutions dragged the economy. Try to butter his anus up and peg him, it doesn't wash, Obama's policies caused the recovery to lag behind past statistics. Deal with it.
If you take Obama, and if you take American history on recovering from a recession, Obama's was sluggish. Before you start crying, it's history and fact, the numbers are compared. So theoretically, the economy could have recovered quicker if Obama wasn't there to interfere, and you claim things are rosey under a Democrat president?

Were you dropped at birth?

Obama ran a shit economy, Democrats live in a land of double standards. The Bat signal has gone out for all brainless leftists to blindly advocate the Democrats because they are in trouble, and the leftist Democrats are streaming into Gotham in response
No, I will repeat. If you take the history of recovery from US recessions, Obama's was sluggish. That means, his results were slower , his solutions dragged the economy. Try to butter his anus up and peg him, it doesn't wash, Obama's policies caused the recovery to lag behind past statistics. Deal with it.
lol let me tell you the actual facts, okay? You ready? When the recession was reversing 100,000s of jobs were being added per month. Some months went as high as 500,000. That is not sluggish. That is far from sluggish. You can’t call that sluggish as much as you desperately want to.
Oh gee what convenient logic to adopt. Never mind that it is still better under democrat presidents on average. You can’t cherry pick shit you like and ignore the rest.
Hahaha, the fact you can’t comprehend my previous post tells us you have no clue
Oh gee what convenient logic to adopt. Never mind that it is still better under democrat presidents on average. You can’t cherry pick shit you like and ignore the rest.
Cherry pick what? The best economy under gop leadership
Cherry pick what? The best economy under gop leadership
Sorry but your point is hopelessly stupid. It’s not like you are capable of even explaining why the Congress under Clinton even contributed. There is an actual correlation over time that the economy does better under democrat presidents. Hell Trump presided over the worst record of jobs. We lost 3 million under his useless regime. He also blew up the deficit by 4 trillion in 4 years. We had two recessions under Bush. Hell under full democratic leadership in Obama’s first year, the recession he inherited reversed in 6 months. Obama also presided over the longest stretch of job growth in history.

Face it: you are in the party of losers and you’re childish cherry picking doesn’t actually convince the adults in the room. :dunno:
Oh gee what convenient logic to adopt. Never mind that it is still better under democrat presidents on average. You can’t cherry pick shit you like and ignore the rest.
So you think there should only be one far Left party in charge?
Sorry but your point is hopelessly stupid. It’s not like you are capable of even explaining why the Congress under Clinton even contributed. There is an actual correlation over time that the economy does better under democrat presidents. Hell Trump presided over the worst record of jobs. We lost 3 million under his useless regime. He also blew up the deficit by 4 trillion in 4 years. We had two recessions under Bush. Hell under full democratic leadership in Obama’s first year, the recession he inherited reversed in 6 months. Obama also presided over the longest stretch of job growth in history.

Face it: you are in the party of losers and you’re childish cherry picking doesn’t actually convince the adults in the room. :dunno:

He also blew up the deficit by 4 trillion in 4 years.

Thank goodness we have Biden's awesome economy!
Why did he add more than $2 trillion to the debt this year if his economy was so great?

Hell under full democratic leadership in Obama’s first year, the recession he inherited reversed in 6 months.

You mean it ended before his actions could have any impact on the economy.
Hell, his economy was so good, the Dems lost 63 House seats (holy shit!) in 2010.
He also blew up the deficit by 4 trillion in 4 years.

Thank goodness we have Biden's awesome economy!
Why did he add more than $2 trillion to the debt this year if his economy was so great?

Hell under full democratic leadership in Obama’s first year, the recession he inherited reversed in 6 months.

You mean it ended before his actions could have any impact on the economy.
Hell, his economy was so good, the Dems lost 63 House seats (holy shit!) in 2010.
Uh no actually. Economists widely credit his stimulus package as being the main driver of the recession reversing. The timing is very consistent with this assertion and the mechanism that made this happen makes perfect sense.
Sorry but your point is hopelessly stupid. It’s not like you are capable of even explaining why the Congress under Clinton even contributed. There is an actual correlation over time that the economy does better under democrat presidents. Hell Trump presided over the worst record of jobs. We lost 3 million under his useless regime. He also blew up the deficit by 4 trillion in 4 years. We had two recessions under Bush. Hell under full democratic leadership in Obama’s first year, the recession he inherited reversed in 6 months. Obama also presided over the longest stretch of job growth in history.

Face it: you are in the party of losers and you’re childish cherry picking doesn’t actually convince the adults in the room. :dunno:
Like I already said. Facts are difficult for you
Uh no actually. Economists widely credit his stimulus package as being the main driver of the recession reversing. The timing is very consistent with this assertion and the mechanism that made this happen makes perfect sense.

Economists widely credit his stimulus package as being the main driver of the recession reversing.

Idiots credit it. The recession ended in June 2009.
How much of that slush fund...err...stimulus spending happened by then?
Economists widely credit his stimulus package as being the main driver of the recession reversing.

Idiots credit it. The recession ended in June 2009.
How much of that slush fund...err...stimulus spending happened by then?
Oh right like I’m supposed to trust your useless, armchair critic “analysis” over actual economists lol

That stimulus was passed in February of that year. This was definitely enough time for it to have an effect by June.

You can knee jerk argue with anything I say if you want but you really just come across laughable lol
Oh right like I’m supposed to trust your useless, armchair critic “analysis” over actual economists lol

That stimulus was passed in February of that year. This was definitely enough time for it to have an effect by June.

You can knee jerk argue with anything I say if you want but you really just come across laughable lol

Ask an "actual economist" how much stimulus spending happened before June 2009.

That stimulus was passed in February of that year.

So what? Spending doesn't happen instantly.
Ask an "actual economist" how much stimulus spending happened before June 2009.

That stimulus was passed in February of that year.

So what? Spending doesn't happen instantly.
Uh actually it did. Part of the stimulus involved both extending and increasing the unemployment benefits.
SNAP and social security payments also increased. Those provisions were enacted immediately.
Uh actually it did. Part of the stimulus involved both extending and increasing the unemployment benefits.
SNAP and social security payments also increased. Those provisions were enacted immediately.

That is so awesome!
How much was that extra spending before June?
That is so awesome!
How much was that extra spending before June?
Why would I need to calculate that? It’s plenty of information to tell you that consumer spending had a significant boost in that span in time. That’s all that matters lol

See once again you and I are in this dynamic where I am the only one presenting specific facts. Your idea of debating is only asking questions you hope i can’t answer. Questions you come up with on the spot. I get that you think that makes you a witty and good debater but it really doesn’t.
You offer nothing of intellectual substance lol
Why would I need to calculate that? It’s plenty of information to tell you that consumer spending had a significant boost in that span in time. That’s all that matters lol

See once again you and I are in this dynamic where I am the only one presenting specific facts. Your idea of debating is only asking questions you hope i can’t answer. Questions you come up with on the spot. I get that you think that makes you a witty and good debater but it really doesn’t.
You offer nothing of intellectual substance lol

Why would I need to calculate that?

Well, if you want to claim the recession ended because Obama spent billions in stimulus,
knowing the number of billions would be useful evidence.

See once again you and I are in this dynamic where I am the only one presenting specific facts.

You presented a claim, "Economists widely credit his stimulus package as being the main driver of the recession reversing."

You didn't present any facts.
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