Trump Removal of Confederate Monuments changes History?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Where does Trump get this garbage he continues to spew? It comes straight from his soul of course. What kind of nut case remark is it to say that removing those traitorous monuments that glorify traitors who took up arms against the United States of America is "changing history?" You can't change history. It is what it is. Making that kind of statement screams that you are ignorant, a description that fits Trump so well. It's like he never cracked a history book in his life. Bigly!
If it doesn't change history, then why this Taliban-like zeal to destroy them all?

Damn, but you leftist fascists are now as bad as the right wing fascists you decry.
If it doesn't change history, then why this Taliban-like zeal to destroy them all?

Damn, but you leftist fascists are now as bad as the right wing fascists you decry.
Real proud of that degree from Trump U. are you? Bet you've got it hanging over the mantle for all to see.
Where does Trump get this garbage he continues to spew? It comes straight from his soul of course. What kind of nut case remark is it to say that removing those traitorous monuments that glorify traitors who took up arms against the United States of America is "changing history?" You can't change history. It is what it is. Making that kind of statement screams that you are ignorant, a description that fits Trump so well. It's like he never cracked a history book in his life. Bigly!
Bannon is "teaching" him "history".
Once there is no more memory, then anything can be rewritten as to history.

Unraveling Egyptian history has always been a puzzle because the Pharoahs practiced obliterating all references to the prior Pharoah.
Where does Trump get this garbage he continues to spew? It comes straight from his soul of course. What kind of nut case remark is it to say that removing those traitorous monuments that glorify traitors who took up arms against the United States of America is "changing history?" You can't change history. It is what it is. Making that kind of statement screams that you are ignorant, a description that fits Trump so well. It's like he never cracked a history book in his life. Bigly!
It's called a Red Herring!

Where does Trump get this garbage he continues to spew? It comes straight from his soul of course. What kind of nut case remark is it to say that removing those traitorous monuments that glorify traitors who took up arms against the United States of America is "changing history?" You can't change history. It is what it is. Making that kind of statement screams that you are ignorant, a description that fits Trump so well. It's like he never cracked a history book in his life. Bigly!

For we have shown that we can choose a better history. ~ Muslim Obama

Remember the "Muslims played a big roll in the founding of America" garbage?
If you don't teach children who Lincoln, Jefferson, Lee was, then for all intent and purpose, for them those people never existed. History has been changed.
The UN reps in our government want no history, no patriotism, no love of country. The UN wants no nostalgia getting in their way of divvying up our land and resources. They have taught enough of our children to hate their country and their heritage so that they will hand the United States over to the UN willingly, to make it all better when their time comes.
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Trump thinks Frederick Douglas is still alive "and doing great work". He and his cohort of ignorants that follow him don't know history. They know myth and they are terrified that their myths are going to topple. The history is not found in any statue. How does anyone know the history of Nazi Germany? According to Trump and his minions they read it off of statues.

The history of the founding of the United States, or of Jesus, the Magna Carta, the Renaissance, Isaac Newton, or the industrial revolution or evolution.

Conservatives are in full drowning man flail mode where they are grasping for ANYTHING they can turn into a Red Herring or False Equivalency to defend their racism and the symbols of their racism.

History will be fine if every statue were removed. The real danger to factual history is the conservative attack on colleges the last 15 years.

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