Renewable Energy Will Be Consistently Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels By 2020

And Here We Are
Still Talking Efficiency On The Level Of Single Homes And Businesses
Not Powering An Entire Industrial Society Of 320 Million
Let Alone China
No Matter How Many Wind/Solar Farms Anyone Builds

Funny you should mention this. Any new construction of Commercial sites for the last 2 years have always included Solar arrays. Around here, we have sunshine almost year round. Even in the Winter time. This is why you will see Snow Skiers in burmuda shorts in Feb. The bulk of the snow and cloud cover happens at night so the day is usually clear skies or near clear skies. Leaving out Solar Arrays from new Commercial Construction is just plain stupid. Since you have to pay for a roof anyway, put solar arrays instead of roof tiles. It doesn't cost that much more even when you include the wiring and controls. You start getting your money back the day you throw the switch even if all you use them for is to power your Offices and outdoor lights.

But I have shown that Solar isn't the only thing that can be used. And Fusion will be here in the next 7 to 10 years which pretty well takes over for all other forms of electric generation except for Hydro, Solar and Wind. NG, Coal and Oil become forgotten.

Your original entry into this conversation was could we use Electric Power for Aircraft. The answer to that was, YES. They are already doing it. And by 2025, commuter flights will be electric power for seating of 10 to 50 people that are now using Jet Fuel. And that is a very safe prediction.

We are in a very exiting time right now. Energy Technology is making a huge leap. It's been a long time coming but like all other science evolutions, it happens in spurts. Welcome to the latest spurt.

how heavy are the batteries in you electric airplane? How much wing span is needed to carry that extra weight? You are also talking about large heavy electric motors to generate enough power to turn props at the needed RPMs. Then when it lands those huge batteries need recharging, where will that electricity come from?

New technology is great and we should pursue all alternative power sources, but we also need to be practical and not get deluded into thinking we can get off of fossil fuels in the near future.

The electric motor is actually smaller and lighter than the Avgas motor. And the batteries like the Lipo4 batteries are lighter than the Avgas tanks full. While the HP of the Avgas at sea level will be higher, as the altitude goes up, the HP of the Electric will exceed the HP of the Avgas engine. The only real advantage the Avgas rig has is range,not power.

Believe it or not, we reached the pinacle of development of the gas and diesel engine in the 1940s. They are doing nothing today that wasn't already done during WWII during the war effort. In Recip Engines (Inlines) turbochargers were already perfected, so were superchargers. They could get outstanding performance on 87 octane. All they are doing is just tweaking the WWII designs that were near perfect already.

Meanwhile, the Electric was forgotten for nearly 100 years. Just plain ignored. At one time, (1903) at the World Auto Show in Chicago, the number one shown engine was the diesel while the number two was the electric with the steam running a distance 3rd. There was only one gas powered engine represented. In just a few short years, the Gas was the dominate one with the Diesel running a distant second and the electric and the steam were no longer represented. While I realize that the steam had no future as a car or truck engine, the electric did have but was completely ignored for the next 100 years. Meanwhile, the gas and diesel had that time to develop. Out of Necessity, the Electric is now getting the attention it should have received over 100 years ago. And it's starting to compete directly with gas. In about 15 years, it's gone from experimental to actually competing on a limited level. Not bad, really. Give it another 5 years and it's going to be able to go head ot head. Remember, the Gas engine really can't develop any further than it already has since it's peaked. The Electric has not peaked by far.
Don’t fix what Ain’t broke...

It's already broken. It was broken the day the first belch came out of the first smoke stack and the first puff came out of the first tail pipe.
Quit trying to control things that you can’t
And Here We Are
Still Talking Efficiency On The Level Of Single Homes And Businesses
Not Powering An Entire Industrial Society Of 320 Million
Let Alone China
No Matter How Many Wind/Solar Farms Anyone Builds

Funny you should mention this. Any new construction of Commercial sites for the last 2 years have always included Solar arrays. Around here, we have sunshine almost year round. Even in the Winter time. This is why you will see Snow Skiers in burmuda shorts in Feb. The bulk of the snow and cloud cover happens at night so the day is usually clear skies or near clear skies. Leaving out Solar Arrays from new Commercial Construction is just plain stupid. Since you have to pay for a roof anyway, put solar arrays instead of roof tiles. It doesn't cost that much more even when you include the wiring and controls. You start getting your money back the day you throw the switch even if all you use them for is to power your Offices and outdoor lights.

But I have shown that Solar isn't the only thing that can be used. And Fusion will be here in the next 7 to 10 years which pretty well takes over for all other forms of electric generation except for Hydro, Solar and Wind. NG, Coal and Oil become forgotten.

Your original entry into this conversation was could we use Electric Power for Aircraft. The answer to that was, YES. They are already doing it. And by 2025, commuter flights will be electric power for seating of 10 to 50 people that are now using Jet Fuel. And that is a very safe prediction.

We are in a very exiting time right now. Energy Technology is making a huge leap. It's been a long time coming but like all other science evolutions, it happens in spurts. Welcome to the latest spurt.
Obviously you’re not speaking for all of America, many places in America solar is not feasible and won’t be for decades

Funny you should bring that up. They use Solar in the Arctic and the Antarctic even during the winter months when you might have only an hour or so of actual direct sunlight. They are experimenting to get ready for using it on Mars which will have about the same conditions as the Arctic for solar during the Arctic summer months. Something is better than nothing.
I’m for an all of the above, fossil fuels along with renewals is the way to go.
Cold turkey will not work

We have had 100 years to screw it up. We have had 50 years to work on the solution. It's not even close to becoming cold turkey. We have been making one step at a time since 2000. That's 18 years. We started out with just oil and coal and have been making strides for the last 50 years to include all other forms including NG, Propane, Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Electric. Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff. We have come a very long way in the last 50 years but it can be done even better.

I think the real problem is, when do we make it a National Requirement like many think it should be instead of the National Crux getting in the way. Petro and coal got started by a National Push. Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done. Otherwise, nothing changes and we lose ground. We can no longer afford to lose ground. We are going to lose ground anyway. But just how much ground we lose can be changed.

Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff.

When we get something new that's just as reliable as well as cheaper.
The nice thing about reliable and cheaper is it doesn't require government mandates.

Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done.

Make solar and wind profits, tax free.
But eliminate the mandates and the cash gifts to buyers of wind and solar.
Funny you should mention this. Any new construction of Commercial sites for the last 2 years have always included Solar arrays. Around here, we have sunshine almost year round. Even in the Winter time. This is why you will see Snow Skiers in burmuda shorts in Feb. The bulk of the snow and cloud cover happens at night so the day is usually clear skies or near clear skies. Leaving out Solar Arrays from new Commercial Construction is just plain stupid. Since you have to pay for a roof anyway, put solar arrays instead of roof tiles. It doesn't cost that much more even when you include the wiring and controls. You start getting your money back the day you throw the switch even if all you use them for is to power your Offices and outdoor lights.

But I have shown that Solar isn't the only thing that can be used. And Fusion will be here in the next 7 to 10 years which pretty well takes over for all other forms of electric generation except for Hydro, Solar and Wind. NG, Coal and Oil become forgotten.

Your original entry into this conversation was could we use Electric Power for Aircraft. The answer to that was, YES. They are already doing it. And by 2025, commuter flights will be electric power for seating of 10 to 50 people that are now using Jet Fuel. And that is a very safe prediction.

We are in a very exiting time right now. Energy Technology is making a huge leap. It's been a long time coming but like all other science evolutions, it happens in spurts. Welcome to the latest spurt.
Obviously you’re not speaking for all of America, many places in America solar is not feasible and won’t be for decades

Funny you should bring that up. They use Solar in the Arctic and the Antarctic even during the winter months when you might have only an hour or so of actual direct sunlight. They are experimenting to get ready for using it on Mars which will have about the same conditions as the Arctic for solar during the Arctic summer months. Something is better than nothing.
I’m for an all of the above, fossil fuels along with renewals is the way to go.
Cold turkey will not work

We have had 100 years to screw it up. We have had 50 years to work on the solution. It's not even close to becoming cold turkey. We have been making one step at a time since 2000. That's 18 years. We started out with just oil and coal and have been making strides for the last 50 years to include all other forms including NG, Propane, Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Electric. Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff. We have come a very long way in the last 50 years but it can be done even better.

I think the real problem is, when do we make it a National Requirement like many think it should be instead of the National Crux getting in the way. Petro and coal got started by a National Push. Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done. Otherwise, nothing changes and we lose ground. We can no longer afford to lose ground. We are going to lose ground anyway. But just how much ground we lose can be changed.
There nothing wrong with sticking to what works, fossil fuel technologies are being perfected. Solar is a lot further along than wind, wind had continuous set backs.

Does it really work? Or was it the only thing we had? It was the only thing we had. Things are rapidly changing.
Obviously you’re not speaking for all of America, many places in America solar is not feasible and won’t be for decades

Funny you should bring that up. They use Solar in the Arctic and the Antarctic even during the winter months when you might have only an hour or so of actual direct sunlight. They are experimenting to get ready for using it on Mars which will have about the same conditions as the Arctic for solar during the Arctic summer months. Something is better than nothing.
I’m for an all of the above, fossil fuels along with renewals is the way to go.
Cold turkey will not work

We have had 100 years to screw it up. We have had 50 years to work on the solution. It's not even close to becoming cold turkey. We have been making one step at a time since 2000. That's 18 years. We started out with just oil and coal and have been making strides for the last 50 years to include all other forms including NG, Propane, Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Electric. Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff. We have come a very long way in the last 50 years but it can be done even better.

I think the real problem is, when do we make it a National Requirement like many think it should be instead of the National Crux getting in the way. Petro and coal got started by a National Push. Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done. Otherwise, nothing changes and we lose ground. We can no longer afford to lose ground. We are going to lose ground anyway. But just how much ground we lose can be changed.
There nothing wrong with sticking to what works, fossil fuel technologies are being perfected. Solar is a lot further along than wind, wind had continuous set backs.

Does it really work? Or was it the only thing we had? It was the only thing we had. Things are rapidly changing.

Does it really work?

Our $20 trillion, high tech economy says yes.

Or was it the only thing we had?

We had wood and whale oil before fossil fuels. Water wheels and horses.
In India they still burn cow dung.
Hard to run a modern economy with just those.
Funny you should mention this. Any new construction of Commercial sites for the last 2 years have always included Solar arrays. Around here, we have sunshine almost year round. Even in the Winter time. This is why you will see Snow Skiers in burmuda shorts in Feb. The bulk of the snow and cloud cover happens at night so the day is usually clear skies or near clear skies. Leaving out Solar Arrays from new Commercial Construction is just plain stupid. Since you have to pay for a roof anyway, put solar arrays instead of roof tiles. It doesn't cost that much more even when you include the wiring and controls. You start getting your money back the day you throw the switch even if all you use them for is to power your Offices and outdoor lights.

But I have shown that Solar isn't the only thing that can be used. And Fusion will be here in the next 7 to 10 years which pretty well takes over for all other forms of electric generation except for Hydro, Solar and Wind. NG, Coal and Oil become forgotten.

Your original entry into this conversation was could we use Electric Power for Aircraft. The answer to that was, YES. They are already doing it. And by 2025, commuter flights will be electric power for seating of 10 to 50 people that are now using Jet Fuel. And that is a very safe prediction.

We are in a very exiting time right now. Energy Technology is making a huge leap. It's been a long time coming but like all other science evolutions, it happens in spurts. Welcome to the latest spurt.
Obviously you’re not speaking for all of America, many places in America solar is not feasible and won’t be for decades

Funny you should bring that up. They use Solar in the Arctic and the Antarctic even during the winter months when you might have only an hour or so of actual direct sunlight. They are experimenting to get ready for using it on Mars which will have about the same conditions as the Arctic for solar during the Arctic summer months. Something is better than nothing.
I’m for an all of the above, fossil fuels along with renewals is the way to go.
Cold turkey will not work

We have had 100 years to screw it up. We have had 50 years to work on the solution. It's not even close to becoming cold turkey. We have been making one step at a time since 2000. That's 18 years. We started out with just oil and coal and have been making strides for the last 50 years to include all other forms including NG, Propane, Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Electric. Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff. We have come a very long way in the last 50 years but it can be done even better.

I think the real problem is, when do we make it a National Requirement like many think it should be instead of the National Crux getting in the way. Petro and coal got started by a National Push. Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done. Otherwise, nothing changes and we lose ground. We can no longer afford to lose ground. We are going to lose ground anyway. But just how much ground we lose can be changed.

Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff.

When we get something new that's just as reliable as well as cheaper.
The nice thing about reliable and cheaper is it doesn't require government mandates.

Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done.

Make solar and wind profits, tax free.
But eliminate the mandates and the cash gifts to buyers of wind and solar.

The Gas Powered Cars got a huge hit in the arm by government in the form of roads to drive them on. The Government started linking Cities. Until that, the only ones that went from city to city on motor vehicles were a bunch of hearty adventurers. There were no real roads. Just wagon tracks. Until about 1908, 1/3 or all cars in NYC were electrics. Distance, speed, etc. were not an issue. Even with the archaic batteries and motors of the time, Electrics were still very popular with Taxis. What really killed the Electric Car was the Model T. And the Model T brought the Roads and everything else. The Electric Car no longer was researched. For instance, Edison was working on a rechargeable alkaline battery but abandoned it in 1908. The research came to a screeching halt for the next 90 years. The next battery that was research successfully wasn't until the 80s which was the the NICAD which is out of favor these days. This batter brought us the rechargeable batteries for early phones and more. In the late 70s, the Rare Earth Magnet Motor was invented by a Denver Company in Denver. The US Army put a clamp on that as they thought it could be used on a new Tank design with no hydraulics. They tied it up for the next 10 years. When it was finally released, that motor opened up all sorts of things like DVDs, Cell Phones, and many more when tied in with the new batteries.

Oh, I agree. Making things like this, for the start allowing things to catch up, Tax Free or Tax Breaks for the Manufacturers is a good idea and cash gifts are never a good idea. We need to allow the electric tech and others the chance to catch up.

One of the ways to do that is used in the Fusion. The Military is paying for that. So I guess you can't get any better subsidy than that. That goes to NASA and the Military first. But like almost all things of that nature, the Civilian market ends up with it sooner or later and benefits from it.
Funny you should bring that up. They use Solar in the Arctic and the Antarctic even during the winter months when you might have only an hour or so of actual direct sunlight. They are experimenting to get ready for using it on Mars which will have about the same conditions as the Arctic for solar during the Arctic summer months. Something is better than nothing.
I’m for an all of the above, fossil fuels along with renewals is the way to go.
Cold turkey will not work

We have had 100 years to screw it up. We have had 50 years to work on the solution. It's not even close to becoming cold turkey. We have been making one step at a time since 2000. That's 18 years. We started out with just oil and coal and have been making strides for the last 50 years to include all other forms including NG, Propane, Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Electric. Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff. We have come a very long way in the last 50 years but it can be done even better.

I think the real problem is, when do we make it a National Requirement like many think it should be instead of the National Crux getting in the way. Petro and coal got started by a National Push. Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done. Otherwise, nothing changes and we lose ground. We can no longer afford to lose ground. We are going to lose ground anyway. But just how much ground we lose can be changed.
There nothing wrong with sticking to what works, fossil fuel technologies are being perfected. Solar is a lot further along than wind, wind had continuous set backs.

Does it really work? Or was it the only thing we had? It was the only thing we had. Things are rapidly changing.

Does it really work?

Our $20 trillion, high tech economy says yes.

Or was it the only thing we had?

We had wood and whale oil before fossil fuels. Water wheels and horses.
In India they still burn cow dung.
Hard to run a modern economy with just those.

It's the only thing we had. YOu can try and throw BS into the ballgame all you want. But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace. Petro Products propelled us forward.
I’m for an all of the above, fossil fuels along with renewals is the way to go.
Cold turkey will not work

We have had 100 years to screw it up. We have had 50 years to work on the solution. It's not even close to becoming cold turkey. We have been making one step at a time since 2000. That's 18 years. We started out with just oil and coal and have been making strides for the last 50 years to include all other forms including NG, Propane, Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Electric. Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff. We have come a very long way in the last 50 years but it can be done even better.

I think the real problem is, when do we make it a National Requirement like many think it should be instead of the National Crux getting in the way. Petro and coal got started by a National Push. Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done. Otherwise, nothing changes and we lose ground. We can no longer afford to lose ground. We are going to lose ground anyway. But just how much ground we lose can be changed.
There nothing wrong with sticking to what works, fossil fuel technologies are being perfected. Solar is a lot further along than wind, wind had continuous set backs.

Does it really work? Or was it the only thing we had? It was the only thing we had. Things are rapidly changing.

Does it really work?

Our $20 trillion, high tech economy says yes.

Or was it the only thing we had?

We had wood and whale oil before fossil fuels. Water wheels and horses.
In India they still burn cow dung.
Hard to run a modern economy with just those.

It's the only thing we had. YOu can try and throw BS into the ballgame all you want. But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace. Petro Products propelled us forward.

But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace.

Huh? We built cars, didn't stop using horses. Built planes, didn't stop using cars.
If you want electric cars without powering them with fossil fuel generators, push for more nuclear.
Pushing for solar and wind, both small scale and unreliable, over large scale and dependable nuclear is stupid.
We have had 100 years to screw it up. We have had 50 years to work on the solution. It's not even close to becoming cold turkey. We have been making one step at a time since 2000. That's 18 years. We started out with just oil and coal and have been making strides for the last 50 years to include all other forms including NG, Propane, Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Electric. Just when do we start shutting down the tap on the original two that seem to be the largest contributor to the worst of the contributing to the bad stuff. We have come a very long way in the last 50 years but it can be done even better.

I think the real problem is, when do we make it a National Requirement like many think it should be instead of the National Crux getting in the way. Petro and coal got started by a National Push. Solar got a lot of help but there seems a push to stop pushing that. Then wind is in the cross hairs. We need the national push to get things done. Otherwise, nothing changes and we lose ground. We can no longer afford to lose ground. We are going to lose ground anyway. But just how much ground we lose can be changed.
There nothing wrong with sticking to what works, fossil fuel technologies are being perfected. Solar is a lot further along than wind, wind had continuous set backs.

Does it really work? Or was it the only thing we had? It was the only thing we had. Things are rapidly changing.

Does it really work?

Our $20 trillion, high tech economy says yes.

Or was it the only thing we had?

We had wood and whale oil before fossil fuels. Water wheels and horses.
In India they still burn cow dung.
Hard to run a modern economy with just those.

It's the only thing we had. YOu can try and throw BS into the ballgame all you want. But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace. Petro Products propelled us forward.

But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace.

Huh? We built cars, didn't stop using horses. Built planes, didn't stop using cars.
If you want electric cars without powering them with fossil fuel generators, push for more nuclear.
Pushing for solar and wind, both small scale and unreliable, over large scale and dependable nuclear is stupid.

Who said they are unreliable. As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range. Yes, it's range will be in an excess of 100 miles like other Electric Motorcycles already being made. It's performance will be mind blowing. It begins production in January. And as batteries become available, it's range should triple as the new solid state batteries are made available. Charging time on normal house current, 4 hours. Charging time on 220, about 1 hour. With the solid state batteries, it's range should be around 400 miles. And I don't suggest anyone ride a Motor Cycle for more than that on any given day whether it's gas or any other power. Even so, most sport rides are less than 100 miles anyway so no big thing. And since the same size of bike gets right around 35mpg, the new Electric HD will be getting the equiv of about 400 mpg. The Cost? About the same as any other full tilt HD. And this is their first try. Does that mean the old HD Hog will go out of style? Not hardly. But it will attract a younger generation that is being lost to HD.

No, we didn't stop using horses. But horses have long since become more of a curiosity than a necessity. The Toys of the Rich. When I grew up, we used horses. But that style of ranching is long dead and gone since it's found that stockyards can produce meat much cheaper and quicker. You will still find horses on ranches in Florida and Texas but the real work horses there are Helicopters and motorbikes. You don't have to feed a Motorbike when you aren't using it. And even a horse breaks down sometimes. Mechanical things have all but replaced the horses.

It took it a long time to replace the horse. It didn't take very long to replace the horse and buggy though. WWI, everyone went in with Cavalry and horse drawn supply routes. The Winners were the rist ones to mechanize. All the way to the end, Germany and Russia were still using horse drawn supply routes while the Brits, French and Americans had transferred to Mechanized methods. The outcome was, shortly after that, the horse drawn milk carts started to disappear. Are you aware that before cars were introduced into NYC, they actually had a worse pollution problem from horses than they do with cars today? While the Cars give off Carbon Monoxide and more, the Horses give off Methane and leave a lot of really sticky smelly crap that has to be scooped up on a daily basis. As bad as Cars are, they were a huge step in the right direction over horses in an Urban area.

What is going to happen when the Electro Magnetic boards grow into major transportation. Yes, Shirley, the electro Magnetic Hover Board exists. What happens when they scale it up? Use your imagination here. No road friction. Roads are not some kind of ferrous metal strips and it takes very little power to propel the vehicle forward. And what happens to Airlines when you do the same thing inside of an enclosed tube. Both would use induction motors to for forward propulsion and be battery powered. What happens to your gas guzzler and noxious jet fuel spewer all of a sudden then? You get in a transport in Denver, accelerate to 600 mph smoothly, stop at KC, St Louis, Chicago, and parts in between, and get out in Baltimore MD in a matter of hours. Read a book, Walk around, watch a movie, play a video game, eat a meal and you never even feel vibration on the journey. And no noise at all. 10 years ago, these were dreams of SCIFI. But today, it's goals they are working towards. All from what is not thought to be a toy. BTW, that toy was the brain child of an Architect who was trying to find a way to disconnect buildings from the ground during an earthquake. And you can thank Marty McFly a bit I would imagine.

All things come to an end. All things have their own time. And when that time passes, all things must give way to their replacements.
There nothing wrong with sticking to what works, fossil fuel technologies are being perfected. Solar is a lot further along than wind, wind had continuous set backs.

Does it really work? Or was it the only thing we had? It was the only thing we had. Things are rapidly changing.

Does it really work?

Our $20 trillion, high tech economy says yes.

Or was it the only thing we had?

We had wood and whale oil before fossil fuels. Water wheels and horses.
In India they still burn cow dung.
Hard to run a modern economy with just those.

It's the only thing we had. YOu can try and throw BS into the ballgame all you want. But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace. Petro Products propelled us forward.

But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace.

Huh? We built cars, didn't stop using horses. Built planes, didn't stop using cars.
If you want electric cars without powering them with fossil fuel generators, push for more nuclear.
Pushing for solar and wind, both small scale and unreliable, over large scale and dependable nuclear is stupid.

Who said they are unreliable. As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range. Yes, it's range will be in an excess of 100 miles like other Electric Motorcycles already being made. It's performance will be mind blowing. It begins production in January. And as batteries become available, it's range should triple as the new solid state batteries are made available. Charging time on normal house current, 4 hours. Charging time on 220, about 1 hour. With the solid state batteries, it's range should be around 400 miles. And I don't suggest anyone ride a Motor Cycle for more than that on any given day whether it's gas or any other power. Even so, most sport rides are less than 100 miles anyway so no big thing. And since the same size of bike gets right around 35mpg, the new Electric HD will be getting the equiv of about 400 mpg. The Cost? About the same as any other full tilt HD. And this is their first try. Does that mean the old HD Hog will go out of style? Not hardly. But it will attract a younger generation that is being lost to HD.

No, we didn't stop using horses. But horses have long since become more of a curiosity than a necessity. The Toys of the Rich. When I grew up, we used horses. But that style of ranching is long dead and gone since it's found that stockyards can produce meat much cheaper and quicker. You will still find horses on ranches in Florida and Texas but the real work horses there are Helicopters and motorbikes. You don't have to feed a Motorbike when you aren't using it. And even a horse breaks down sometimes. Mechanical things have all but replaced the horses.

It took it a long time to replace the horse. It didn't take very long to replace the horse and buggy though. WWI, everyone went in with Cavalry and horse drawn supply routes. The Winners were the rist ones to mechanize. All the way to the end, Germany and Russia were still using horse drawn supply routes while the Brits, French and Americans had transferred to Mechanized methods. The outcome was, shortly after that, the horse drawn milk carts started to disappear. Are you aware that before cars were introduced into NYC, they actually had a worse pollution problem from horses than they do with cars today? While the Cars give off Carbon Monoxide and more, the Horses give off Methane and leave a lot of really sticky smelly crap that has to be scooped up on a daily basis. As bad as Cars are, they were a huge step in the right direction over horses in an Urban area.

What is going to happen when the Electro Magnetic boards grow into major transportation. Yes, Shirley, the electro Magnetic Hover Board exists. What happens when they scale it up? Use your imagination here. No road friction. Roads are not some kind of ferrous metal strips and it takes very little power to propel the vehicle forward. And what happens to Airlines when you do the same thing inside of an enclosed tube. Both would use induction motors to for forward propulsion and be battery powered. What happens to your gas guzzler and noxious jet fuel spewer all of a sudden then? You get in a transport in Denver, accelerate to 600 mph smoothly, stop at KC, St Louis, Chicago, and parts in between, and get out in Baltimore MD in a matter of hours. Read a book, Walk around, watch a movie, play a video game, eat a meal and you never even feel vibration on the journey. And no noise at all. 10 years ago, these were dreams of SCIFI. But today, it's goals they are working towards. All from what is not thought to be a toy. BTW, that toy was the brain child of an Architect who was trying to find a way to disconnect buildings from the ground during an earthquake. And you can thank Marty McFly a bit I would imagine.

All things come to an end. All things have their own time. And when that time passes, all things must give way to their replacements.

Who said they are unreliable.


As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range.

So what? We're discussing power generation.
Does it really work? Or was it the only thing we had? It was the only thing we had. Things are rapidly changing.

Does it really work?

Our $20 trillion, high tech economy says yes.

Or was it the only thing we had?

We had wood and whale oil before fossil fuels. Water wheels and horses.
In India they still burn cow dung.
Hard to run a modern economy with just those.

It's the only thing we had. YOu can try and throw BS into the ballgame all you want. But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace. Petro Products propelled us forward.

But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace.

Huh? We built cars, didn't stop using horses. Built planes, didn't stop using cars.
If you want electric cars without powering them with fossil fuel generators, push for more nuclear.
Pushing for solar and wind, both small scale and unreliable, over large scale and dependable nuclear is stupid.

Who said they are unreliable. As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range. Yes, it's range will be in an excess of 100 miles like other Electric Motorcycles already being made. It's performance will be mind blowing. It begins production in January. And as batteries become available, it's range should triple as the new solid state batteries are made available. Charging time on normal house current, 4 hours. Charging time on 220, about 1 hour. With the solid state batteries, it's range should be around 400 miles. And I don't suggest anyone ride a Motor Cycle for more than that on any given day whether it's gas or any other power. Even so, most sport rides are less than 100 miles anyway so no big thing. And since the same size of bike gets right around 35mpg, the new Electric HD will be getting the equiv of about 400 mpg. The Cost? About the same as any other full tilt HD. And this is their first try. Does that mean the old HD Hog will go out of style? Not hardly. But it will attract a younger generation that is being lost to HD.

No, we didn't stop using horses. But horses have long since become more of a curiosity than a necessity. The Toys of the Rich. When I grew up, we used horses. But that style of ranching is long dead and gone since it's found that stockyards can produce meat much cheaper and quicker. You will still find horses on ranches in Florida and Texas but the real work horses there are Helicopters and motorbikes. You don't have to feed a Motorbike when you aren't using it. And even a horse breaks down sometimes. Mechanical things have all but replaced the horses.

It took it a long time to replace the horse. It didn't take very long to replace the horse and buggy though. WWI, everyone went in with Cavalry and horse drawn supply routes. The Winners were the rist ones to mechanize. All the way to the end, Germany and Russia were still using horse drawn supply routes while the Brits, French and Americans had transferred to Mechanized methods. The outcome was, shortly after that, the horse drawn milk carts started to disappear. Are you aware that before cars were introduced into NYC, they actually had a worse pollution problem from horses than they do with cars today? While the Cars give off Carbon Monoxide and more, the Horses give off Methane and leave a lot of really sticky smelly crap that has to be scooped up on a daily basis. As bad as Cars are, they were a huge step in the right direction over horses in an Urban area.

What is going to happen when the Electro Magnetic boards grow into major transportation. Yes, Shirley, the electro Magnetic Hover Board exists. What happens when they scale it up? Use your imagination here. No road friction. Roads are not some kind of ferrous metal strips and it takes very little power to propel the vehicle forward. And what happens to Airlines when you do the same thing inside of an enclosed tube. Both would use induction motors to for forward propulsion and be battery powered. What happens to your gas guzzler and noxious jet fuel spewer all of a sudden then? You get in a transport in Denver, accelerate to 600 mph smoothly, stop at KC, St Louis, Chicago, and parts in between, and get out in Baltimore MD in a matter of hours. Read a book, Walk around, watch a movie, play a video game, eat a meal and you never even feel vibration on the journey. And no noise at all. 10 years ago, these were dreams of SCIFI. But today, it's goals they are working towards. All from what is not thought to be a toy. BTW, that toy was the brain child of an Architect who was trying to find a way to disconnect buildings from the ground during an earthquake. And you can thank Marty McFly a bit I would imagine.

All things come to an end. All things have their own time. And when that time passes, all things must give way to their replacements.

Who said they are unreliable.


As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range.

So what? We're discussing power generation.

Easy answer. In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line making more power cheaper than and more plentiful than the Coal, OIl and NG fired Electrical Plants with almost Zero Pollution. This type of power pretty much opens the Heavens and the Earth for power including Outerspace Travel at remarkable speeds. It moves Electric Power to the very top of the list for power when you couple it with the solid state batteries coming on line right around 2025.

Let's take a look at a Turbofan engine. Most of it's thrust doesn't come from the exhaust. It comes from the fans. It's a fancy ducted series of fans. You don't really need that much exhaust thrust until you exceed the speed that the fan can no longer support the thrust needed to propel it forward. And that happens somewhere just over Mach 1. That means, an electric version can propel a liner at 600 mph just like a jet powered one can if you have efficient enough motors and batteries. Now, that's a long time off. But it will come sooner or later. Or we may just replace the 600 mph liner with a 600 mph electro magnetic tube. You may only need the JP powered vehicle to go over long stretches of water. I'll give it till 2050 on that prediction. It's coming.

But for cars, gas powered cars won't fare so well in the short term. Electrics are coming on way too fast. Tesla gets about 330 mile range out of their cars on eco mode now and that is with lipo4 batteries. Teslas biggest mistake right now is that they don't have enough assembly lines but that will change soon. Of course, GM, Ford, Honda and all the others are investing billions into electric cars. With the advent of the Fusion Power, by 2030, the gas powered car will be extinct much like the Horse and Buggy. You'll be sitting with your Grand Kids around you telling them stories about Gas Powered Cars and they will expect you to start the story with "Once Upon a Time".
Does it really work?

Our $20 trillion, high tech economy says yes.

Or was it the only thing we had?

We had wood and whale oil before fossil fuels. Water wheels and horses.
In India they still burn cow dung.
Hard to run a modern economy with just those.

It's the only thing we had. YOu can try and throw BS into the ballgame all you want. But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace. Petro Products propelled us forward.

But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace.

Huh? We built cars, didn't stop using horses. Built planes, didn't stop using cars.
If you want electric cars without powering them with fossil fuel generators, push for more nuclear.
Pushing for solar and wind, both small scale and unreliable, over large scale and dependable nuclear is stupid.

Who said they are unreliable. As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range. Yes, it's range will be in an excess of 100 miles like other Electric Motorcycles already being made. It's performance will be mind blowing. It begins production in January. And as batteries become available, it's range should triple as the new solid state batteries are made available. Charging time on normal house current, 4 hours. Charging time on 220, about 1 hour. With the solid state batteries, it's range should be around 400 miles. And I don't suggest anyone ride a Motor Cycle for more than that on any given day whether it's gas or any other power. Even so, most sport rides are less than 100 miles anyway so no big thing. And since the same size of bike gets right around 35mpg, the new Electric HD will be getting the equiv of about 400 mpg. The Cost? About the same as any other full tilt HD. And this is their first try. Does that mean the old HD Hog will go out of style? Not hardly. But it will attract a younger generation that is being lost to HD.

No, we didn't stop using horses. But horses have long since become more of a curiosity than a necessity. The Toys of the Rich. When I grew up, we used horses. But that style of ranching is long dead and gone since it's found that stockyards can produce meat much cheaper and quicker. You will still find horses on ranches in Florida and Texas but the real work horses there are Helicopters and motorbikes. You don't have to feed a Motorbike when you aren't using it. And even a horse breaks down sometimes. Mechanical things have all but replaced the horses.

It took it a long time to replace the horse. It didn't take very long to replace the horse and buggy though. WWI, everyone went in with Cavalry and horse drawn supply routes. The Winners were the rist ones to mechanize. All the way to the end, Germany and Russia were still using horse drawn supply routes while the Brits, French and Americans had transferred to Mechanized methods. The outcome was, shortly after that, the horse drawn milk carts started to disappear. Are you aware that before cars were introduced into NYC, they actually had a worse pollution problem from horses than they do with cars today? While the Cars give off Carbon Monoxide and more, the Horses give off Methane and leave a lot of really sticky smelly crap that has to be scooped up on a daily basis. As bad as Cars are, they were a huge step in the right direction over horses in an Urban area.

What is going to happen when the Electro Magnetic boards grow into major transportation. Yes, Shirley, the electro Magnetic Hover Board exists. What happens when they scale it up? Use your imagination here. No road friction. Roads are not some kind of ferrous metal strips and it takes very little power to propel the vehicle forward. And what happens to Airlines when you do the same thing inside of an enclosed tube. Both would use induction motors to for forward propulsion and be battery powered. What happens to your gas guzzler and noxious jet fuel spewer all of a sudden then? You get in a transport in Denver, accelerate to 600 mph smoothly, stop at KC, St Louis, Chicago, and parts in between, and get out in Baltimore MD in a matter of hours. Read a book, Walk around, watch a movie, play a video game, eat a meal and you never even feel vibration on the journey. And no noise at all. 10 years ago, these were dreams of SCIFI. But today, it's goals they are working towards. All from what is not thought to be a toy. BTW, that toy was the brain child of an Architect who was trying to find a way to disconnect buildings from the ground during an earthquake. And you can thank Marty McFly a bit I would imagine.

All things come to an end. All things have their own time. And when that time passes, all things must give way to their replacements.

Who said they are unreliable.


As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range.

So what? We're discussing power generation.

Easy answer. In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line making more power cheaper than and more plentiful than the Coal, OIl and NG fired Electrical Plants with almost Zero Pollution. This type of power pretty much opens the Heavens and the Earth for power including Outerspace Travel at remarkable speeds. It moves Electric Power to the very top of the list for power when you couple it with the solid state batteries coming on line right around 2025.

Let's take a look at a Turbofan engine. Most of it's thrust doesn't come from the exhaust. It comes from the fans. It's a fancy ducted series of fans. You don't really need that much exhaust thrust until you exceed the speed that the fan can no longer support the thrust needed to propel it forward. And that happens somewhere just over Mach 1. That means, an electric version can propel a liner at 600 mph just like a jet powered one can if you have efficient enough motors and batteries. Now, that's a long time off. But it will come sooner or later. Or we may just replace the 600 mph liner with a 600 mph electro magnetic tube. You may only need the JP powered vehicle to go over long stretches of water. I'll give it till 2050 on that prediction. It's coming.

But for cars, gas powered cars won't fare so well in the short term. Electrics are coming on way too fast. Tesla gets about 330 mile range out of their cars on eco mode now and that is with lipo4 batteries. Teslas biggest mistake right now is that they don't have enough assembly lines but that will change soon. Of course, GM, Ford, Honda and all the others are investing billions into electric cars. With the advent of the Fusion Power, by 2030, the gas powered car will be extinct much like the Horse and Buggy. You'll be sitting with your Grand Kids around you telling them stories about Gas Powered Cars and they will expect you to start the story with "Once Upon a Time".

In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line

Don't hold your breathe.
It's the only thing we had. YOu can try and throw BS into the ballgame all you want. But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace. Petro Products propelled us forward.

But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace.

Huh? We built cars, didn't stop using horses. Built planes, didn't stop using cars.
If you want electric cars without powering them with fossil fuel generators, push for more nuclear.
Pushing for solar and wind, both small scale and unreliable, over large scale and dependable nuclear is stupid.

Who said they are unreliable. As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range. Yes, it's range will be in an excess of 100 miles like other Electric Motorcycles already being made. It's performance will be mind blowing. It begins production in January. And as batteries become available, it's range should triple as the new solid state batteries are made available. Charging time on normal house current, 4 hours. Charging time on 220, about 1 hour. With the solid state batteries, it's range should be around 400 miles. And I don't suggest anyone ride a Motor Cycle for more than that on any given day whether it's gas or any other power. Even so, most sport rides are less than 100 miles anyway so no big thing. And since the same size of bike gets right around 35mpg, the new Electric HD will be getting the equiv of about 400 mpg. The Cost? About the same as any other full tilt HD. And this is their first try. Does that mean the old HD Hog will go out of style? Not hardly. But it will attract a younger generation that is being lost to HD.

No, we didn't stop using horses. But horses have long since become more of a curiosity than a necessity. The Toys of the Rich. When I grew up, we used horses. But that style of ranching is long dead and gone since it's found that stockyards can produce meat much cheaper and quicker. You will still find horses on ranches in Florida and Texas but the real work horses there are Helicopters and motorbikes. You don't have to feed a Motorbike when you aren't using it. And even a horse breaks down sometimes. Mechanical things have all but replaced the horses.

It took it a long time to replace the horse. It didn't take very long to replace the horse and buggy though. WWI, everyone went in with Cavalry and horse drawn supply routes. The Winners were the rist ones to mechanize. All the way to the end, Germany and Russia were still using horse drawn supply routes while the Brits, French and Americans had transferred to Mechanized methods. The outcome was, shortly after that, the horse drawn milk carts started to disappear. Are you aware that before cars were introduced into NYC, they actually had a worse pollution problem from horses than they do with cars today? While the Cars give off Carbon Monoxide and more, the Horses give off Methane and leave a lot of really sticky smelly crap that has to be scooped up on a daily basis. As bad as Cars are, they were a huge step in the right direction over horses in an Urban area.

What is going to happen when the Electro Magnetic boards grow into major transportation. Yes, Shirley, the electro Magnetic Hover Board exists. What happens when they scale it up? Use your imagination here. No road friction. Roads are not some kind of ferrous metal strips and it takes very little power to propel the vehicle forward. And what happens to Airlines when you do the same thing inside of an enclosed tube. Both would use induction motors to for forward propulsion and be battery powered. What happens to your gas guzzler and noxious jet fuel spewer all of a sudden then? You get in a transport in Denver, accelerate to 600 mph smoothly, stop at KC, St Louis, Chicago, and parts in between, and get out in Baltimore MD in a matter of hours. Read a book, Walk around, watch a movie, play a video game, eat a meal and you never even feel vibration on the journey. And no noise at all. 10 years ago, these were dreams of SCIFI. But today, it's goals they are working towards. All from what is not thought to be a toy. BTW, that toy was the brain child of an Architect who was trying to find a way to disconnect buildings from the ground during an earthquake. And you can thank Marty McFly a bit I would imagine.

All things come to an end. All things have their own time. And when that time passes, all things must give way to their replacements.

Who said they are unreliable.


As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range.

So what? We're discussing power generation.

Easy answer. In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line making more power cheaper than and more plentiful than the Coal, OIl and NG fired Electrical Plants with almost Zero Pollution. This type of power pretty much opens the Heavens and the Earth for power including Outerspace Travel at remarkable speeds. It moves Electric Power to the very top of the list for power when you couple it with the solid state batteries coming on line right around 2025.

Let's take a look at a Turbofan engine. Most of it's thrust doesn't come from the exhaust. It comes from the fans. It's a fancy ducted series of fans. You don't really need that much exhaust thrust until you exceed the speed that the fan can no longer support the thrust needed to propel it forward. And that happens somewhere just over Mach 1. That means, an electric version can propel a liner at 600 mph just like a jet powered one can if you have efficient enough motors and batteries. Now, that's a long time off. But it will come sooner or later. Or we may just replace the 600 mph liner with a 600 mph electro magnetic tube. You may only need the JP powered vehicle to go over long stretches of water. I'll give it till 2050 on that prediction. It's coming.

But for cars, gas powered cars won't fare so well in the short term. Electrics are coming on way too fast. Tesla gets about 330 mile range out of their cars on eco mode now and that is with lipo4 batteries. Teslas biggest mistake right now is that they don't have enough assembly lines but that will change soon. Of course, GM, Ford, Honda and all the others are investing billions into electric cars. With the advent of the Fusion Power, by 2030, the gas powered car will be extinct much like the Horse and Buggy. You'll be sitting with your Grand Kids around you telling them stories about Gas Powered Cars and they will expect you to start the story with "Once Upon a Time".

In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line

Don't hold your breathe.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one. They are ironing out the kinks before the scale up. I took one breath, held it for a second and let it out. Now,don't you feel foolish.

But to progress forward, you can't use the things that keep you at the same pace.

Huh? We built cars, didn't stop using horses. Built planes, didn't stop using cars.
If you want electric cars without powering them with fossil fuel generators, push for more nuclear.
Pushing for solar and wind, both small scale and unreliable, over large scale and dependable nuclear is stupid.

Who said they are unreliable. As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range. Yes, it's range will be in an excess of 100 miles like other Electric Motorcycles already being made. It's performance will be mind blowing. It begins production in January. And as batteries become available, it's range should triple as the new solid state batteries are made available. Charging time on normal house current, 4 hours. Charging time on 220, about 1 hour. With the solid state batteries, it's range should be around 400 miles. And I don't suggest anyone ride a Motor Cycle for more than that on any given day whether it's gas or any other power. Even so, most sport rides are less than 100 miles anyway so no big thing. And since the same size of bike gets right around 35mpg, the new Electric HD will be getting the equiv of about 400 mpg. The Cost? About the same as any other full tilt HD. And this is their first try. Does that mean the old HD Hog will go out of style? Not hardly. But it will attract a younger generation that is being lost to HD.

No, we didn't stop using horses. But horses have long since become more of a curiosity than a necessity. The Toys of the Rich. When I grew up, we used horses. But that style of ranching is long dead and gone since it's found that stockyards can produce meat much cheaper and quicker. You will still find horses on ranches in Florida and Texas but the real work horses there are Helicopters and motorbikes. You don't have to feed a Motorbike when you aren't using it. And even a horse breaks down sometimes. Mechanical things have all but replaced the horses.

It took it a long time to replace the horse. It didn't take very long to replace the horse and buggy though. WWI, everyone went in with Cavalry and horse drawn supply routes. The Winners were the rist ones to mechanize. All the way to the end, Germany and Russia were still using horse drawn supply routes while the Brits, French and Americans had transferred to Mechanized methods. The outcome was, shortly after that, the horse drawn milk carts started to disappear. Are you aware that before cars were introduced into NYC, they actually had a worse pollution problem from horses than they do with cars today? While the Cars give off Carbon Monoxide and more, the Horses give off Methane and leave a lot of really sticky smelly crap that has to be scooped up on a daily basis. As bad as Cars are, they were a huge step in the right direction over horses in an Urban area.

What is going to happen when the Electro Magnetic boards grow into major transportation. Yes, Shirley, the electro Magnetic Hover Board exists. What happens when they scale it up? Use your imagination here. No road friction. Roads are not some kind of ferrous metal strips and it takes very little power to propel the vehicle forward. And what happens to Airlines when you do the same thing inside of an enclosed tube. Both would use induction motors to for forward propulsion and be battery powered. What happens to your gas guzzler and noxious jet fuel spewer all of a sudden then? You get in a transport in Denver, accelerate to 600 mph smoothly, stop at KC, St Louis, Chicago, and parts in between, and get out in Baltimore MD in a matter of hours. Read a book, Walk around, watch a movie, play a video game, eat a meal and you never even feel vibration on the journey. And no noise at all. 10 years ago, these were dreams of SCIFI. But today, it's goals they are working towards. All from what is not thought to be a toy. BTW, that toy was the brain child of an Architect who was trying to find a way to disconnect buildings from the ground during an earthquake. And you can thank Marty McFly a bit I would imagine.

All things come to an end. All things have their own time. And when that time passes, all things must give way to their replacements.

Who said they are unreliable.


As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range.

So what? We're discussing power generation.

Easy answer. In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line making more power cheaper than and more plentiful than the Coal, OIl and NG fired Electrical Plants with almost Zero Pollution. This type of power pretty much opens the Heavens and the Earth for power including Outerspace Travel at remarkable speeds. It moves Electric Power to the very top of the list for power when you couple it with the solid state batteries coming on line right around 2025.

Let's take a look at a Turbofan engine. Most of it's thrust doesn't come from the exhaust. It comes from the fans. It's a fancy ducted series of fans. You don't really need that much exhaust thrust until you exceed the speed that the fan can no longer support the thrust needed to propel it forward. And that happens somewhere just over Mach 1. That means, an electric version can propel a liner at 600 mph just like a jet powered one can if you have efficient enough motors and batteries. Now, that's a long time off. But it will come sooner or later. Or we may just replace the 600 mph liner with a 600 mph electro magnetic tube. You may only need the JP powered vehicle to go over long stretches of water. I'll give it till 2050 on that prediction. It's coming.

But for cars, gas powered cars won't fare so well in the short term. Electrics are coming on way too fast. Tesla gets about 330 mile range out of their cars on eco mode now and that is with lipo4 batteries. Teslas biggest mistake right now is that they don't have enough assembly lines but that will change soon. Of course, GM, Ford, Honda and all the others are investing billions into electric cars. With the advent of the Fusion Power, by 2030, the gas powered car will be extinct much like the Horse and Buggy. You'll be sitting with your Grand Kids around you telling them stories about Gas Powered Cars and they will expect you to start the story with "Once Upon a Time".

In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line

Don't hold your breathe.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one. They are ironing out the kinks before the scale up. I took one breath, held it for a second and let it out. Now,don't you feel foolish.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one.

How small?
How many MW does it consume for each MW of output?
I would have to ask for your proof of that

both the price of crude and coal are made up in a
humans contribute to pollution, not climate change. There is no proven link between man made pollution and climate. The climate of planet earth is controlled by the sun, the earth's tilt on its axis, and ocean currents, it has been so for hundreds of millions of years and will be so hundreds of millions of years after the last human is gone. we are a pimple on a gnats ass on an elephant when it comes to earth's climate. Even our pollution will be gone soon after humans are gone. You give us way too much credit.

dang fish I have to agree with you on this except for the millions of yrs old, there is more proof for a young earth than an old one

I'm glad you agree, the actual age of planet earth is not really pertinent to this discussion, whether its 500 million years or 50 million years doesn't really matter, man never has, and never will, control its climate.

If God had intended man to fly, he'd have given him wings.

God gave man a brain so he could figure out how to fly.

Or so he could control his climate. Just noting that your "never will" is faith-based.

No, its fact based. Unlike yours which is cult based.
And Here We Are
Still Talking Efficiency On The Level Of Single Homes And Businesses
Not Powering An Entire Industrial Society Of 320 Million
Let Alone China
No Matter How Many Wind/Solar Farms Anyone Builds

Funny you should mention this. Any new construction of Commercial sites for the last 2 years have always included Solar arrays. Around here, we have sunshine almost year round. Even in the Winter time. This is why you will see Snow Skiers in burmuda shorts in Feb. The bulk of the snow and cloud cover happens at night so the day is usually clear skies or near clear skies. Leaving out Solar Arrays from new Commercial Construction is just plain stupid. Since you have to pay for a roof anyway, put solar arrays instead of roof tiles. It doesn't cost that much more even when you include the wiring and controls. You start getting your money back the day you throw the switch even if all you use them for is to power your Offices and outdoor lights.

But I have shown that Solar isn't the only thing that can be used. And Fusion will be here in the next 7 to 10 years which pretty well takes over for all other forms of electric generation except for Hydro, Solar and Wind. NG, Coal and Oil become forgotten.

Your original entry into this conversation was could we use Electric Power for Aircraft. The answer to that was, YES. They are already doing it. And by 2025, commuter flights will be electric power for seating of 10 to 50 people that are now using Jet Fuel. And that is a very safe prediction.

We are in a very exiting time right now. Energy Technology is making a huge leap. It's been a long time coming but like all other science evolutions, it happens in spurts. Welcome to the latest spurt.
Obviously you’re not speaking for all of America, many places in America solar is not feasible and won’t be for decades

Funny you should bring that up. They use Solar in the Arctic and the Antarctic even during the winter months when you might have only an hour or so of actual direct sunlight. They are experimenting to get ready for using it on Mars which will have about the same conditions as the Arctic for solar during the Arctic summer months. Something is better than nothing.

this gets more amusing with each new post. you want solar panel farms and the libs in California are now demanding that the solar farms be removed because they are disrupting the habitat of small desert reptiles.

Liberalism is a mental disease, that is proven every day.

Ever been to southern Utah? How about western New Mexico or western Texas, or Most of Arizona, and a huge chunk of southern California? There is a reason no one lives there. It's hot, barren, arid and has killed may that have tried to just cross those areas. Why not use those areas for something other than blank spots on Google maps. And that is thinking like a Conservative. I don't call you a conservative. I really don't know what you are but you aren't a conservative.

Don't you understand? there are cute little desert creatures that live there and they must be saved. That, to liberals, is much more important than creating better power sources for mankind.
Who said they are unreliable. As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range. Yes, it's range will be in an excess of 100 miles like other Electric Motorcycles already being made. It's performance will be mind blowing. It begins production in January. And as batteries become available, it's range should triple as the new solid state batteries are made available. Charging time on normal house current, 4 hours. Charging time on 220, about 1 hour. With the solid state batteries, it's range should be around 400 miles. And I don't suggest anyone ride a Motor Cycle for more than that on any given day whether it's gas or any other power. Even so, most sport rides are less than 100 miles anyway so no big thing. And since the same size of bike gets right around 35mpg, the new Electric HD will be getting the equiv of about 400 mpg. The Cost? About the same as any other full tilt HD. And this is their first try. Does that mean the old HD Hog will go out of style? Not hardly. But it will attract a younger generation that is being lost to HD.

No, we didn't stop using horses. But horses have long since become more of a curiosity than a necessity. The Toys of the Rich. When I grew up, we used horses. But that style of ranching is long dead and gone since it's found that stockyards can produce meat much cheaper and quicker. You will still find horses on ranches in Florida and Texas but the real work horses there are Helicopters and motorbikes. You don't have to feed a Motorbike when you aren't using it. And even a horse breaks down sometimes. Mechanical things have all but replaced the horses.

It took it a long time to replace the horse. It didn't take very long to replace the horse and buggy though. WWI, everyone went in with Cavalry and horse drawn supply routes. The Winners were the rist ones to mechanize. All the way to the end, Germany and Russia were still using horse drawn supply routes while the Brits, French and Americans had transferred to Mechanized methods. The outcome was, shortly after that, the horse drawn milk carts started to disappear. Are you aware that before cars were introduced into NYC, they actually had a worse pollution problem from horses than they do with cars today? While the Cars give off Carbon Monoxide and more, the Horses give off Methane and leave a lot of really sticky smelly crap that has to be scooped up on a daily basis. As bad as Cars are, they were a huge step in the right direction over horses in an Urban area.

What is going to happen when the Electro Magnetic boards grow into major transportation. Yes, Shirley, the electro Magnetic Hover Board exists. What happens when they scale it up? Use your imagination here. No road friction. Roads are not some kind of ferrous metal strips and it takes very little power to propel the vehicle forward. And what happens to Airlines when you do the same thing inside of an enclosed tube. Both would use induction motors to for forward propulsion and be battery powered. What happens to your gas guzzler and noxious jet fuel spewer all of a sudden then? You get in a transport in Denver, accelerate to 600 mph smoothly, stop at KC, St Louis, Chicago, and parts in between, and get out in Baltimore MD in a matter of hours. Read a book, Walk around, watch a movie, play a video game, eat a meal and you never even feel vibration on the journey. And no noise at all. 10 years ago, these were dreams of SCIFI. But today, it's goals they are working towards. All from what is not thought to be a toy. BTW, that toy was the brain child of an Architect who was trying to find a way to disconnect buildings from the ground during an earthquake. And you can thank Marty McFly a bit I would imagine.

All things come to an end. All things have their own time. And when that time passes, all things must give way to their replacements.

Who said they are unreliable.


As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range.

So what? We're discussing power generation.

Easy answer. In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line making more power cheaper than and more plentiful than the Coal, OIl and NG fired Electrical Plants with almost Zero Pollution. This type of power pretty much opens the Heavens and the Earth for power including Outerspace Travel at remarkable speeds. It moves Electric Power to the very top of the list for power when you couple it with the solid state batteries coming on line right around 2025.

Let's take a look at a Turbofan engine. Most of it's thrust doesn't come from the exhaust. It comes from the fans. It's a fancy ducted series of fans. You don't really need that much exhaust thrust until you exceed the speed that the fan can no longer support the thrust needed to propel it forward. And that happens somewhere just over Mach 1. That means, an electric version can propel a liner at 600 mph just like a jet powered one can if you have efficient enough motors and batteries. Now, that's a long time off. But it will come sooner or later. Or we may just replace the 600 mph liner with a 600 mph electro magnetic tube. You may only need the JP powered vehicle to go over long stretches of water. I'll give it till 2050 on that prediction. It's coming.

But for cars, gas powered cars won't fare so well in the short term. Electrics are coming on way too fast. Tesla gets about 330 mile range out of their cars on eco mode now and that is with lipo4 batteries. Teslas biggest mistake right now is that they don't have enough assembly lines but that will change soon. Of course, GM, Ford, Honda and all the others are investing billions into electric cars. With the advent of the Fusion Power, by 2030, the gas powered car will be extinct much like the Horse and Buggy. You'll be sitting with your Grand Kids around you telling them stories about Gas Powered Cars and they will expect you to start the story with "Once Upon a Time".

In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line

Don't hold your breathe.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one. They are ironing out the kinks before the scale up. I took one breath, held it for a second and let it out. Now,don't you feel foolish.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one.

How small?
How many MW does it consume for each MW of output?

he doesn't know or care, maybe it uses a very long extension cord.
Redfish said:
Don't you understand? there are cute little desert creatures that live there and they must be saved. That, to liberals, is much more important than creating better power sources for mankind.
Don't Forget The Delta Smelt
A Specie Not Even Native To The Area
Where Farms Are Being Destroyed For Lack Of Irrigation Water

And The Spotted Owl Thing
That Turned Out Not To Be True
Along With Every Other Policy They've Ever Cooked Up

Libs Have A Miserable Zero Sum Mindset
And A Messianic Complex To Cope With It
Who said they are unreliable. As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range. Yes, it's range will be in an excess of 100 miles like other Electric Motorcycles already being made. It's performance will be mind blowing. It begins production in January. And as batteries become available, it's range should triple as the new solid state batteries are made available. Charging time on normal house current, 4 hours. Charging time on 220, about 1 hour. With the solid state batteries, it's range should be around 400 miles. And I don't suggest anyone ride a Motor Cycle for more than that on any given day whether it's gas or any other power. Even so, most sport rides are less than 100 miles anyway so no big thing. And since the same size of bike gets right around 35mpg, the new Electric HD will be getting the equiv of about 400 mpg. The Cost? About the same as any other full tilt HD. And this is their first try. Does that mean the old HD Hog will go out of style? Not hardly. But it will attract a younger generation that is being lost to HD.

No, we didn't stop using horses. But horses have long since become more of a curiosity than a necessity. The Toys of the Rich. When I grew up, we used horses. But that style of ranching is long dead and gone since it's found that stockyards can produce meat much cheaper and quicker. You will still find horses on ranches in Florida and Texas but the real work horses there are Helicopters and motorbikes. You don't have to feed a Motorbike when you aren't using it. And even a horse breaks down sometimes. Mechanical things have all but replaced the horses.

It took it a long time to replace the horse. It didn't take very long to replace the horse and buggy though. WWI, everyone went in with Cavalry and horse drawn supply routes. The Winners were the rist ones to mechanize. All the way to the end, Germany and Russia were still using horse drawn supply routes while the Brits, French and Americans had transferred to Mechanized methods. The outcome was, shortly after that, the horse drawn milk carts started to disappear. Are you aware that before cars were introduced into NYC, they actually had a worse pollution problem from horses than they do with cars today? While the Cars give off Carbon Monoxide and more, the Horses give off Methane and leave a lot of really sticky smelly crap that has to be scooped up on a daily basis. As bad as Cars are, they were a huge step in the right direction over horses in an Urban area.

What is going to happen when the Electro Magnetic boards grow into major transportation. Yes, Shirley, the electro Magnetic Hover Board exists. What happens when they scale it up? Use your imagination here. No road friction. Roads are not some kind of ferrous metal strips and it takes very little power to propel the vehicle forward. And what happens to Airlines when you do the same thing inside of an enclosed tube. Both would use induction motors to for forward propulsion and be battery powered. What happens to your gas guzzler and noxious jet fuel spewer all of a sudden then? You get in a transport in Denver, accelerate to 600 mph smoothly, stop at KC, St Louis, Chicago, and parts in between, and get out in Baltimore MD in a matter of hours. Read a book, Walk around, watch a movie, play a video game, eat a meal and you never even feel vibration on the journey. And no noise at all. 10 years ago, these were dreams of SCIFI. But today, it's goals they are working towards. All from what is not thought to be a toy. BTW, that toy was the brain child of an Architect who was trying to find a way to disconnect buildings from the ground during an earthquake. And you can thank Marty McFly a bit I would imagine.

All things come to an end. All things have their own time. And when that time passes, all things must give way to their replacements.

Who said they are unreliable.


As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range.

So what? We're discussing power generation.

Easy answer. In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line making more power cheaper than and more plentiful than the Coal, OIl and NG fired Electrical Plants with almost Zero Pollution. This type of power pretty much opens the Heavens and the Earth for power including Outerspace Travel at remarkable speeds. It moves Electric Power to the very top of the list for power when you couple it with the solid state batteries coming on line right around 2025.

Let's take a look at a Turbofan engine. Most of it's thrust doesn't come from the exhaust. It comes from the fans. It's a fancy ducted series of fans. You don't really need that much exhaust thrust until you exceed the speed that the fan can no longer support the thrust needed to propel it forward. And that happens somewhere just over Mach 1. That means, an electric version can propel a liner at 600 mph just like a jet powered one can if you have efficient enough motors and batteries. Now, that's a long time off. But it will come sooner or later. Or we may just replace the 600 mph liner with a 600 mph electro magnetic tube. You may only need the JP powered vehicle to go over long stretches of water. I'll give it till 2050 on that prediction. It's coming.

But for cars, gas powered cars won't fare so well in the short term. Electrics are coming on way too fast. Tesla gets about 330 mile range out of their cars on eco mode now and that is with lipo4 batteries. Teslas biggest mistake right now is that they don't have enough assembly lines but that will change soon. Of course, GM, Ford, Honda and all the others are investing billions into electric cars. With the advent of the Fusion Power, by 2030, the gas powered car will be extinct much like the Horse and Buggy. You'll be sitting with your Grand Kids around you telling them stories about Gas Powered Cars and they will expect you to start the story with "Once Upon a Time".

In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line

Don't hold your breathe.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one. They are ironing out the kinks before the scale up. I took one breath, held it for a second and let it out. Now,don't you feel foolish.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one.

How small?
How many MW does it consume for each MW of output?

You can't stand it that your precious Oil Company Employer is in serious trouble in the next 10 years. It's been a fun run for the last 110 years. But all things come to an end.
Who said they are unreliable.


As it stands right now, even Harley Davidson is turning out an Electric Motorcycle with quite a range.

So what? We're discussing power generation.

Easy answer. In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line making more power cheaper than and more plentiful than the Coal, OIl and NG fired Electrical Plants with almost Zero Pollution. This type of power pretty much opens the Heavens and the Earth for power including Outerspace Travel at remarkable speeds. It moves Electric Power to the very top of the list for power when you couple it with the solid state batteries coming on line right around 2025.

Let's take a look at a Turbofan engine. Most of it's thrust doesn't come from the exhaust. It comes from the fans. It's a fancy ducted series of fans. You don't really need that much exhaust thrust until you exceed the speed that the fan can no longer support the thrust needed to propel it forward. And that happens somewhere just over Mach 1. That means, an electric version can propel a liner at 600 mph just like a jet powered one can if you have efficient enough motors and batteries. Now, that's a long time off. But it will come sooner or later. Or we may just replace the 600 mph liner with a 600 mph electro magnetic tube. You may only need the JP powered vehicle to go over long stretches of water. I'll give it till 2050 on that prediction. It's coming.

But for cars, gas powered cars won't fare so well in the short term. Electrics are coming on way too fast. Tesla gets about 330 mile range out of their cars on eco mode now and that is with lipo4 batteries. Teslas biggest mistake right now is that they don't have enough assembly lines but that will change soon. Of course, GM, Ford, Honda and all the others are investing billions into electric cars. With the advent of the Fusion Power, by 2030, the gas powered car will be extinct much like the Horse and Buggy. You'll be sitting with your Grand Kids around you telling them stories about Gas Powered Cars and they will expect you to start the story with "Once Upon a Time".

In less than 10 years, Fusion Generators will be coming on line

Don't hold your breathe.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one. They are ironing out the kinks before the scale up. I took one breath, held it for a second and let it out. Now,don't you feel foolish.

Lockheed already has a working small model of one.

How small?
How many MW does it consume for each MW of output?

You can't stand it that your precious Oil Company Employer is in serious trouble in the next 10 years. It's been a fun run for the last 110 years. But all things come to an end.

North Dakota Oil Production Soars to Record High in July
North Dakota Is Producing As Much Oil As The Entire Country Of Venezuela
Funny you should mention this. Any new construction of Commercial sites for the last 2 years have always included Solar arrays. Around here, we have sunshine almost year round. Even in the Winter time. This is why you will see Snow Skiers in burmuda shorts in Feb. The bulk of the snow and cloud cover happens at night so the day is usually clear skies or near clear skies. Leaving out Solar Arrays from new Commercial Construction is just plain stupid. Since you have to pay for a roof anyway, put solar arrays instead of roof tiles. It doesn't cost that much more even when you include the wiring and controls. You start getting your money back the day you throw the switch even if all you use them for is to power your Offices and outdoor lights.

But I have shown that Solar isn't the only thing that can be used. And Fusion will be here in the next 7 to 10 years which pretty well takes over for all other forms of electric generation except for Hydro, Solar and Wind. NG, Coal and Oil become forgotten.

Your original entry into this conversation was could we use Electric Power for Aircraft. The answer to that was, YES. They are already doing it. And by 2025, commuter flights will be electric power for seating of 10 to 50 people that are now using Jet Fuel. And that is a very safe prediction.

We are in a very exiting time right now. Energy Technology is making a huge leap. It's been a long time coming but like all other science evolutions, it happens in spurts. Welcome to the latest spurt.
Obviously you’re not speaking for all of America, many places in America solar is not feasible and won’t be for decades

Funny you should bring that up. They use Solar in the Arctic and the Antarctic even during the winter months when you might have only an hour or so of actual direct sunlight. They are experimenting to get ready for using it on Mars which will have about the same conditions as the Arctic for solar during the Arctic summer months. Something is better than nothing.

this gets more amusing with each new post. you want solar panel farms and the libs in California are now demanding that the solar farms be removed because they are disrupting the habitat of small desert reptiles.

Liberalism is a mental disease, that is proven every day.

Ever been to southern Utah? How about western New Mexico or western Texas, or Most of Arizona, and a huge chunk of southern California? There is a reason no one lives there. It's hot, barren, arid and has killed may that have tried to just cross those areas. Why not use those areas for something other than blank spots on Google maps. And that is thinking like a Conservative. I don't call you a conservative. I really don't know what you are but you aren't a conservative.

Don't you understand? there are cute little desert creatures that live there and they must be saved. That, to liberals, is much more important than creating better power sources for mankind.

So you are now speaking for all others. You certainly have more power than I give you credit for. In fact, you must have more power than even you give yourself credit for. Then again, they are already doing construction in those areas for energy. Guess the people you seem to represent aren't being properly represented by you. You lose, maroon.

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