Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia

So, the ranking Dem couches his lack of any actual evidence and that's now evidence to the left.


good grief, this Rooooshins! schtick has about run its course, doncha think...
Must be thoroughly investigated.
Because we can't yet find any evidence. But we know it's there, it just HAS to be there. We just haven't looked HARD ENOUGH yet. Hillary NEEEDDDSSSS US, SHE CAN'T BE ALLOWED TO FAIL AGAIN!!!!!!!
So, the ranking Dem couches his lack of any actual evidence and that's now evidence to the left.


good grief, this Rooooshins! schtick has about run its course, doncha think...
They can't let go of it, because it's really all they have. If they let go of this before they dream up something else to hold on to, they'll have nothing to throw at Trump.
“Circumstantial evidence” indicates collusion between members of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team and Russian interference in the election, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told NBC’s “Meet The Press” that there was also “direct evidence” of deception.

“There is circumstantial evidence of collusion,” Schiff said. “There is direct evidence, I think, of deception, and that’s where we begin the investigation.”

He added: “There is certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation. The American people have a right to know and in order to defend ourselves, we need to know whether the circumstantial evidence of collusion and direct evidence of deception is indicative of more.”

More: Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia

I agree! Trump even publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails. We all saw that on national TV - and it's on video.

If you keep repeating a big lie over and over again...
“Circumstantial evidence” indicates collusion between members of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team and Russian interference in the election, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told NBC’s “Meet The Press” that there was also “direct evidence” of deception.

“There is circumstantial evidence of collusion,” Schiff said. “There is direct evidence, I think, of deception, and that’s where we begin the investigation.”

He added: “There is certainly enough for us to conduct an investigation. The American people have a right to know and in order to defend ourselves, we need to know whether the circumstantial evidence of collusion and direct evidence of deception is indicative of more.”

More: Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia

I agree! Trump even publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails. We all saw that on national TV - and it's on video.

If you keep repeating a big lie over and over again...

What lie?
Comey said the investigation regarding collusion continues to see if it really happened. since they have already said once that there is no evidence of such, it sounds like he and the Democrats mean to continue their 'fishing'. Comey also said that the REAL CRIMES that HAVE been PROVEN are those committed by the politically-motivated snowflakes, so butt-hurt that they committed ESPIONAGE against their own country for the benefit of their party.

By all means continue to investigate the 'collusion' non-story...but also hunt down the SPIES / LEAKERS within the ranks of the Intel community and prosecute them for their treasonous ESPIONAGE!
Comey said the investigation regarding collusion continues to see if it really happened. since they have already said once that there is no evidence of such, it sounds like he and the Democrats mean to continue their 'fishing'. Comey also said that the REAL CRIMES that HAVE been PROVEN are those committed by the politically-motivated snowflakes, so butt-hurt that they committed ESPIONAGE against their own country for the benefit of their party.

By all means continue to investigate the 'collusion' non-story...but also hunt down the SPIES / LEAKERS within the ranks of the Intel community and prosecute them for their treasonous ESPIONAGE!

These seditious Progressives are as bad and dedicated as the NY City Mafia. Look what they did to Seth Rich


This is sooo embarrassing!
Too bad the hearing blew your talking point out of the water
Adam Shiff is dogshit on the bottom of your shoe. He has no value to anyone and is utterly disgusting. The fascists have hit a new low putting Shiff out. Hell, even Maxine Waters looks at Shiff and says "what a loony fucking tool.)
We also have direct evidence of the Ukraine working with the Clinton camp of a hit job on Paul Manafort.

If we are to open the can of worms here of how countries influence each others elections in this day and age open that can wide.

And make certain that the can of worms of electoral influence includes Obama sending his minions and $$$$ to Israel to take out Bibi.

Or Obama demanding the Brits stay with the EU. His campaign manager Messina tried desperately to oppose Brexit.

Oh and don't forget overthrowing leaders like Mubarak. Killing Gadafi. Still trying to overthrow Assad.

Let's have at it.
Don't like to mention that it's now been proven Manafort was a Russian agent. And your dimwit hired him.
Now go back playing ostrich.
‘Circumstantial Evidence’

connected Hillary to every illegal thing she did. It is all of a sudden important? Or anything near proof?
Adam Shiff is dogshit on the bottom of your shoe. He has no value to anyone and is utterly disgusting. The fascists have hit a new low putting Shiff out. Hell, even Maxine Waters looks at Shiff and says "what a loony fucking tool.)
Everything word you say is a lie including the and to.
Shiff has guts standing up to the republican Trump whores scared he might tweet something bad about them.
This is developing into the biggest scandal this country has ever seen.
A prez candidate working with a mortal enemy to try to get just doesn't get more traitorous than that.
Orange clown implored Putin to interfere with our election and to help take down his political opponent. Banana Republic type stuff.
‘Circumstantial Evidence’

connected Hillary to every illegal thing she did. It is all of a sudden important? Or anything near proof?
You can't stand she never did anything illegal, indicted or convicted.
Meanwhile Putin's Puppet is being heavily investigated for his treasonous acts.
‘Circumstantial Evidence’

connected Hillary to every illegal thing she did. It is all of a sudden important? Or anything near proof?
You can't stand she never did anything illegal, indicted or convicted.
Meanwhile Putin's Puppet is being heavily investigated for his treasonous acts.

Looks like the same thing will happen for Trump. There won't be a hint of charges, all show, moron.

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