Rep. Adam Schiff: ‘Circumstantial Evidence’ Indicates Collusion Between Trump Camp, Russia

Everything word you say is a lie including the and to.
Shiff has guts standing up to the republican Trump whores scared he might tweet something bad about them.
This is developing into the biggest scandal this country has ever seen.
A prez candidate working with a mortal enemy to try to get just doesn't get more traitorous than that.
Orange clown implored Putin to interfere with our election and to help take down his political opponent. Banana Republic type stuff.

Shiff is a low life scumbag, always has been. He lied about MediCal when he was a state Senator, and continues to lie now. He's a good fascist though, not a hint of integrity to the pile of shit. BUT he is REALLY dumb, so he will never go very far.
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Everything word you say is a lie including the and to.
Shiff has guts standing up to the republican Trump whores scared he might tweet something bad about them.
This is developing into the biggest scandal this country has ever seen.
A prez candidate working with a mortal enemy to try to get just doesn't get more traitorous than that.
Orange clown implored Putin to interfere with our election and to help take down his political opponent. Banana Republic type stuff.

Shiff is a low life scumbag, always has been. He lied about Medical when he was a state Senator, and continues to lie now. He's a good fascist though, not a hint of integrity to the pile of shit. BUT he is REALLY dumb, so he will never go very far.

Schiff is a Congressional Representative, and you're some moron on a message board; ergo he will never go very far.

oh hell yeah , stick with that one ... :lmao::lmao::lmao:
If Schiff really wants to push this fiasco of the Dems loss, let us remind him every step of the way that the Podesta Group made big bucks off the Kremlin's very own bank to lobby for relief of the sanctions.

Hell's bells let's really rock the Podesta connection.
Go for it. Podesta is not POTUS.

Silly person. Are you really going to try to defend the Podesta Group acting for a Kremlin bank in the middle of an election hired to lift sanctions all the while condemning any one who only talked to a Russian ambassador while doing their job?

Seriously this will do more damage to the D's. Be still my heart. :)
So you say that we should ignore Trump doing it because Podesta did it?
The FBI has already stated after an investigation that they found NO LINK / NO EVIDENCE of collusion between Trump and Russia. Compare that to Not only Tony Podesta but also Bill Clinton. BOTH were taking paychecks from Vlad's buddies - EX-KGB. Bill Clinton was getting paid $50k per speech while the brother of Hillary's campaign manager was working for the 'KGB Bank' and the Russian Spy agency that happened to be the ones who supposedly hacked the DNC E-mails. (What a coincidence!)

The ONLY ones who have significant evidence against them, as in potentially being in collusion with the Russians, are Tony Podesta and Bill Clinton. And let's not forget about Nancy Pelosi, who lied before Congress about not having 'communications' with Russians ON AN OFFICIAL CAPACITY but who has a history of 'exchanging gifts' with Russian representatives (in a personal capacity, I guess).
The FBI has already stated after an investigation that they found NO LINK / NO EVIDENCE of collusion between Trump and Russia.

That is simply not true.

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