Rep Alan Graysons's wife files for divorce

Did you read where he lost 18 million in an investement scheme (in the article).

He was worth about 32 million at one point.

How would someone like that know what is needed by the rest of us peons.

He's an attention whore.

I am sorry to see any marriage break up (he has five kids and that is who I feel real sorry for....).

I just hope he does not turn out to be another John Edwards (my lib friends can't answer when I ask what it would have looked like if he had been exposed while VP).

He was a poor kid that started with nothing so ending up with a couple billion? Not bad. Romney started with a million given him by daddy warbucks and ended up with 250 million, not bad but only 1/8 of what self made man Grayson has.

Please support the couple of billion. What I last saw when looking at the wealth of legislators was that he was worth about 32 million.
Not surprised. The guy is a screwball


Is it because he said that the Republican view on healthcare is that you die and die quickly because insurance companies don't want to pay out on claims for a terminally ill patient?

Someday you will probably be diagnosed with a catastrophic illness and his words will ring loud and clear in your ears because I guarantee you, firsthand experience here, they will want you to do EXACTLY as he said.


It's because he's a looney toon asshat. He's my congressman, I know him VERY well. He's scum of the worst sort. Pure unadulterated corruption.

I see you as well as the other judgmental idiots here cannot refute what I posted. He told the truth about the GOP and their support of the insurance companies.

So why don't you post something besides your bullshit above? Don't just blather, which is the content of everything you post....pixelated methane.

Note the use of flashcards to get through the thick skulls of his fellow Congressmen and the even thicker skulls of his constituents. Meanwhile, his credentials are quite sterling:

""""Grayson worked his way through Harvard College as a janitor and nightwatchman, and graduated with a Bachelors of Arts summa cum laude degree in economics in 1978.[7][8] After working two years as an economist, he returned to Harvard for graduate studies.[2] In 1983, he earned a Juris Doctor magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and a Masters of Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Additionally, he completed the course work and passed the general exams for a PhD in government.[7][9] While in college Grayson was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

Grayson wrote his masters thesis on gerontology and in 1986, he helped found the non-profit Alliance for Aging Research in Washington, D.C., and served as an officer of the organization for more than twenty years.[10]"""
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All I can say, is what took her so long..sorry for her not him

I can't imagine living with that dingbat...glad he's not my Congresscritter
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My night was made better knowing that piece of shit has been rejected by his ugly wife, especially after he got duped out of millions in the past year.

Your night was made better because a politician is getting a divorce? Wow, I feel bad for you. Frankly, I could give two shits.
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All I can say, is what took her so long

I can't imagine living with that dingbat...glad he's not my Congresscritter

In his old district, before they ran hos ignorant ass out of town, there was a website: "" that his constituents set up. It's a democrat district and he lost to a republican in a landslide.

He'll get run out of his new district in the next election as we'll I believe.
All I can say, is what took her so long

I can't imagine living with that dingbat...glad he's not my Congresscritter

In his old district, before they ran hos ignorant ass out of town, there was a website: "" that his constituents set up. It's a democrat district and he lost to a republican in a landslide.

He'll get run out of his new district in the next election as we'll I believe.

Remember this?

Alan Grayson - Strange behavior at family restaurant

A small group of Florida Republicans were meeting at a local family restaurant when Congressman Alan Grayson showed up and reads what appears to be an announcement concerning the event. He accuses the people present in the meeting of spying. He then got offended when he was interrupted and asked to leave. He finally leaves when he is again offended that someone is recording him.
Video in article...

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