Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Sen. Dick Durbin have introduced a bill to abolish the federal death penalty. The bill has nearly 60 co-sponsors

Since the US had no legal right to invade either Iraq or Afghanistan, then what Nidal Hasan did not only was legal, but in support of law and order.
Just because the government does something, does not make it right or legal.

then what Nidal Hasan did not only was legal, but in support of law and order.

Murdering 13 unarmed people was legal?

There's no need to ban federal executions.

Thanks to mail-in ballots, it looks as if every President from now on will be a Democrat.

And we all know how much the Dems weep for the perps -- not the victims.

So for all intents and purposes, the federal death penalty is dead.

(And also the state death penalty is becoming rarely enforced.)
Abortion is a woman deciding about what happens to her own body, while executions are just arbitrary government edicts.
Abortion is the taking of an innocent human life while allowing murders to live
Murdering 13 unarmed people was legal?

Since the military was involved in the illegal invasion of these 2 innocent countries, and were deliberately committing mass murder of innocents in those countries, then the entire military was complicit in murder, and their deaths could be rationalized as defensive.
I would prefer something less violent that would instead force people to be educated in how criminal the acts of the US military were, but if that is the best he could come up with, then it will have to do.
Unarmed presently, these US soldiers were going to be armed with the most deadly weapons on the planet, and they were going to deliberately commit murder against innocent Iraqis and Afghans.
Abortion is the taking of an innocent human life while allowing murders to live

A fetus is not yet a human life because it is not sentient or conscious, and the fetus is harming the mother in numerous ways, including risking potential death.
Since the military was involved in the illegal invasion of these 2 innocent countries, and were deliberately committing mass murder of innocents in those countries, then the entire military was complicit in murder, and their deaths could be rationalized as defensive.
I would prefer something less violent that would instead force people to be educated in how criminal the acts of the US military were, but if that is the best he could come up with, then it will have to do.
Unarmed presently, these US soldiers were going to be armed with the most deadly weapons on the planet, and they were going to deliberately commit murder against innocent Iraqis and Afghans.
Like back in the day, American citizens need to take the law into their own hands when they get their hands on savages who assault, rape, and murderer law abiding citizens. If a savage does the same to another savage, then let the relatives of the savages sort it out. It is criminal to provide room, board and medical for criminals at taxpayer expense.
A fetus is not yet a human life because it is not sentient or conscious, and the fetus is harming the mother in numerous ways, including risking potential death.
A fetus (aka unborn child) most certainly is human according to its dna

Women were created to reproduce

They are stronger than men and normally live longer than men

So the danger of death at childbirth is very low

However, the right to live extends to the mother as well as the child

In those rare occasions when one must die women have the right to save their own lives

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