Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Sen. Dick Durbin have introduced a bill to abolish the federal death penalty. The bill has nearly 60 co-sponsors

We can’t be sure that we won’t have another Trump go on an execution orgasm

Trumps rush to slaughter was barbaric

Congress will never agree on ending Federal Executions so Biden has to commute all existing sentences to life without parole.

Signing death warrants for convicts who have been waiting for many years for justice is hardly a "rush" to slaughter.
We can’t be sure that we won’t have another Trump go on an execution orgasm

Trumps rush to slaughter was barbaric

Congress will never agree on ending Federal Executions so Biden has to commute all existing sentences to life without parole.
um the people executed during the Trump admin, had been on death row for a min of 20 years, hardly a "rush" - and moreover Trump didn't order anyone to be executed, that was done by a Court.

Xiden was the one that wrote the legislation in 1994 that expanded the crimes punishable by include 60 more crimes.

There were ten total people executed over Trump's four on avg 4 per year.

Xiden has already executed three people this year, and we are just over half way through the year.
um the people executed during the Trump admin, had been on death row for a min of 20 years, hardly a "rush" - and moreover Trump didn't order anyone to be executed, that was done by a Court.

Xiden was the one that wrote the legislation in 1994 that expanded the crimes punishable by include 60 more crimes.

There were ten total people executed over Trump's four on avg 4 per year.

Xiden has already executed three people this year, and we are just over half way through the year.
After no executions in 13 years, Trump executed 13 in his last year

Biden opposes the death penalty. Count on him commuting the sentences of the 50 who remain on death row

Cant have another Trump
After no executions in 13 years, Trump executed 13 in his last year

Biden opposes the death penalty. Count on him commuting the sentences of the 50 who remain on death row

Cant have another Trump

The 13 in question were all condemned by the court system long before the Trumpster was inaugurated.

If Biden-Obama didn't want these convicts punished, they indeed should have pardoned them.

But they didn't, so Trump just did what Obama allowed.
They actually used to have bipartisan bills back then
The crime bill was one of them
I gave you a thumbs up, as it was a bipartisan bill all the way. I suspect we may disagree on the bill, though. I like long prison sentences for criminals and have no problem with long sentence guidelines. Prison is not about reforming the scum. In my opinion it is about punishing the guilty and protecting society from their presence. I would not want to go to prison, so I do not do crime. It is a choice. Criminal choose poorly, so they takes their chances, just like any other gamble. If you play long enough, you lose. Tough luck.
As for death penalty, I am not a sanctity of human life kind of guy. My wife was on a jury in a death penalty case back in the 80s. It was a live-in boyfriend, (not the father), and a drug head mother. He put the baby (who had already receive past broken bones and abuse), under hot water until the kid was dead. It would have been better if the baby, the man, the mother and the world if they had all been aborted. He got the death penalty. The mother later got a conviction and prison. The world is better off without him. Some people are just animals and should be put down. If a dog, attacks and kills somebody, you put it down, as a danger to humans. No need to get emotional about it. It is just something you do and then try to put out of your mind.
Trump didn't execute them you birdbrain. The court system did. God what an idiot you are.

Those on death row spend about 20 years on death row. When their appeals run out they are executed. The POTUS has nothing to do with it dumbass.
After no executions in 13 years, Trump executed 13 in his last year

Biden opposes the death penalty. Count on him commuting the sentences of the 50 who remain on death row

Cant have another Trump
um only 10 people were executed in total during the 4 years he was President. Obama did stop executing people, but the order was still in place...all he did was delay enforcing the Court Order.

Three people have been executed since Xiden has been in office, including the first woman in 67 years. Xiden also wrote the 94 Crime Bill, and expanded the crimes punishable by death...60 new crimes were punishable by death thanks to Xiden.

Most people on Federal Death row are on it now, thanks to Xiden's 94 Crime bill....he has already executed three...he better start communting those sentences I guess.
I'm for the death penalty in principle....


I have zero confidence in the justice system's capability to determine who deserves the death penalty and who does not.

So I'm against the death penalty.
No it doesn't. Appeals can last as long as twenty years. Their lives could last as long as 50. Keeping them for 50 or 60 years is much more costly than 20 years of appeals.

So what you're saying is that you didn't bother to read the lengthy description of costs contained in my link. It's really no wonder you're so ill informed. You do nothing to learn or understand the issue.

Since it's too much effort for you to read the links, I've posted the relevant paragraphs here.

Why is the death penalty so expensive?​

  • Legal costs: Almost all people who face the death penalty cannot afford their own attorney. The state must assign public defenders or court-appointed lawyers to represent them (the accepted practice is to assign two lawyers), and pay for the costs of the prosecution as well.
  • Pre-trial costs: Capital cases are far more complicated than non-capital cases and take longer to go to trial. Experts will probably be needed on forensic evidence, mental health, and the background and life history of the defendant. County taxpayers pick up the costs of added security and longer pre-trial detention.
  • Jury selection: Because of the need to question jurors thoroughly on their views about the death penalty, jury selection in capital cases is much more time consuming and expensive.
  • Trial: Death-penalty trials can last more than four times longer than non-capital trials, requiring juror and attorney compensation, in addition to court personnel and other related costs.
  • Incarceration: Most death rows involve solitary confinement in a special facility. These require more security and other accommodations as the prisoners are kept for 23 hours a day in their cells.
  • Appeals: To minimize mistakes, every prisoner is entitled to a series of appeals. The costs are borne at taxpayers’ expense. These appeals are essential because some inmates have come within hours of execution before evidence was uncovered proving their innocence.
costs much, much more to execute them than to care for them for the rest of their lives. Those under the death penalty have a mandated appeal process prior to execution, the cost of which on the judicial system is actually far more expensive than the costs of feeding, housing and paying medical expenses for the rest of their lives
Then get rid of these mandated reviews and other bills hit. Give them ONE appeal - straight to SCOTUS, then shot them in the head 24 hours after the appeal is denied.

The fact that these motherfuckers get all this kid glove treatment while their victims suffer is disgusting on every level imaginable.
So what you're saying is that you didn't bother to read the lengthy description of costs contained in my link. It's really no wonder you're so ill informed. You do nothing to learn or understand the issue.

Since it's too much effort for you to read the links, I've posted the relevant paragraphs here.

Whether or not the death penalty should be legal or not isn't the question here.

The question is whether President Trump was at fault or not for allowing the electrocutions to take place.

The condemned who sat in the chair during the Trump Administration were convicted a LONG time ago. A court ordered their deaths before Trump even thought about serving our nation as our Beloved President.

All Trump did was his duty, to carry out the orders of the courts.

If Obama-Biden were against the Electric Chair, they could have pardoned all of those people before Trump got in. But they didn't.

Trump is a man of action, he actually DOES his job. Why are libs so upset with that? Just like moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. That decision was made during the Clinton Regime. Trump merely ENACTED existing law.
I agree. Dragon ass and Winger don't care about the dead victims. Just that the murderers get to stay alive in jail.

You can't fix stupid.
I wonder what the voters would think if Sleepy Joe decided to exonerate Nidal Hasan and let him escape justice?

Probably not much, after all, Hasan was on death row when Obama-Biden were in office, but they didn't have the courage to let him go.
After no executions in 13 years, Trump executed 13 in his last year

Biden opposes the death penalty. Count on him commuting the sentences of the 50 who remain on death row

Cant have another Trump
There are nations who would accept our worst inmates. For life sentences. We pay them a little and we get rid of the worst. So they live and do not get killed by law here. And they live not so good there.
Government is not a source of any legal authority in a democratic republic.
Government can only borrow delegated legal authority in order to defend the rights of individuals.
But the execution of a captured criminal then defends no one, so government can't legally do it.
The only rational would be if one could prove that executions were such a successful deterrent, that they were useful.
But I don't think that is the case.
I think government executions only make it seem easier and acceptable to murder instead.

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