Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) says disagreeing with her is ‘policy violence.’

Ayanna Pressley looks like a futuristic Commie bot sent back in time to destroy the Starship Enterprise.
From your link:
That’s right: The Massachusetts congresswoman has coined a seemingly new term, "policy violence," and is attempting to smear her opponents with it.

Your ignorant "journalist" is unaware that Pressley did not coin that term.

However, her use of it in terms of student debt is beyond ridiculous.

So enlighten the group on the individual that did coin it.

What she ACTUALLY said. What came after is alt-right babble speak and frothing at the mouth division pimping. :)

"Let’s make it plain: student debt is policy violence," Pressley concludes.

Actually it's called a contract.

Uh...where was your concern 5 years ago?...10?...15?...20? It's been getting expensive for years.
The higher education system is a product of our capitalistic society, like it or not.

I was told in 1987 by one of my counselors that by the time my children were of college age, the cost for a 4 year education would be north of $100K.
I didn't believe them. Ooops. :)

I've been venting my anger for years. But unless employers start relaxing requirements for higher education and community colleges start being
more affordable for the masses, I don't see things in that arena getting any better.

The easy fix is get the feds out of the student loan business. People used to be able to work their way through college and come out with low or no debt.

Why is it so much easier for an 18 year-old to get hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to go three time zones away to a small private school to major in some bullshit liberal arts degree for which there is no market vs. a middle aged person that seeks a small business loan where they can create jobs and bring revenue for the state?
Fiery but mostly peaceful protest!
She’s all worked up about student loan debt.
Nobody forced those morons to go into debt to get a Masters in lesbian diversity.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) says disagreeing with her is ‘policy violence.’
Let’s make a deal. A one-time cancellation on all student debt and limits caps and restrictions on new loans; namely, put an annual or four year limit in the total amount and restrict which majors students can select so that we eliminate students graduating in debt with degrees in which there is no job market.
Let’s make a deal. A one-time cancellation on all student debt and limits caps and restrictions on new loans; namely, put an annual or four year limit in the total amount and restrict which majors students can select so that we eliminate students graduating in debt with degrees in which there is no job market.
Screw that. I paid my way they can pay too, I’m not paying for them too.
Why is tuition so high?

college costs are rising much faster than other goods and services
Easy access to loans and a never ending supply of foreign students who will pay 3 times the tuition that an in state resident pays.

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