Rep. Blumenauer: New Republican Rules Threaten Infrastructure Funding [Guest Post]

Democracies and republics overlap. They are not opposites. America is a representative democracy.
I did. That's what law school was for. Top of my class ;)

Didn't lear much did you :razz:
Definitions of Constitutional republic on the Web:

•A constitutional republic is a state where the head of state and other officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens
Hey...fuckface...I'm not saying you're wrong...we're both right.

We are a representative democracy...a specific kind.

I'll wait for you to catch up.
what part of "the highways are one of the cornerstones of our economy" don't you understand?

Right, and they require money to keep operating, by keeping them properly maintained in paving, rest stops, truck weighing stations, and so forth.

What part of the economy is being held back because of existing highways, a lack thereof, or their condition?

None at the moment, but if you stop funding the highways, and their condition goes downhill it will effect shipping virtually all goods, and make it harder for those goods to be transported across the nation. This would in turn increase the price of these goods, and add to inflation. It's not in danger now-and I never claimed it was. The highway system is great, and I personally used it all the time over the past 5 years. But I think it's safe to say it needs the proper funding in order to keep operating at the level it is.

I think it's safe to say $14T in debt is going to have to affect a lot of spending.
Hey...fuckface...I'm not saying you're wrong...we're both right.

We are a representative democracy...a specific kind.

I'll wait for you to catch up.

No were are not a democracy the majority doesn't rule here, We goven by the rule of law, not the rule of man
What part of the economy is being held back because of existing highways, a lack thereof, or their condition?

None at the moment, but if you stop funding the highways, and their condition goes downhill it will effect shipping virtually all goods, and make it harder for those goods to be transported across the nation. This would in turn increase the price of these goods, and add to inflation. It's not in danger now-and I never claimed it was. The highway system is great, and I personally used it all the time over the past 5 years. But I think it's safe to say it needs the proper funding in order to keep operating at the level it is.

I think it's safe to say $14T in debt is going to have to affect a lot of spending.

It absolutely is-I just don't think infrastructure is the place to cut it from.

I think we should start with the overcrowded jails/judicial systems where the cases are from people who've committed victimless crimes, and to severely cut back on wellfare, unemployment, government aide (but not necessarily eliminate), to get rid of government employee pensions-hey nobody gets them nowadays right?
None at the moment, but if you stop funding the highways, and their condition goes downhill it will effect shipping virtually all goods, and make it harder for those goods to be transported across the nation. This would in turn increase the price of these goods, and add to inflation. It's not in danger now-and I never claimed it was. The highway system is great, and I personally used it all the time over the past 5 years. But I think it's safe to say it needs the proper funding in order to keep operating at the level it is.

I think it's safe to say $14T in debt is going to have to affect a lot of spending.

It absolutely is-I just don't think infrastructure is the place to cut it from.

I think we should start with the overcrowded jails/judicial systems where the cases are from people who've committed victimless crimes, and to severely cut back on wellfare, unemployment, government aide (but not necessarily eliminate), to get rid of government employee pensions-hey nobody gets them nowadays right?

Ah, turn the drug addicts loose. Should have seen that coming.
Hey...fuckface...I'm not saying you're wrong...we're both right.

We are a representative democracy...a specific kind.

I'll wait for you to catch up.

No were are not a democracy the majority doesn't rule here, We goven by the rule of law, not the rule of man

You really are trying to be obtuse, aren't you? A "pure" democracy means that the majority rules. Think the Athenian city-state system in ancient Greece. A "representative" democracy means you elect people who vote on things. Like we have in the U.S. Yes, we have a constitutional republic, but that doesn't mean that we dont have a representative democracy.

It's retarded people like you...who think "OMGZ!!! If we say the US is a republic...the republicans WINZZ!!!! and the librulz democrats looze!"

Stop being so simplistic and actually learn what the words you're using mean.

I tried being nice...explaining how the terms overlap. You see to want to continue to be retarded.
Blumenauer's complaining about being left out, ignored, not consulted, etc. Gosh, where in the world could Republicans have learned such tactics?
I think it's safe to say $14T in debt is going to have to affect a lot of spending.

It absolutely is-I just don't think infrastructure is the place to cut it from.

I think we should start with the overcrowded jails/judicial systems where the cases are from people who've committed victimless crimes, and to severely cut back on wellfare, unemployment, government aide (but not necessarily eliminate), to get rid of government employee pensions-hey nobody gets them nowadays right?

Ah, turn the drug addicts loose. Should have seen that coming.

Well first of all I don't suggest setting drug dealers free.

Second of all-based on your statement I assume you didn't vote for Bush who has a famous history of being a drug addict in the past?

PS-by victimless crimes I didn't only mean drug users, you jumped to conclusions there.

edit: and if you have to resort to personal attacks it really dilutes your arguments, especially when you don't comment or respond to the rest of my post.
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New GOP House rules threaten the basis of Democracy.

Rep. Blumenauer: New Republican Rules Threaten Infrastructure Funding [Guest Post] INFRASTRUCTURIST

The Republican are given a taste of power and the first thing they do is produce their patented draconion measures. Just about as stupid as you can get!

Wow, that was so vague it hard even to know where to start. Let me just point out a downside of doing things the same old way.

Almost 13 years ago, Rep. David McIntosh, R-Ind., directed $375,000 in federal funding "to improve State Road 31" in Columbus, Ind., a city at the edge of his district. The McIntosh "earmark" seemed routine at the time, like almost 2,000 other congressional pet projects that lawmakers inserted into the 1998 highway bill. But there was a problem: "There is no State Road 31 that travels through Columbus, only U.S. 31," says Will Wingfield, a spokesman for the Indiana Department of Transportation.
The error hurt all of Indiana and has wrapped the earmark in red tape to this day. The money not only remains unspent, but because Congress counts money earmarked for highway projects against a state's share of federal gas tax revenue, the amount of the earmark reduced what Indiana would have received in federal funding — almost dollar for dollar.

'Earmarks' to nowhere: States losing billions -

Why do you support a system that takes money away from the states and keeps them from spending it where it is needed?

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