Rep. Comer to Newsmax: Biden Whistleblower Alleges 'Serious Offense'

We have the absolute end of Russia collusion involving Trump as a totally fake lie, to influence an election, and the revelation that the FBI is 100% politically corrupt…

You cheer that.

Uh-huh. And why no charges in the Durham report?

J6 has over 1000 defendants so far.

Mueller managed 8 convictions via pleas or trials resulting in millions of dollars in fines and years of prison sentences. And 34 indictments, most of them still at large. 400 hours of community service out of 1 plea. That's it. And no recommendations for any additional charges for anyone.
Uh-huh. And why no charges in the Durham report?

J6 has over 1000 defendants so far.

Mueller managed 8 convictions via pleas or trials resulting in millions of dollars in fines and years of prison sentences. And 34 indictments, most of them still at large. 400 hours of community service out of 1 plea. That's it. And no recommendations for any additional charges for anyone.
How many of those 8 convictions and pleas in Muller were for the Russia hoax directly? Any?
How many of those 8 convictions and pleas in Muller were for the Russia hoax directly? Any?

Who said that they were for the 'russia hoax'?

Durham charged hardly anyone. And managed a grand total of 400 hours of community service in a grand total of 1 plea deal.

Demonstrating either there weren't crimes to prosecute.....or Durham is just wildly incompetent.

Or both. Durham lost both trials. So both fits nicely.
Who said that they were for the 'russia hoax'?

Durham charged hardly anyone. And managed a grand total of 400 hours of community service in a grand total of 1 plea deal.

Demonstrating either there weren't crimes to prosecute.....or Durham is just wildly incompetent.

Or both. Durham lost both trials. So both fits nicely.
So, that’d be none…thanks
So its *all* a conspiracy. Even Durham.

I get it, tinfoil.
No conspiracy theorist nut job Russia Russia Russia Trump Russian collusion
There is what you and other leftists have been pushing. Your tin foil hat is tilted a little to far left
Who said that they were for the 'russia hoax'?

Durham charged hardly anyone. And managed a grand total of 400 hours of community service in a grand total of 1 plea deal.

Demonstrating either there weren't crimes to prosecute.....or Durham is just wildly incompetent.

Or both. Durham lost both trials. So both fits nicely.
Look dummy, Even a blind man can see that our entire system is corrupt today....From the congress, to the Presidency, to the justice system...Durham lost his trials because people like you sat on the juries....Take those cases to the heartland, and you loose big....
You just sunk your own argument... argument is that the Durham investigation fell flat on its face due to either no evidence or incompetence.

Or both.

And the lack of any charges or recommendation of charges in Durham's report demonstrate that argument elegantly.

As do the meager 400 hours of community service from a grand total of 1 plea deal. argument is that the Durham investigation fell flat on its face due to either no evidence or incompetence.

Or both.

And the lack of any charges or recommendation of charges in Durham's report demonstrate that argument elegantly.

As do the meager 400 hours of community service from a grand total of 1 plea deal.
I just don’t know how anyone could read that report charges or no, and come away crowing like you are…Unless ofcourse they simply hate this country…Don’t you understand that what Durham outlined is a corruption so deep within the dept of justice, the media, and our government that it shreds the constitution, and our civil rights?

I am convinced now more than ever that people like you are enemies of this country. Willing to do anything necessary to retain power regardless of who, or what you damage. Sub human, and evil in intent, more fitting to die a horrible death than continue to occupy any space in this great country.

I only hope that whatever vision you have in that mentally diseased brain of yours never reaches fruition, and that as your life goes on you have some sort of epiphany that shows you the true error of your thought process … But I won’t hold my breath…you are lost.

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