Rep. Comer to Newsmax: Biden Whistleblower Alleges 'Serious Offense'

So 'future' evidence.....that you promise us, but don't actually have.

And a 'whistleblower' that has 'vanished without a trace' when Comer is pressed for evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong.

Yeah, promises and vanishing whistleblowers aren't a good indication that 'judgment day' went well for you guys.

They're following the money dumb ass, it takes time, the republicans have only had the gavel a bit over 4 months.

They're following the money dumb ass, it takes time, the republicans have only had the gavel a bit over 4 months.


They promised us 'judgment day'. And this is what they gave us:


But tell us more about this imaginary 'future evidence' that you don't have, can't cite and can't provide.
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Rep. Comer to Newsmax: Biden Whistleblower Alleges 'Serious Offense'​

There is only one problem:
  1. Giuliani and Sidney Powel went on TV with the smoking gun of the stolen election. They had it nailed dead to rights. Only problem is that they had no smoke and no gun, all the sadder as I'm certain it was there.
  2. The GOP blew its horn how it was going to retake DC with a massive red wave, then the RNC worked to defeat several of its own key races including Arizona/Lake, and PA/Oz/Fetterman, barely eking out a victory when the other party was EXPECTED to win even in the best of times!
  3. Now Comer comes forth with a big announcement that he is certain Biden is a crook, which everyone knows he is, then went on to announce he's still digging to prove it and has even lost his star witnesses. :wtf:
So while I agree Biden is a crook, he smells of corruption like a corpse stinks of death, excuse me for not getting too worked up over the GOP. I'll believe it when I see it, meantime, half the GOP are incompetent useless clusterfucks while the other half as worse than the Dems in bed with them sucking their ass.

WAKE ME when the GOP actually impeaches Joe Biden and puts Hunter behind bars.
Not mine dumb ass, congress.

This congress?


That admit they can't actually prove their claims about Joe Biden...after promising they had evidence to prove their claims about Joe Biden?

I just want to make sure we're talking about the same group of people....who have already blown their credibility on evidence about Joe Biden.

So much for 'judgment day', eh, buddy?
There is only one problem:
  1. Giuliani and Sidney Powel went on TV with the smoking gun of the stolen election.

The 'smoking gun' being the Email from the woman who was 'internally decapitated yet lives' who backed her claims about Dominion with her 'special dreams'?

I don't think 'smoking gun' means what you think it means.
  1. They had it nailed dead to rights. Only problem is that they had no smoke and no gun, all the sadder as I'm certain it was there.
  2. The GOP blew its horn how it was going to retake DC with a massive red wave, then the RNC worked to defeat several of its own key races including Arizona/Lake, and PA/Oz/Fetterman, barely eking out a victory when the other party was EXPECTED to win even in the best of times!
  3. Now Comer comes forth with a big announcement that he is certain Biden is a crook, which everyone knows he is, then went on to announce he's still digging to prove it and has even lost his star witnesses. :wtf:
So while I agree Biden is a crook, he smells of corruption like a corpse stinks of death, excuse me for not getting too worked up over the GOP. I'll believe it when I see it, meantime, half the GOP are incompetent useless clusterfucks while the other half as worse than the Dems in bed with them sucking their ass.

WAKE ME when the GOP actually impeaches Joe Biden and puts Hunter behind bars.

So 'dead to rights' that every court to hear them laughed them out the door.

The Big Lies record of failure in absolutely perfect.
This congress?

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That admit they can't actually prove their claims about Joe Biden...after promising they had evidence to prove their claims about Joe Biden?

I just want to make sure we're talking about the same group of people....who have already blown their credibility on evidence about Joe Biden.

So much for 'judgment day', eh, buddy?

Not going to entertain your trolling anymore, shove off commie.

"(Atlanta) - Kraken lawyer Sidney Powell admitted in a filing in federal court that “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.” Powell made the filing in response to a defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia."

Laughing! Nothing says 'dead to rights' like Sidney Powell herself saying that no reasonable person would conclude her statements were factual.

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