Rep. DougCollins releases UNREDACTED transcript of Bruce Ohr testimony to his website:

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Quick....make a copy before it disappears

“Out of an abundance of caution, we gave DOJ an opportunity to review them for information that would endanger national security, but after many months and little progress, our patience has grown thin,” Collins said.

“The proposed redactions have nothing to do with national security and are anathema to our goal of government transparency,” he continued, adding that “I am, therefore, today making one of these transcripts public.”

“I intend to make other transcripts public soon,” he said. “I’m willing to consider any reasonable redactions DOJ makes in a timely manner, but won’t allow these transcripts to remain shrouded in secrecy.”

Interview of: Bruce Ohr
Ohr throws Clinton, Obama, Brennen, Comey and others under the bus... This is explosive... Ohr shows that it was an intentional Coup... OMFG!
Ohr throws Clinton, Obama, Brennen, Comey and others under the bus... This is explosive... Ohr shows that it was an intentional Coup... OMFG!
You have not even read it, and you are already manufacturing bullshit!

Mr. Gowdy. So when Glenn Simpson gave you information, what information did he give you?

Mr. Ohr. I don't recall the exact facts he gave me in August. I believe I made some notes at the time, and I believe it had to do with possible intermediaries between the Russian Government and the Trump campaign.

Mr. Gowdy. Such as?

Mr. Ohr. I don't recall the exact names.

Mr. Gowdy. That's a serious allegation, Mr. Ohr.

Mr. Ohr. Yes.

Mr. Gowdy. To allege that a hostile foreign government is in cahoots with members of a campaign is a pretty serious allegation.

Mr. Ohr. Yes.
Mr. Gowdy. And what precisely, as best you can recall, was the nature of this collaboration/conspiracy/coordination?

Mr. Ohr. That there were communications back and forth between the Russian Government and the Trump campaign.

Mr. Gowdy. Is there anything inherently criminal about that?

Mr. Ohr. If the Russian Government was attempting to influence the Trump campaign in some way, I would think that would be a national security threat.

Mr. Gowdy. What would that some way be?

Mr. Ohr. Espousing certain positions, or if they had some kind of control or influence over members of the campaign that could affect U.S. policy in a way that would be favorable to Russia or Russian interests.
Mr. Ohr. I believe one of the things -- again, I don't remember if it was Glenn Simpson or Chris Steele that mentioned this -- talked about -- I'm going to get the names wrong, but somebody associated with the Trump campaign having advance knowledge of when information about the Clinton campaign that had been stolen and hacked, when it was going to be leaked.

Mr. Gowdy. What criminal code section would that violate?

Mr. Ohr. I mean, I think, again, it's --

Mr. Gowdy. Conspiracy to defraud the United States?

Mr. Ohr. Right, conspiracy. It could be --

Mr. Gowdy. You don't see that statute used very often I don't think, do you, not that part of it? Recently, we've seen it.

Mr. Ohr. Sorry?

Mr. Gowdy. Recently, we've seen it. Is that what you were thinking, that it was a conspiracy to defraud the United States?

Mr. Ohr. I think any attempt by a foreign power to gain influence over a Presidential campaign would be troubling.
Mr. Gowdy. In July of 2016, Chris Steele emailed you and made reference to, and I'll quote, "our favorite business tycoon."

Mr. Ohr. Yes.

Mr. Gowdy. Who was he referring to?

Mr. Ohr. Oleg Deripaska.

Mr. Gowdy. How did you know that that's who he was referring to?

Mr. Ohr. We had had conversations prior to that time about Oleg Deripaska earlier that year.

Mr. Gowdy. It couldn't have been Donald Trump?

Mr. Ohr. No, I don't think so.

Mr. Gowdy. Why not?

Mr. Ohr. We never had conversations about Donald Trump before July 30th. He talked with me about Russian organized crime matters. We had talked in the past about Deripaska. That was pretty much the only person in my mind that he could have been referring to.

Mr. Gowdy. Did you and Chris Steele ever discuss Donald Trump?

Mr. Ohr. In the July 30th conversation, one of the items of information that Chris Steele gave to me was that he had information that a former head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the SVR, had stated to someone -- I didn't know who -- that they had Donald Trump over a barrel.
I like the part where Ohr proved D-Schiff is a f*ing LIAR! :p

(When is he going to jail for admittedly leaking classified?)
Mr. Gowdy. Well, what do you -- instead of me guessing what you recall, what do you recall Chris Steele telling you about Donald Trump and whether or not he wanted to see him prevail in November?

Mr. Ohr. As I told you, I don't recall the exact words. I definitely had a very strong impression that he did not want Donald Trump to win, because he believed his information he was giving me was accurate, and that he was, as I said, very concerned, or he was desperate, which is what I then told the FBI.
I like the part where Ohr proved D-Schiff is a f*ing LIAR! :p

(When is he going to jail for admittedly leaking classified?)
This is not going to end well for democrats.. Ohr named names and actions that violate the law and the US Constitution. The list just keeps growing... Obama's Chief of Staff is now implicated... Everyone in power was working to subvert the election!
Mr. Ohr. So Chris Steele provided me with basically three items of information. One of them I've described to you already, the comment that information supposedly stated and made by the head, former head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.
He also mentioned that Carter Page had met with certain high-level Russian officials when he was in Moscow. My recollection is at that time, the name Carter Page had already been in the press, and there had been some kind of statement about who he had met with when he went to Moscow. And so the first item that I recall Chris Steele telling me was he had information that Carter Page met with higher-level Russian officials, not just whoever was mentioned in the press article. So that was one item.
And then the third item he mentioned was that Paul Hauser, who was an attorney working for Oleg Deripaska, had information about Paul Manafort, that Paul Manafort had entered into some kind of business deal with Oleg Deripaska, had stolen a large amount of money from Oleg Deripaska, and that Paul Hauser was trying to gather information that would show that, you know, or give more detail about what Paul Manafort had done with respect to Deripaska.
Q Remind me, I think the term you had used was "had Trump over a barrel." Is that accurate?

A That is what my notes indicate. I think that is what Chris said.

Q Okay. And how did you interpret "having Trump over a barrel" to mean?

A My interpretation is that that meant that, if true, the Russian Government had some kind of compromising material on Donald Trump.

Q Okay. So, in reporting this to you, do you believe Mr. Steele believed it to be true that the Russian Government had some sort of compromising material on then-candidate Donald Trump?

A I think -- my impression is that Chris Steele believed his sources. What I should say in addition, though, is that whenever you are dealing with information from Russia, you have to be careful, because it is a very complicated place. And so even information from a good source has to be looked at carefully.

Q Okay. In the last round, I think someone noted that shortly after this July 30 meeting the FBI's investigation into potential coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia was initiated by the FBI, although you weren't aware of that at the time. Is that correct?

A That is right.

Q Okay. So, just to be clear, your July 30, 2016, meeting didn't have anything to do with the decision to initiate the investigation into links between Russia and the Trump campaign?

A None that I know of.

Q Okay.
Quick....make a copy before it disappears

“Out of an abundance of caution, we gave DOJ an opportunity to review them for information that would endanger national security, but after many months and little progress, our patience has grown thin,” Collins said.

“The proposed redactions have nothing to do with national security and are anathema to our goal of government transparency,” he continued, adding that “I am, therefore, today making one of these transcripts public.”

“I intend to make other transcripts public soon,” he said. “I’m willing to consider any reasonable redactions DOJ makes in a timely manner, but won’t allow these transcripts to remain shrouded in secrecy.”

Interview of: Bruce Ohr
So what's the take away?

Why you create a thread like this without any actual content?
Well, I'm about halfway through the transcript and there is absolutely nothing newsbreaking in it. No bombshells. Nothing which has not already been reported.

I don't know where the parroting tards (who will never read it for themselves) are getting the idea it has bombshells in it.

Parrots just parrot what they are told to parrot.
Here's what is in the transcript:

Bruce Ohr was a guy working at the Justice Department. He had a working relationship with Christopher Steele which went back several years. They knew each other from prior cases busting Russian organized crime. That is why Steele reached out to Ohr with the information he was unearthing about the ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. Steele had also passed along other information to Ohr which did not involve Trump. He alerted Ohr that a Russian mobster (Oleg Deripaska) was going to be in the US so Ohr could let the department know about the mobster's presence in case they wanted to interrogate him. This was the bulk of Ohr and Steele's communications until Steele began getting information about the Russians and their connections to Trump.

Ohr simply passed that information directly to the FBI for them to investigate. He was a conduit. Steele chose not to directly deliver the information to the FBI because he preferred to give it to someone he knew and trusted.

At some point, Steele had uncovered enough information about Trump's ties to Russia that he became alarmed that someone who might be a traitor could get elected.

This alarm spread through everyone who was given the information.

And that's that.
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Ohr throws Clinton, Obama, Brennen, Comey and others under the bus... This is explosive... Ohr shows that it was an intentional Coup... OMFG!
John Dean jr....Put him in front of a Senate Judiciary Committee on live teevee.
Ohr throws Clinton, Obama, Brennen, Comey and others under the bus... This is explosive... Ohr shows that it was an intentional Coup... OMFG!
John Dean jr....Put him in front of a Senate Judiciary Committee on live teevee.
I'm about 2/3 the way through this and Ohr is saving his own ass from life in prison.. Dems keep trying to give him outs to not say anything but he keeps right on telling it. He even implicates Schiff but stops short of others on the committee. I want to see the other transcripts... The road map he built starts at Obama and hits every agency of the federal government... This is unreal... Orwell could not have imagined this..
Q So, again, I think you've already answered this question a couple times in broad strokes, but just to be clear, were you involved in the October 2016 FISA application for surveillance on Carter Page?

A No.

Q Did you have any role in drafting or reviewing the Carter Page FISA application?

A No.

Q Were you part of the decisionmaking chain of command for the Page FISA application?

A No.

Q Were you part of the approval process for the Page FISA application?

A No.

Q Were you aware of the Page FISA application at the time?

A No.

Q Were you involved in any of the subsequent renewals of the Page FISA applicationn?

A No.

Q Were you involved in any of the FISA applications -- were you involved in any of the other FISA applications related to the Trump-Russia collusion investigation?

A No.

Q And were you ever involved with Special Counsel Mueller's investigation?

A No.

Q And to reiterate, you were never part of the FBI's Trump-Russia collusion counterintelligence investigation?

A Correct.

Ms. Shen. Okay. Thank you.
Ohr throws Clinton, Obama, Brennen, Comey and others under the bus... This is explosive... Ohr shows that it was an intentional Coup... OMFG!
John Dean jr....Put him in front of a Senate Judiciary Committee on live teevee.
I'm about 2/3 the way through this and Ohr is saving his own ass from life in prison..
Put down the crack pipe.

Nothing you have claimed is supported by the transcript. You are a hack.

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