Rep. Eric Swalwell Shares Recording Of Death Threat against his 3 children After Marjorie Taylor Greene Attack

I didn't lie.

Yes, you did. You said Trump spent "days" golfing, and that's a lie.

He was golfing for maybe two hours a day, on those days. And yes, maybe he took an occasional vacation. (wish I could)

Just because you and your ilk, CLAIM to be conservative, doesn't make you one

I never claimed to be a conservative.

I stated clearly from day one in this board, I'm a libertarian who has no use for your parties.

What I am is a parent who cares about his children. And right now I'm joining forces with the righties, to kick the scumbag Stalinist Democrats out of town. They need to go, and I'm going to help

Sure, as you defend a lying, "conservative"?

I don't defend ANYONE. Except children.

Other peoples' problems are not generally my business.

These days, I'm not really in the defense business. And I'm trying to stay out of the clobbering business. But it's getting difficult, these fucking asshole politicians won't leave me alone. They got their minions out there trying to convince my daughter she's a boy. WTF. WTF, lefties.

Hey - I know left, and this ain't it. I was born and raised a hippy, I know left like the back of my hand. This ain't it. This is some kind of monstrous aberration, and believe me, it ain't gonna fly. That bird will be killed before it even leaves the ground.
Never heard democrats say anything bad about conservatives.

People who claim to be conservatives?
Like Trump?

Who spent 306 of his 1460 days as president golfing, at a cost of $151 million of taxpayer $$$?

PLENTY, and rightfully so.
How many of those days that you claim Trump spent "golfing" were actually Trump conducting business at one of the golf resorts that he owns? I've heard this pathetic claim repeated ad nauseum and it's always made me laugh. The fact is that Trump got the job done no matter where he was and Joe Biden is AWOL almost every weekend...flying back to his beach house and not doing anything while so much in the country is completely screwed up!

As for your claim that you've never heard a Democrat say anything bad about conservatives? You're kidding...right?
Yeah, he’s a democrat. Democrats believe the end justifies any means. Morals are only to be used against opponents of democrats.
Deplorables must follow the rules of civility or else. When something does happen and it is nothing compared to the damage Progs do, it is plastered on the TV for weeks and longer.
the right are trying to paint this as a Smollett hoax...i feel bad for Swalwell anyway, no one should be threatened out there

he’s a chinese spy…nothing he says can be taken seriously

i feel bad for his kids, they are being raised by a traitor
Congress doesn't seem concerned about the increased violence directed at the Supreme Court including the attempted assassination of Judge Kav but some leftie democrats whines about being heckled. Waaa waaa.
Fang Fang's whore just comes off as a selfish drama queen. Too hard to take this clown seriously.
Yes, you did. You said Trump spent "days" golfing, and that's a lie.
306 days.
He was golfing for maybe two hours a day, on those days. And yes, maybe he took an occasional vacation. (wish I could)
LOL. TWO hours?
1) You've never golfed at a course have you?
2) You know
I never claimed to be a conservative.

I stated clearly from day one in this board, I'm a libertarian who has no use for your parties.
Oh' well, they're just as bad as any republican.
What I am is a parent who cares about his children. And right now I'm joining forces with the righties, to kick the scumbag Stalinist Democrats out of town. They need to go, and I'm going to help
The only "Stalinist" are you..............they project, A LOT.
I don't defend ANYONE. Except children.
You just did.
See first comment.
Other peoples' problems are not generally my business.

These days, I'm not really in the defense business. And I'm trying to stay out of the clobbering business. But it's getting difficult, these fucking asshole politicians won't leave me alone. They got their minions out there trying to convince my daughter she's a boy. WTF. WTF, lefties.
How are they doing that?
Hey - I know left, and this ain't it. I was born and raised a hippy, I know left like the back of my hand.
Sure, you do............via, Trump's sons on FOX?
This ain't it. This is some kind of monstrous aberration, and believe me, it ain't gonna fly. That bird will be killed before it even leaves the ground.
Good luck with that.
How many of those days that you claim Trump spent "golfing" were actually Trump conducting business at one of the golf resorts that he owns?
Doing "business"?
Trump doesn't even do "business" when he is supposed to, watching FOX, tweeting and holding rallies isn't doing "business".
I've heard this pathetic claim repeated ad nauseum and it's always made me laugh. The fact is that Trump got the job done
Trump was/is pathetic.
Laughable opinion.
no matter where he was and Joe Biden is AWOL almost every weekend...flying back to his beach house and not doing anything while so much in the country is completely screwed up!
As for your claim that you've never heard a Democrat say anything bad about conservatives?
NOPE, I wish there were more, we need them.
You're kidding...right?
No, the people claiming to be conservative are.
They never even balanced a buget, let alone lowered the deficit
Doing "business"?
Trump doesn't even do "business" when he is supposed to, watching FOX, tweeting and holding rallies isn't doing "business".

Trump was/is pathetic.
Laughable opinion.

NOPE, I wish there were more, we need them.

No, the people claiming to be conservative are.
They never even balanced a buget, let alone lowered the deficit
So much bullshit. So many lies. Or in your case, the usual.
to be fair, i believe he’s simply parroting the propaganda from MsDNC. Cultist like Smokin aren’t able to have a free thought


Good luck with that.
You assholes are ALREADY being kicked out. Your fucktard leftist DA's are being booted out, it starts there because that's the most immediate threat. Boudin is already out, Gascon is in his way out.... in case you haven't noticed...

Come November, your Congress critters will be out of a job too, and then you'll REALLY be in trouble because the righties will extract payback

If I were you I'd start running "now". While it's still possible.
You assholes are ALREADY being kicked out. Your fucktard leftist DA's are being booted out, it starts there because that's the most immediate threat. Boudin is already out, Gascon is in his way out.... in case you haven't noticed...

Come November, your Congress critters will be out of a job too, and then you'll REALLY be in trouble because the righties will extract payback
Your congress will be headed to prison.
If I were you I'd start running "now". While it's still possible.
Your congress will be headed to prison.

See? ^^^

Lefties = Stalinist assholes

The DA's in the Southern District of NY already RESIGNED cause they couldn't prove Trump committed a crime.

And here we are, after two failed impeachments, a failed attempt at criminal prosecution, riots, and more - and these fucking Stalinist pigs are STILL going after the guy - just so he can't run in the next election!

No one's laughing.
See? ^^^

Lefties = Stalinist assholes

The DA's in the Southern District of NY already RESIGNED cause they couldn't prove Trump committed a crime.
The case is still going on, I can tell, Trump is still crying.
And here we are, after two failed impeachments,
Sure, because his cult in the senate, ignores everything Trump does.
a failed attempt at criminal prosecution, riots, and more - and these fucking Stalinist pigs are STILL going after the guy - just so he can't run in the next election!
Of course they are the orange grifter is a criminal, who hasn't been brought to justice,
No one's laughing.
No one will be, if traitors take over.

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