Rep. Jared Moskowitz calls for Palm Beach County to tax Mar-a-Lago at the rate Trump claims it's worth

Nope. The form required is a form banks require for multi million dollar loans, done by a Certified Accounting firm, and sworn to be factual and truthful.

It isn't what a property owner makes up in their head.

And it wasn't just a thought of what he believed he could get for his infamous properties, trump org, out right committed fraud....they exaggerated property assets by as much as 400% to 2000% on this Legal Property Asset Form.

This was not "thinking" ones property value's worth 10% or even 30% MORE than the market value.

They lied on the form with things like claiming his Trump Tower Penthouse was 30,000 square feet to come to his higher over valued estimate instead of the 10,000 square feet that it actually was....

Claiming he can get near 3/4s of a billion for Mara Lago by selling it as a private mansion, when Mara Lago is DEED RESTRICTED to only be a Historical Resort, and NEVER be able to sell as a private mansion, where it would be valued at much much more.

Hmm. If the required form is to be done by a CPA, how did Trump manage to fill in the form?
Nope. The form required is a form banks require for multi million dollar loans, done by a Certified Accounting firm, and sworn to be factual and truthful.

It isn't what a property owner makes up in their head.

And it wasn't just a thought of what he believed he could get for his infamous properties, trump org, out right committed fraud....they exaggerated property assets by as much as 400% to 2000% on this Legal Property Asset Form.

This was not "thinking" ones property value's worth 10% or even 30% MORE than the market value.

They lied on the form with things like claiming his Trump Tower Penthouse was 30,000 square feet to come to his higher over valued estimate instead of the 10,000 square feet that it actually was....

Claiming he can get near 3/4s of a billion for Mara Lago by selling it as a private mansion, when Mara Lago is DEED RESTRICTED to only be a Historical Resort, and NEVER be able to sell as a private mansion, where it would be valued at much much more.

Nope. The form required is a form banks require for multi million dollar loans, done by a Certified Accounting firm, and sworn to be factual and truthful.

It isn't what a property owner makes up in their head.

And it wasn't just a thought of what he believed he could get for his infamous properties, trump org, out right committed fraud....they exaggerated property assets by as much as 400% to 2000% on this Legal Property Asset Form.

This was not "thinking" ones property value's worth 10% or even 30% MORE than the market value.

They lied on the form with things like claiming his Trump Tower Penthouse was 30,000 square feet to come to his higher over valued estimate instead of the 10,000 square feet that it actually was....

Claiming he can get near 3/4s of a billion for Mara Lago by selling it as a private mansion, when Mara Lago is DEED RESTRICTED to only be a Historical Resort, and NEVER be able to sell as a private mansion, where it would be valued at much much more.

And after all of THAT, Care...was the bank in any way harmed by Trump? The answer to that is no...they were more than happy with how that loan was repaid...ahead of shedule...and in full! So who was the victim?
You are completely missing the point. Nothing can be changed. They can't build anything or expand the Post house. It's deemed historic. They can't modernize or even change the paint color.

Trump charges $2000 a night to members only.
Maybe you are missing the point…it’s a resort, social club. Not real estate to develop into section 8 housing.

Who would buy a historic resort to rip it down to build houses?

He purposely put it in a historic district in 2002 to protect its value
And after all of THAT, Care...was the bank in any way harmed by Trump? The answer to that is no...they were more than happy with how that loan was repaid...ahead of shedule...and in full! So who was the victim?
The integrity of the system. The business market place.

If Trump's intentional over evaluations and lies and law breaking didn't give trump an unfair advantage over/vs. being an honest businessman, then why did he do it?
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That's irrelevant. And banks don't actually like it, when loans are paid ahead of schedule. They make less money that way.
They may not like missing out on some more interest, Fort but let me assure you...they like loans that are paid ahead of schedule a lot more than loans that aren't repaid at all! Bottom line is those banks were happy with the result and stated under oath that they would gladly do business with Trump again. So I ask the question again...who was the victim here?
The integrity of the system. The business market place.

If Trump's intentional over evaluations and lies and law breaking didn't give trump an unfair advantage over/vs. being an honest businessman, then why did he do it?
The integrity of the system? With all due respect, Care...the "system" worked perfectly! It worked the way it's always worked. You put a value on property you're using to secure the loan...the bank's appraisers examine the property and put their value on the property and then a compromise is reached. This notion that massive banks are being "defrauded" because someone said their building was worth 200 million and the bank agreed to loan them an amount based on their appraisals is ludicrous!
Stop being stupid. You're a criminal if you submit false financial statements under penalty of law.
Which is a "crime" that literally happens routinely! So show me any other real estate developer who's been charged like Trump has! Explain why Kathy Hochul rushed to assure other investors that New York wasn't going to do the same thing to them that they were doing to Trump! Explain to me why Bernie Madoff stole 65 Billion dollars from investors and his bond was 10 million whereas Trump didn't steal anything from anyone and his bond is a half a Billion dollars!
They may not like missing out on some more interest, Fort but let me assure you...they like loans that are paid ahead of schedule a lot more than loans that aren't repaid at all! Bottom line is those banks were happy with the result and stated under oath that they would gladly do business with Trump again. So I ask the question again...who was the victim here?
This is from a little less than a year ago....

This is from a little less than a year ago....

Gee whiz, Care! Why do you think banks would be nervous about what was happening to Trump? Because maybe an idiot judge and activist AG would impose a penalty on him for a non crime that was so outrageously large that it would force him to have to sell property at fire sale prices? Come on...use your head!
The entire premise of the case was that Trump defrauded someone because he overvalued his assets. If the state taxes those assets at the value he assigned to them that would no longer be the case. Especially if they backdated it.

Also FL property tax is less than 1%. .98% to be exact. That’s less that 10million in taxes per year.

Apparently hate makes you bad at logic and maths.

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