Rep. Jaypal (D) and Joy Reid chuckle and call the r*pe of a 13-year-old girl by an illegal “fear-mongering.”

Some migrants are dangerous.

It doesn't matter how many are dangerous or not.

The border being wide open is a radical position.

If you excuse it - or even ignore it, you are nothing even approaching a "moderate".

Biden did it the moment he took office, and he even said he was going to do it during the Democrat Primary.

Facts are not cruel, facts are not kind, but they are irrefutable.

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Why would anyone think rapists, murderers and terrorists and people afraid to use the front door are dangerous?
That's what they think. Many MANY millions of illegals have invaded our country. Let's put the total at a conservative 10 million since Biden took office. If even 1% of those are among the bad actors, that would be 100,000 child and sex traffickers or rapists or murderers or any number of violent criminals or career criminals turned loose in our society.

If we listen to the looney leftists we can just ignore those though. They aren't important. We can just laugh them and their victims off as irrelevant. What is relevant is Biden can just ignore the immigration laws passed by the people's representatives and signed into law by another President and declare more than 500,000 illegals legal by executive order. And that's A-okay to the left.

And Fox News did provide a LOT of coverage of those 500,000+ people Biden is giving amnesty to. They also covered the brutal rape and murder of an innocent child by illegal migrants. The leftwing media ignored the rape/murder and picked the Fox headline to use to smear Fox instead of the headline addressing the amnesty.

However today's headline from Fox does illustrate a larger issue as to why Biden should never get away with violating immigration laws via EO. Such amnesty deserves a healthy debate and consideration of all the possible problems and issues with it: Remember the probably unproved allegation that Omar married her brother to keep him in the U.S.? Maybe that could become a regular kind of thing?

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Hmmm, so, a 13 year old girl getting raped...not important. 500,000 illegals getting amnesty...important. Aren't you fucking special.

The only reason the rape of this 13-year-old girl was important to Fox News was because she was raped by an immigrant.

Every day of the week thousands of little 13-year-old girls in the United States or raped, and nobody cares, unless the raped by a migrant.
The only reason the rape of this 13-year-old girl was important to Fox News was because she was raped by an immigrant.

Every day of the week thousands of little 13-year-old girls in the United States or raped, and nobody cares, unless the raped by a migrant.

Most girls are raped by immigrants or in Democrat cities.

The only reason the rape of this 13-year-old girl was important to Fox News was because she was raped by an immigrant.

Every day of the week thousands of little 13-year-old girls in the United States or raped, and nobody cares, unless the raped by a migrant.

@ Dragonlady

Hey dumbass, are you aware that In Latin America and the Carribbean, the minimum age of consent ranges from 12 to 18?

Now most Americans aren't going to try to have sex with a 12 year old girl, but what about those illegal immigrants who think it's fine and dandy to fuck a 12 year old girl, consensual or otherwise?

Once again, you fail to see the big picture of how we don't need 10-20 million new illegals, many of whom don't understand the laws and customs of this country. Or maybe you just don't give a shit because you think you're gaining more votes. Either way, you should really be ashamed of yourself and those idiots you helped put in office.
Life is cheap to these fucking apes, let's not pretend anymore... just look at them, why wouldn't it be cheap? :abgg2q.jpg:

The party of shit isn't interested in scoring political points off this particular dead body..... they'll let you know when a murder scores well in their polling.... like george floyd, a career criminal with 5 stints in prison including a home invasion where he held the pregnant homeowner at gunpoint while his homies ransacked her home (like they were the fbi at mara-lago or something)....

The party that likes to fuck kids will tell you THAT dead body is important.... an innocent 13-year old, not so much.... that's just something they'd rape anyway.... and she couldn't vote.
Stupick dreck. It was a 12 yr old by two 20 somethings who strangled and discarded her when done! Get off the boards. It’s becoming everyday mayhem.

Unvetted Obiden crap dumped in. All to get tens of milions new names on the voter rolls to use the mail in ballots!

Last time you floated one of these reports, it turned out the kid wasn’t even in the guys room for more than two minutes and she looked perfectly calm when she left. All charges were dropped.

It wouldn’t be the first time fox made shit up just to keep you lot in a state of outrage. Nobody believes anything on Fox News because none of it’s true.
Well apparently you don't have a fucking clue. The President announces amnesty for undocumented spouses of Americans and it's the lead story on all of the networks but FOX who lead with a story that a migrant was arrested for raping a 13 year old girl.

FOX is feeding a false narrative that migrants are dangerous.
so a migrant raping 13 year olds isn't dangerous? wow, even for you in Canada that's surprising.

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