Rep. Jaypal (D) and Joy Reid chuckle and call the r*pe of a 13-year-old girl by an illegal “fear-mongering.”

President Biden was elected on November 3, 2020.

When did the crimes committed by illegal aliens begin to skyrocket?


Last time you floated one of these reports, it turned out the kid wasn’t even in the guys room for more than two minutes and she looked perfectly calm when she left. All charges were dropped.

It wouldn’t be the first time fox made shit up just to keep you lot in a state of outrage. Nobody believes anything on Fox News because none of it’s true.
Every day, thousands of American children are sexually abused in the USA. 23% of the victims of child sexual abuse are little girls betwee 7 and 9 years old. How many of these rapes is FOX Run Headline Articles about.

Every day, 7 American women are murdered. Mostly by their white Spouses. How many of these are making Headlines of FOX News.

How many times does FOX have to lie to you, before you catch on????
You are stunningly degenerate.
Is it fear mongering if it's true?

And maybe it isn't fear mongering so much as cnn and msnbc are just more concerned with promoting Biden than talking about the reality that has resulted from letting illegals in willy nilly.

Paypal and Reid are just jealous because not even an illegal Ecuadorian rapist would stick his dick in either one of them, for fear of having it rot off.

Pretty sure the only places they could get laid is a prison or a kennel.
Well apparently you don't have a fucking clue. The President announces amnesty for undocumented spouses of Americans and it's the lead story on all of the networks but FOX who lead with a story that a migrant was arrested for raping a 13 year old girl.

FOX is feeding a false narrative that migrants are dangerous.
Hey retard, one perp admitted to even FILMING the rape of a child. You are a disgusting POS. Nice to see you call rapists not dangerous people. Keep your filth and stupidity in your own country.
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It is going from terrible to tragic and the Democrats pretend it is not happening or why.

How Many More Bodies Will Be Buried Before Somebody Stops Biden’s Illegal Invasion at the Border?

By Rusty Weiss | 3:40 PM on June 21, 2024

The blood on the hands of President Biden grows ever more present with each passing day. Flowing from the White House like the Rio Grande.

Biden's failed immigration policies have created an unprecedented crisis at the border. A deadly crisis.

Fentanyl, now the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 45, is pouring through the border. Sadly, it goes beyond mere statistics.

All too often, the general public remains unable to put names to faces with fentanyl-related deaths. When cited in political discourse they get relegated to a generalized data point.

Or they perhaps identify those cases as being exclusive to a segment of society with which they are unable to associate or understand. "That happened to a drug user; it won’t happen to me."

Anyone get it? What’s the punchline? I don’t get it. Can someone explain why Democrats think little girls being raped is funny?

lol can you idiots stop pretending you give a shit about kids? Like sure maybe you do with those in your family, but other than that you don’t give a shit. Politically, you just use them as an excuse to whine about something liberals say.
Anyone get it? What’s the punchline? I don’t get it. Can someone explain why Democrats think little girls being raped is funny?

What they are actually laughing about is that the right will make broad generalizations about immigrants based on single cases like this instead of statistics. Not only do few immigrants assault kids, but obviously legal citizens do as well. Obviously Fox isn’t going to mention those stories to make broad statements about that demographic of people.
What they are actually laughing about is that the right will make broad generalizations about immigrants based on single cases like this instead of statistics. Not only do few immigrants assault kids, but obviously legal citizens do as well. Obviously Fox isn’t going to mention those stories to make broad statements about that demographic of people.
To immigrate to New Zealand you need several million dollars in the bank or a white collar job the government says they need in their country.

Are New Zealanders and their government a bunch of racists?

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