Rep Jeff Van Drew, a New Jersey Democrat opposed to impeaching Trump, plans to switch parties to GOP

"Another source told Fox News that Van Drew may be seeking a Rose Garden ceremony if he were to switch

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, called the party switch "cynical and desperate."
"Thank you for your honesty Jeff. All of the Democrats know you are right, but unlike you, they don’t have the “guts” to say so!" - President Trump just now on twitter

Thanks for feeding us bullshit mr.Trump, may we have another?
And not only Van Drew......but now ....another Democrat too

I won't even open another thread with this news...

Way to go Rep. Collin Peterson!:clap2::clap2: Bravo

Democrat Rep. Collin Peterson Confirms He’ll Vote Against Impeaching Trump

Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN), chairman the House Committee on Agriculture, confirmed Saturday that he plans to vote against impeaching President Donald Trump over his contacts with Ukraine unless, in the unlikely event, additional information comes to light.

Democrat Rep. Collin Peterson Confirms He'll Vote Against Impeachment

Skye I'll make it all real easy on you: TRUMP IS GETTING IMPEACHED.
Can't wait to hear the left turn on him like a wounded dolphin in a pack of sharks.
Tell us how you feel about Justin Amash

We didn't turn on him, we were glad to see him go. He'll get beat next November anyway, if he even runs. Some people
say he will run for President as a Libertarian.

If you listen to Van Drew, he should be in the GOP anyway. He's no modern day Democrat. There are 31 Dems in districts that
Trump won by more than 4% of the vote. 22 of those are 1st term Dems. We only need to flip 19 to retake the House.
18 if Drew bolts. I like the odds. Plus there are another 24 dems in Districts that Trump won with less than 4 %.

We are going to retake the House.
Dimms trying to get in front of the Barr/Dunham prosecutions that are around the bend.

Lefties, just keep asking yourselves if your feelings would be the same if Bush had pulled this shit on Obama.

You know the answer.
Lefties, just keep asking yourselves if your feelings would be the same if Bush had pulled this shit on Obama.

You know the answer.

What shit, retard?

IG Report found absolutely nothing having to do with Obama's administration or politics after a year and half long investigation.

How about you go find at least an ounce of serious evidence before running your dummy mouth.
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Lefties, just keep asking yourselves if your feelings would be the same if Bush had pulled this shit on Obama.

You know the answer.

What shit, retard?

IG Report found absolutely nothing having to do with administration after a year and half long investigation.

Horowitz found the FBI lied 17 times and the Woods procedures were not followed because the Steele Dossier was BS and the FBI knew it.

Do you even news, retard? (By the way, it’s bad form for a lib like you to use a pejorative like retard, don’t be a hypocrite, you fucking retard)
Lefties, just keep asking yourselves if your feelings would be the same if Bush had pulled this shit on Obama.

You know the answer.

What shit, retard?

IG Report found absolutely nothing having to do with administration after a year and half long investigation.

Horowitz found the FBI lied 17 times and the Woods procedures were not followed because the Steele Dossier was BS and the FBI knew it.

Do you even news, retard? (By the way, it’s bad form for a lib like you to use a pejorative like retard, don’t be a hypocrite, you fucking retard)

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. What IG found was individual FBI members playing hardball or not crossing off every t and dotting every i, what he DIDN'T FIND was any sort of administrative coordination or political bias against Trump.

Just because you feel Carter Page is a sketchy as fuck Russian asset and want to surveil him a month after he left Trump campaign (and ran straight to Russia), doesn't mean you are out to get Trump or have some sort of political angle.

Trump claimed Obama wiretapped him Nixon style...while Trump's DOJ consistently found that he is full of shit.
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Can't wait to hear the left turn on him like a wounded dolphin in a pack of sharks.
Tell us how you feel about Justin Amash

We didn't turn on him, we were glad to see him go. He'll get beat next November anyway, if he even runs.

Ohhh and you think we give a shit about Rep. Jeff Van Drew why....?
Because it is one step closer to the GOP retaking the House...that's why.
Lefties, just keep asking yourselves if your feelings would be the same if Bush had pulled this shit on Obama.

You know the answer.

What shit, retard?

IG Report found absolutely nothing having to do with administration after a year and half long investigation.

Horowitz found the FBI lied 17 times and the Woods procedures were not followed because the Steele Dossier was BS and the FBI knew it.

Do you even news, retard? (By the way, it’s bad form for a lib like you to use a pejorative like retard, don’t be a hypocrite, you fucking retard)

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. What IG found was individual FBI members playing hardball or not crossing off every t and dotting every i, what he DIDN'T FIND was any sort of administrative coordination or political bias against Trump.

Just because you feel Carter Page is a sketchy as fuck Russian asset and want to surveil him a month after he left Trump campaign (and ran straight to Russia), doesn't mean you are out to get Trump or have some sort of political angle.

Trump claimed Obama wiretapped him Nixon style...while Trump's DOJ consistently found that he is full of shit.

You clearly didn’t watch the Horowitz testimony.

Good luck in 2024. Maybe you dickheads will run a better candidate.
The Democratic Party has become a circus and a shit show, right at the worst possible time.

I certainly can't blame this guy for not wanting to be a part of it.
Notice how trolls like Borg have ramped up their attacks, while Democrats like this are switching parties and others are breaking ranks?

It’s going to be a Brexit like Blood Bath on November 2020.

All stories about defections from The Democrats Party should be posted here. In fact, this thread should be pinned because Democrat Defections are going to be a bigger story than the Democrat Impeachment.

Democratic Rep. Jeff Van Drew, critic of Trump impeachment, to switch to GOP

The democratic party is dead...…………………

What is Mexico going to do

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