Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s explosive exit from a White House meeting last week “unbecoming of a speaker,” adding that “a leader stays in the room and solves the problem.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy, R-Calif., who was at Thursday’s meeting that ended abruptly with a walkout at the White House, said, “I’ve been in many of these meetings. This is a pattern of the speaker. When she doesn’t want to come to a solution she really is unbecoming of a speaker, throws a fit and leaves a room.”

Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process

McCarthy is absolutely right here....Democrats are showing today why they neither deserve to be listened to, much less hold any power at all...They are about a show, not solutions to anything...When will America get tired of this circus and demand that they actually do their jobs instead of a do nothing house that is only bent on removing a duly elected President...

America is at a real low point....
This house may end this election year with absolutely zero legislation passed...I think that would be a first....Nancy is an old clown...she doesn't give a rats ass about her voters and she cares even less about the rest of us...I guess we will have to suffer through the rest of her leadership before we can see what was in it....
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s explosive exit from a White House meeting last week “unbecoming of a speaker,” adding that “a leader stays in the room and solves the problem.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy, R-Calif., who was at Thursday’s meeting that ended abruptly with a walkout at the White House, said, “I’ve been in many of these meetings. This is a pattern of the speaker. When she doesn’t want to come to a solution she really is unbecoming of a speaker, throws a fit and leaves a room.”

Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process

McCarthy is absolutely right here....Democrats are showing today why they neither deserve to be listened to, much less hold any power at all...They are about a show, not solutions to anything...When will America get tired of this circus and demand that they actually do their jobs instead of a do nothing house that is only bent on removing a duly elected President...

America is at a real low point....
I saw McCarthy on a show yesterday or today and he said Pelosi and the others were handed a paper by Trump and she placed it face down on the table without reading it and started hinting to the group about impeachment. One thing led to another and Pelosi stormed out of the meeting followed by her lap dog Schumer. McCarthy said her and and Chuckie are always doing that to Trump then going outside for a presser.
Trump should have told both of them when they got up to leave to get their asses back there, sit down and keep your mouth shut until they're spoken to. Only way to stop their temper tantrums.
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s explosive exit from a White House meeting last week “unbecoming of a speaker,” adding that “a leader stays in the room and solves the problem.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy, R-Calif., who was at Thursday’s meeting that ended abruptly with a walkout at the White House, said, “I’ve been in many of these meetings. This is a pattern of the speaker. When she doesn’t want to come to a solution she really is unbecoming of a speaker, throws a fit and leaves a room.”

Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process

McCarthy is absolutely right here....Democrats are showing today why they neither deserve to be listened to, much less hold any power at all...They are about a show, not solutions to anything...When will America get tired of this circus and demand that they actually do their jobs instead of a do nothing house that is only bent on removing a duly elected President...

America is at a real low point....
Tough shit. This is not a trial. McCarthy is just generating talking points for the cult.
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s explosive exit from a White House meeting last week “unbecoming of a speaker,” adding that “a leader stays in the room and solves the problem.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy, R-Calif., who was at Thursday’s meeting that ended abruptly with a walkout at the White House, said, “I’ve been in many of these meetings. This is a pattern of the speaker. When she doesn’t want to come to a solution she really is unbecoming of a speaker, throws a fit and leaves a room.”

Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process

McCarthy is absolutely right here....Democrats are showing today why they neither deserve to be listened to, much less hold any power at all...They are about a show, not solutions to anything...When will America get tired of this circus and demand that they actually do their jobs instead of a do nothing house that is only bent on removing a duly elected President...

America is at a real low point....
LOL! See fraud called Benghazi for a standard DOPer moron.
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s explosive exit from a White House meeting last week “unbecoming of a speaker,” adding that “a leader stays in the room and solves the problem.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy, R-Calif., who was at Thursday’s meeting that ended abruptly with a walkout at the White House, said, “I’ve been in many of these meetings. This is a pattern of the speaker. When she doesn’t want to come to a solution she really is unbecoming of a speaker, throws a fit and leaves a room.”

Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process

McCarthy is absolutely right here....Democrats are showing today why they neither deserve to be listened to, much less hold any power at all...They are about a show, not solutions to anything...When will America get tired of this circus and demand that they actually do their jobs instead of a do nothing house that is only bent on removing a duly elected President...

America is at a real low point....
McCarthy is absolutely wrong – he’s either ignorant of the facts or a liar and demagogue; given that McCarthy is a partisan hack, the latter is clearly the case.

‘Due process’ concerns solely the government seeking to take from a citizen through the legal process his life, liberty, or property; impeachment is a political – not legal – process, where the doctrine of due process does not apply.

If removed from office via the impeachment process, Trump is free to return to private society and his private life – where is liberty is in no manner in jeopardy the consequence of the impeachment process.

If after leaving office Trump were to be prosecuted for crimes he committed while president, it’s at that point the doctrine of due process would apply.

America reached its real low point when Trump was elected.
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s explosive exit from a White House meeting last week “unbecoming of a speaker,” adding that “a leader stays in the room and solves the problem.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy, R-Calif., who was at Thursday’s meeting that ended abruptly with a walkout at the White House, said, “I’ve been in many of these meetings. This is a pattern of the speaker. When she doesn’t want to come to a solution she really is unbecoming of a speaker, throws a fit and leaves a room.”

Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process

McCarthy is absolutely right here....Democrats are showing today why they neither deserve to be listened to, much less hold any power at all...They are about a show, not solutions to anything...When will America get tired of this circus and demand that they actually do their jobs instead of a do nothing house that is only bent on removing a duly elected President...

America is at a real low point....
Tough shit. This is not a trial. McCarthy is just generating talking points for the cult.

You really are a case study in projection.
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s explosive exit from a White House meeting last week “unbecoming of a speaker,” adding that “a leader stays in the room and solves the problem.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy, R-Calif., who was at Thursday’s meeting that ended abruptly with a walkout at the White House, said, “I’ve been in many of these meetings. This is a pattern of the speaker. When she doesn’t want to come to a solution she really is unbecoming of a speaker, throws a fit and leaves a room.”

Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process

McCarthy is absolutely right here....Democrats are showing today why they neither deserve to be listened to, much less hold any power at all...They are about a show, not solutions to anything...When will America get tired of this circus and demand that they actually do their jobs instead of a do nothing house that is only bent on removing a duly elected President...

America is at a real low point....
LOL! See fraud called Benghazi for a standard DOPer moron.

So, you were in favor of not lifting a finger to save our ambassador, and the fallen brave SF killed....What a coward.
Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s explosive exit from a White House meeting last week “unbecoming of a speaker,” adding that “a leader stays in the room and solves the problem.”

Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, McCarthy, R-Calif., who was at Thursday’s meeting that ended abruptly with a walkout at the White House, said, “I’ve been in many of these meetings. This is a pattern of the speaker. When she doesn’t want to come to a solution she really is unbecoming of a speaker, throws a fit and leaves a room.”

Rep. McCarthy: Pelosi is failing to meet basic standards of due process

McCarthy is absolutely right here....Democrats are showing today why they neither deserve to be listened to, much less hold any power at all...They are about a show, not solutions to anything...When will America get tired of this circus and demand that they actually do their jobs instead of a do nothing house that is only bent on removing a duly elected President...

America is at a real low point....
McCarthy is absolutely wrong – he’s either ignorant of the facts or a liar and demagogue; given that McCarthy is a partisan hack, the latter is clearly the case.

‘Due process’ concerns solely the government seeking to take from a citizen through the legal process his life, liberty, or property; impeachment is a political – not legal – process, where the doctrine of due process does not apply.

If removed from office via the impeachment process, Trump is free to return to private society and his private life – where is liberty is in no manner in jeopardy the consequence of the impeachment process.

If after leaving office Trump were to be prosecuted for crimes he committed while president, it’s at that point the doctrine of due process would apply.

America reached its real low point when Trump was elected.

Good remember that when it's your person in the oval...American's see how unfair Democrats have been, and will pay them for it dearly at the polls.

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