Rep Mo Brooks (R-Al) opines that sea level rise due to rocks and dirt

Rep. Hank Johnson (d-ga) was afraid that Guam would capsize if too many people were standing on one side of it.... Stupid knows no political party.

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk


Johnson: This is a[n] island that at its widest level is what ā€¦ twelve miles from shore to shore? And at its smallest level ā€¦ uh, smallest location ā€¦ itā€™s seven miles between one shore and the other? Is that correct?

Willard: I donā€™t have the exact dimensions, but to your point, sir, I think Guam is a small island.

Johnson: Very small island, about twenty-four miles, if I recall, long, twenty-four miles long, about seven miles wide at the least widest place on the island and about twelve miles wide on the widest part of the island, and I donā€™t know how many square miles that is. Do you happen to know?

Willard: I donā€™t have that figure with me, sir, I can certainly supply it to you if you like.

Johnson: Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.

Willard: We donā€™t anticipate that ā€¦ the Guam population I think currently about 175,000 and again with 8,000 Marines and their families itā€™s an addition of about 25,000 more into the population.

Johnson: And also things like the environment, the sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things, and I know that lots of people donā€™t like to think about that but ā€¦ you know, we donā€™t think about global warming either, and now we do have to think about it, and so Iā€™m concerned from an environmental standpoint whether or not Guam is the best place to do this relocation. but itā€™s actually the only place, is that correct?

Willard: This is the best place, this is the farthest west U.S. territory that we own and this is part of our nation, and in readdressing the forward presence and posture importance to Pacific Command, Guam is vital to this decision.

This exchange was the subject of much ridicule and speculation: Was Rep. Johnson really expressing concern that the addition of 8,000 Marines and their families to Guam would literally cause the island to become ā€œso overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,ā€ or was he engaging in a metaphor about concerns over the level of environmental degradation that might result from a sudden 14% increase in Guamā€™s population?

The latter viewpoint is bolstered by the fact that immediately after his ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ statement, Johnson did explicitly say he was concerned about ā€œthe sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things.ā€ On the other hand, Johnsonā€™s prefacing that statement with the words ā€œAnd also things like the environment ā€¦ā€ (and his curious fixation on Guamā€™s exact dimensions) could be taken to mean that his previously expressed fear ā€œthat the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsizeā€ was a different subject and was therefore not a metaphor for environmental issues.

Or perhaps Johnson was clumsily trying to express the notion that adding another 25,000 people to Guam would create an unsustainably large population (and thus the island would reach its ā€œtipping pointā€).

Only Johnson knows for sure what he was thinking as he questioned Admiral Willard, and he later claimed he was ā€œspeaking metaphoricallyā€ and ā€œkiddingā€ (although critics noted no trace of humor was apparent in his words, tone, or body language, nor did he react or offer correction when Admiral Willard addressed his concerns about the islandā€™s ā€œtipping overā€ as if they were meant literally):

4th District Congressman Hank Johnson is now backing away from an outlandish suggestion he made to a United States Navy admiral that the Pacific island of Guam could ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ if too many U.S. Marines are stationed there.

Johnson said ā€œmy fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.ā€

In an interview, the Decatur Democrat said he was kidding and simply speaking metaphorically to make a point during the committee hearing.

Johnson said, ā€œI can say things that are quite humorous and not smile about it and it leads people to think about what I said.ā€

ā€œOften, Iā€™ve been known to use humor as I deliver a message. Thatā€™s just one of the gifts that I think that I have,ā€ Johnson deadpanned.

ā€œIā€™ve been around long enough in this district for voters to know that if Hank said Guam is in danger of capsizing, they would know precisely that I have a sense of humor.ā€

As of this writing, Hank Johnson Jr. is still the U.S. Representative for Georgiaā€™s 4th congressional district.

So, no, as far as this (global warming) goes, stupidity seems to have relegated itself entirely to the GOP/

Fact Checker:David Mikkelson

Published:3 April 2010

Updated:9 August 2017


Were AR-15s Used in Every Major Mass Shooting in the United States After Aurora?
18 May 2018 An attempt to link the rifle to several major mass attacks circulated widely online in the hours following a school shooting in Texas.

Do Rocks Falling Into the Ocean Contribute to Global Sea Level Rise?
18 May 2018 On human timescales, sediment and rocks flowing into the ocean do not appreciably contribute to observed sea level rise; on larger timescales, the question is irrelevant.

Did Facebook Executive Jeff Rothschild Say ā€˜We Need a Third World Warā€™?
18 May 2018 The former Facebook vice president supposedly advocates solving global problems by exterminating 90 percent of the human population.

Is This the Aftermath of a 2018 Plane Crash in Havana?
18 May 2018 Old, unrelated images were passed around social media just after news broke about a plane that crashed in Cuba.

Was an Oklahoma Woman Killed By a Pack of Small Dachshunds?
17 May 2018 A woman was fatally mauled by a pack of dogs that mainly consisted of dachshund mixes of varying sizes.

Will Louisiana Evict Nursing Home Patients Because Medicaid Ran Out?
17 May 2018 Although the state has passed an operating budget without evicting elderly people, Louisiana's fiscal woes continue.

Did a Group of Ducks Obey a Traffic Light While Crossing a Street?
17 May 2018 A video purportedly showing a group of ducks waiting patiently at a traffic light was most likely created with digital editing software.

Did a Woman Become Pregnant from Eating Squid?
17 May 2018 Years of exaggerated headlines have turned a painful story about a woman accidentally eating a squid's sperm bag into a particularly disturbing rumor.

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You agree that Guam will tip over.

Good data point there
Rep. Hank Johnson (d-ga) was afraid that Guam would capsize if too many people were standing on one side of it.... Stupid knows no political party.

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk


Johnson: This is a[n] island that at its widest level is what ā€¦ twelve miles from shore to shore? And at its smallest level ā€¦ uh, smallest location ā€¦ itā€™s seven miles between one shore and the other? Is that correct?

Willard: I donā€™t have the exact dimensions, but to your point, sir, I think Guam is a small island.

Johnson: Very small island, about twenty-four miles, if I recall, long, twenty-four miles long, about seven miles wide at the least widest place on the island and about twelve miles wide on the widest part of the island, and I donā€™t know how many square miles that is. Do you happen to know?

Willard: I donā€™t have that figure with me, sir, I can certainly supply it to you if you like.

Johnson: Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.

Willard: We donā€™t anticipate that ā€¦ the Guam population I think currently about 175,000 and again with 8,000 Marines and their families itā€™s an addition of about 25,000 more into the population.

Johnson: And also things like the environment, the sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things, and I know that lots of people donā€™t like to think about that but ā€¦ you know, we donā€™t think about global warming either, and now we do have to think about it, and so Iā€™m concerned from an environmental standpoint whether or not Guam is the best place to do this relocation. but itā€™s actually the only place, is that correct?

Willard: This is the best place, this is the farthest west U.S. territory that we own and this is part of our nation, and in readdressing the forward presence and posture importance to Pacific Command, Guam is vital to this decision.

This exchange was the subject of much ridicule and speculation: Was Rep. Johnson really expressing concern that the addition of 8,000 Marines and their families to Guam would literally cause the island to become ā€œso overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,ā€ or was he engaging in a metaphor about concerns over the level of environmental degradation that might result from a sudden 14% increase in Guamā€™s population?

The latter viewpoint is bolstered by the fact that immediately after his ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ statement, Johnson did explicitly say he was concerned about ā€œthe sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things.ā€ On the other hand, Johnsonā€™s prefacing that statement with the words ā€œAnd also things like the environment ā€¦ā€ (and his curious fixation on Guamā€™s exact dimensions) could be taken to mean that his previously expressed fear ā€œthat the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsizeā€ was a different subject and was therefore not a metaphor for environmental issues.

Or perhaps Johnson was clumsily trying to express the notion that adding another 25,000 people to Guam would create an unsustainably large population (and thus the island would reach its ā€œtipping pointā€).

Only Johnson knows for sure what he was thinking as he questioned Admiral Willard, and he later claimed he was ā€œspeaking metaphoricallyā€ and ā€œkiddingā€ (although critics noted no trace of humor was apparent in his words, tone, or body language, nor did he react or offer correction when Admiral Willard addressed his concerns about the islandā€™s ā€œtipping overā€ as if they were meant literally):

4th District Congressman Hank Johnson is now backing away from an outlandish suggestion he made to a United States Navy admiral that the Pacific island of Guam could ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ if too many U.S. Marines are stationed there.

Johnson said ā€œmy fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.ā€

In an interview, the Decatur Democrat said he was kidding and simply speaking metaphorically to make a point during the committee hearing.

Johnson said, ā€œI can say things that are quite humorous and not smile about it and it leads people to think about what I said.ā€

ā€œOften, Iā€™ve been known to use humor as I deliver a message. Thatā€™s just one of the gifts that I think that I have,ā€ Johnson deadpanned.

ā€œIā€™ve been around long enough in this district for voters to know that if Hank said Guam is in danger of capsizing, they would know precisely that I have a sense of humor.ā€

As of this writing, Hank Johnson Jr. is still the U.S. Representative for Georgiaā€™s 4th congressional district.

So, no, as far as this (global warming) goes, stupidity seems to have relegated itself entirely to the GOP/

Fact Checker:David Mikkelson

Published:3 April 2010

Updated:9 August 2017


Were AR-15s Used in Every Major Mass Shooting in the United States After Aurora?
18 May 2018 An attempt to link the rifle to several major mass attacks circulated widely online in the hours following a school shooting in Texas.

Do Rocks Falling Into the Ocean Contribute to Global Sea Level Rise?
18 May 2018 On human timescales, sediment and rocks flowing into the ocean do not appreciably contribute to observed sea level rise; on larger timescales, the question is irrelevant.

Did Facebook Executive Jeff Rothschild Say ā€˜We Need a Third World Warā€™?
18 May 2018 The former Facebook vice president supposedly advocates solving global problems by exterminating 90 percent of the human population.

Is This the Aftermath of a 2018 Plane Crash in Havana?
18 May 2018 Old, unrelated images were passed around social media just after news broke about a plane that crashed in Cuba.

Was an Oklahoma Woman Killed By a Pack of Small Dachshunds?
17 May 2018 A woman was fatally mauled by a pack of dogs that mainly consisted of dachshund mixes of varying sizes.

Will Louisiana Evict Nursing Home Patients Because Medicaid Ran Out?
17 May 2018 Although the state has passed an operating budget without evicting elderly people, Louisiana's fiscal woes continue.

Did a Group of Ducks Obey a Traffic Light While Crossing a Street?
17 May 2018 A video purportedly showing a group of ducks waiting patiently at a traffic light was most likely created with digital editing software.

Did a Woman Become Pregnant from Eating Squid?
17 May 2018 Years of exaggerated headlines have turned a painful story about a woman accidentally eating a squid's sperm bag into a particularly disturbing rumor.

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You agree that Guam will tip over.

Good data point there

Is Crick pulling data points out of his ass again??!!!:2up:
Rep. Hank Johnson (d-ga) was afraid that Guam would capsize if too many people were standing on one side of it.... Stupid knows no political party.

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk


Johnson: This is a[n] island that at its widest level is what ā€¦ twelve miles from shore to shore? And at its smallest level ā€¦ uh, smallest location ā€¦ itā€™s seven miles between one shore and the other? Is that correct?

Willard: I donā€™t have the exact dimensions, but to your point, sir, I think Guam is a small island.

Johnson: Very small island, about twenty-four miles, if I recall, long, twenty-four miles long, about seven miles wide at the least widest place on the island and about twelve miles wide on the widest part of the island, and I donā€™t know how many square miles that is. Do you happen to know?

Willard: I donā€™t have that figure with me, sir, I can certainly supply it to you if you like.

Johnson: Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.

Willard: We donā€™t anticipate that ā€¦ the Guam population I think currently about 175,000 and again with 8,000 Marines and their families itā€™s an addition of about 25,000 more into the population.

Johnson: And also things like the environment, the sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things, and I know that lots of people donā€™t like to think about that but ā€¦ you know, we donā€™t think about global warming either, and now we do have to think about it, and so Iā€™m concerned from an environmental standpoint whether or not Guam is the best place to do this relocation. but itā€™s actually the only place, is that correct?

Willard: This is the best place, this is the farthest west U.S. territory that we own and this is part of our nation, and in readdressing the forward presence and posture importance to Pacific Command, Guam is vital to this decision.

This exchange was the subject of much ridicule and speculation: Was Rep. Johnson really expressing concern that the addition of 8,000 Marines and their families to Guam would literally cause the island to become ā€œso overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,ā€ or was he engaging in a metaphor about concerns over the level of environmental degradation that might result from a sudden 14% increase in Guamā€™s population?

The latter viewpoint is bolstered by the fact that immediately after his ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ statement, Johnson did explicitly say he was concerned about ā€œthe sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things.ā€ On the other hand, Johnsonā€™s prefacing that statement with the words ā€œAnd also things like the environment ā€¦ā€ (and his curious fixation on Guamā€™s exact dimensions) could be taken to mean that his previously expressed fear ā€œthat the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsizeā€ was a different subject and was therefore not a metaphor for environmental issues.

Or perhaps Johnson was clumsily trying to express the notion that adding another 25,000 people to Guam would create an unsustainably large population (and thus the island would reach its ā€œtipping pointā€).

Only Johnson knows for sure what he was thinking as he questioned Admiral Willard, and he later claimed he was ā€œspeaking metaphoricallyā€ and ā€œkiddingā€ (although critics noted no trace of humor was apparent in his words, tone, or body language, nor did he react or offer correction when Admiral Willard addressed his concerns about the islandā€™s ā€œtipping overā€ as if they were meant literally):

4th District Congressman Hank Johnson is now backing away from an outlandish suggestion he made to a United States Navy admiral that the Pacific island of Guam could ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ if too many U.S. Marines are stationed there.

Johnson said ā€œmy fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.ā€

In an interview, the Decatur Democrat said he was kidding and simply speaking metaphorically to make a point during the committee hearing.

Johnson said, ā€œI can say things that are quite humorous and not smile about it and it leads people to think about what I said.ā€

ā€œOften, Iā€™ve been known to use humor as I deliver a message. Thatā€™s just one of the gifts that I think that I have,ā€ Johnson deadpanned.

ā€œIā€™ve been around long enough in this district for voters to know that if Hank said Guam is in danger of capsizing, they would know precisely that I have a sense of humor.ā€

As of this writing, Hank Johnson Jr. is still the U.S. Representative for Georgiaā€™s 4th congressional district.

So, no, as far as this (global warming) goes, stupidity seems to have relegated itself entirely to the GOP/

Fact Checker:David Mikkelson

Published:3 April 2010

Updated:9 August 2017


Were AR-15s Used in Every Major Mass Shooting in the United States After Aurora?
18 May 2018 An attempt to link the rifle to several major mass attacks circulated widely online in the hours following a school shooting in Texas.

Do Rocks Falling Into the Ocean Contribute to Global Sea Level Rise?
18 May 2018 On human timescales, sediment and rocks flowing into the ocean do not appreciably contribute to observed sea level rise; on larger timescales, the question is irrelevant.

Did Facebook Executive Jeff Rothschild Say ā€˜We Need a Third World Warā€™?
18 May 2018 The former Facebook vice president supposedly advocates solving global problems by exterminating 90 percent of the human population.

Is This the Aftermath of a 2018 Plane Crash in Havana?
18 May 2018 Old, unrelated images were passed around social media just after news broke about a plane that crashed in Cuba.

Was an Oklahoma Woman Killed By a Pack of Small Dachshunds?
17 May 2018 A woman was fatally mauled by a pack of dogs that mainly consisted of dachshund mixes of varying sizes.

Will Louisiana Evict Nursing Home Patients Because Medicaid Ran Out?
17 May 2018 Although the state has passed an operating budget without evicting elderly people, Louisiana's fiscal woes continue.

Did a Group of Ducks Obey a Traffic Light While Crossing a Street?
17 May 2018 A video purportedly showing a group of ducks waiting patiently at a traffic light was most likely created with digital editing software.

Did a Woman Become Pregnant from Eating Squid?
17 May 2018 Years of exaggerated headlines have turned a painful story about a woman accidentally eating a squid's sperm bag into a particularly disturbing rumor.

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You agree that Guam will tip over.

Good data point there

Is Crick pulling data points out of his ass again??!!!:2up:

What Crick missed:

"Johnson: Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."

Rep. Hank Johnson (d-ga) was afraid that Guam would capsize if too many people were standing on one side of it.... Stupid knows no political party.

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk


Johnson: This is a[n] island that at its widest level is what ā€¦ twelve miles from shore to shore? And at its smallest level ā€¦ uh, smallest location ā€¦ itā€™s seven miles between one shore and the other? Is that correct?

Willard: I donā€™t have the exact dimensions, but to your point, sir, I think Guam is a small island.

Johnson: Very small island, about twenty-four miles, if I recall, long, twenty-four miles long, about seven miles wide at the least widest place on the island and about twelve miles wide on the widest part of the island, and I donā€™t know how many square miles that is. Do you happen to know?

Willard: I donā€™t have that figure with me, sir, I can certainly supply it to you if you like.

Johnson: Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.

Willard: We donā€™t anticipate that ā€¦ the Guam population I think currently about 175,000 and again with 8,000 Marines and their families itā€™s an addition of about 25,000 more into the population.

Johnson: And also things like the environment, the sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things, and I know that lots of people donā€™t like to think about that but ā€¦ you know, we donā€™t think about global warming either, and now we do have to think about it, and so Iā€™m concerned from an environmental standpoint whether or not Guam is the best place to do this relocation. but itā€™s actually the only place, is that correct?

Willard: This is the best place, this is the farthest west U.S. territory that we own and this is part of our nation, and in readdressing the forward presence and posture importance to Pacific Command, Guam is vital to this decision.

This exchange was the subject of much ridicule and speculation: Was Rep. Johnson really expressing concern that the addition of 8,000 Marines and their families to Guam would literally cause the island to become ā€œso overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,ā€ or was he engaging in a metaphor about concerns over the level of environmental degradation that might result from a sudden 14% increase in Guamā€™s population?

The latter viewpoint is bolstered by the fact that immediately after his ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ statement, Johnson did explicitly say he was concerned about ā€œthe sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things.ā€ On the other hand, Johnsonā€™s prefacing that statement with the words ā€œAnd also things like the environment ā€¦ā€ (and his curious fixation on Guamā€™s exact dimensions) could be taken to mean that his previously expressed fear ā€œthat the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsizeā€ was a different subject and was therefore not a metaphor for environmental issues.

Or perhaps Johnson was clumsily trying to express the notion that adding another 25,000 people to Guam would create an unsustainably large population (and thus the island would reach its ā€œtipping pointā€).

Only Johnson knows for sure what he was thinking as he questioned Admiral Willard, and he later claimed he was ā€œspeaking metaphoricallyā€ and ā€œkiddingā€ (although critics noted no trace of humor was apparent in his words, tone, or body language, nor did he react or offer correction when Admiral Willard addressed his concerns about the islandā€™s ā€œtipping overā€ as if they were meant literally):

4th District Congressman Hank Johnson is now backing away from an outlandish suggestion he made to a United States Navy admiral that the Pacific island of Guam could ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ if too many U.S. Marines are stationed there.

Johnson said ā€œmy fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.ā€

In an interview, the Decatur Democrat said he was kidding and simply speaking metaphorically to make a point during the committee hearing.

Johnson said, ā€œI can say things that are quite humorous and not smile about it and it leads people to think about what I said.ā€

ā€œOften, Iā€™ve been known to use humor as I deliver a message. Thatā€™s just one of the gifts that I think that I have,ā€ Johnson deadpanned.

ā€œIā€™ve been around long enough in this district for voters to know that if Hank said Guam is in danger of capsizing, they would know precisely that I have a sense of humor.ā€

As of this writing, Hank Johnson Jr. is still the U.S. Representative for Georgiaā€™s 4th congressional district.

So, no, as far as this (global warming) goes, stupidity seems to have relegated itself entirely to the GOP/

Fact Checker:David Mikkelson

Published:3 April 2010

Updated:9 August 2017


Were AR-15s Used in Every Major Mass Shooting in the United States After Aurora?
18 May 2018 An attempt to link the rifle to several major mass attacks circulated widely online in the hours following a school shooting in Texas.

Do Rocks Falling Into the Ocean Contribute to Global Sea Level Rise?
18 May 2018 On human timescales, sediment and rocks flowing into the ocean do not appreciably contribute to observed sea level rise; on larger timescales, the question is irrelevant.

Did Facebook Executive Jeff Rothschild Say ā€˜We Need a Third World Warā€™?
18 May 2018 The former Facebook vice president supposedly advocates solving global problems by exterminating 90 percent of the human population.

Is This the Aftermath of a 2018 Plane Crash in Havana?
18 May 2018 Old, unrelated images were passed around social media just after news broke about a plane that crashed in Cuba.

Was an Oklahoma Woman Killed By a Pack of Small Dachshunds?
17 May 2018 A woman was fatally mauled by a pack of dogs that mainly consisted of dachshund mixes of varying sizes.

Will Louisiana Evict Nursing Home Patients Because Medicaid Ran Out?
17 May 2018 Although the state has passed an operating budget without evicting elderly people, Louisiana's fiscal woes continue.

Did a Group of Ducks Obey a Traffic Light While Crossing a Street?
17 May 2018 A video purportedly showing a group of ducks waiting patiently at a traffic light was most likely created with digital editing software.

Did a Woman Become Pregnant from Eating Squid?
17 May 2018 Years of exaggerated headlines have turned a painful story about a woman accidentally eating a squid's sperm bag into a particularly disturbing rumor.

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You agree that Guam will tip over.

Good data point there

Is Crick pulling data points out of his ass again??!!!:2up:

What Crick missed:

"Johnson: Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."

They have consensus
No shit?!?!? Fooking aMAZing.
We should introduce him to some of the climate change deniers here. It's amazing what they come up with.

I'm laughing sweets.... you say that as if deniers are some kind of a fringe entity. Actually the opposite is true. Let me know if I need to spell it out for you..... and if so would you like the detail in bullets or a narrative?:2up:
Though admittedly there is a thriving community of climate deniers here patting themselves on the back pretty much everywhere else people realize how stupid it is to hide your head in the sand and deny the obvious is happening.
Rep. Hank Johnson (d-ga) was afraid that Guam would capsize if too many people were standing on one side of it.... Stupid knows no political party.

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk


Johnson: This is a[n] island that at its widest level is what ā€¦ twelve miles from shore to shore? And at its smallest level ā€¦ uh, smallest location ā€¦ itā€™s seven miles between one shore and the other? Is that correct?

Willard: I donā€™t have the exact dimensions, but to your point, sir, I think Guam is a small island.

Johnson: Very small island, about twenty-four miles, if I recall, long, twenty-four miles long, about seven miles wide at the least widest place on the island and about twelve miles wide on the widest part of the island, and I donā€™t know how many square miles that is. Do you happen to know?

Willard: I donā€™t have that figure with me, sir, I can certainly supply it to you if you like.

Johnson: Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.

Willard: We donā€™t anticipate that ā€¦ the Guam population I think currently about 175,000 and again with 8,000 Marines and their families itā€™s an addition of about 25,000 more into the population.

Johnson: And also things like the environment, the sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things, and I know that lots of people donā€™t like to think about that but ā€¦ you know, we donā€™t think about global warming either, and now we do have to think about it, and so Iā€™m concerned from an environmental standpoint whether or not Guam is the best place to do this relocation. but itā€™s actually the only place, is that correct?

Willard: This is the best place, this is the farthest west U.S. territory that we own and this is part of our nation, and in readdressing the forward presence and posture importance to Pacific Command, Guam is vital to this decision.

This exchange was the subject of much ridicule and speculation: Was Rep. Johnson really expressing concern that the addition of 8,000 Marines and their families to Guam would literally cause the island to become ā€œso overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,ā€ or was he engaging in a metaphor about concerns over the level of environmental degradation that might result from a sudden 14% increase in Guamā€™s population?

The latter viewpoint is bolstered by the fact that immediately after his ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ statement, Johnson did explicitly say he was concerned about ā€œthe sensitive areas of the environment, coral reefs and those kinds of things.ā€ On the other hand, Johnsonā€™s prefacing that statement with the words ā€œAnd also things like the environment ā€¦ā€ (and his curious fixation on Guamā€™s exact dimensions) could be taken to mean that his previously expressed fear ā€œthat the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsizeā€ was a different subject and was therefore not a metaphor for environmental issues.

Or perhaps Johnson was clumsily trying to express the notion that adding another 25,000 people to Guam would create an unsustainably large population (and thus the island would reach its ā€œtipping pointā€).

Only Johnson knows for sure what he was thinking as he questioned Admiral Willard, and he later claimed he was ā€œspeaking metaphoricallyā€ and ā€œkiddingā€ (although critics noted no trace of humor was apparent in his words, tone, or body language, nor did he react or offer correction when Admiral Willard addressed his concerns about the islandā€™s ā€œtipping overā€ as if they were meant literally):

4th District Congressman Hank Johnson is now backing away from an outlandish suggestion he made to a United States Navy admiral that the Pacific island of Guam could ā€œtip over and capsizeā€ if too many U.S. Marines are stationed there.

Johnson said ā€œmy fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.ā€

In an interview, the Decatur Democrat said he was kidding and simply speaking metaphorically to make a point during the committee hearing.

Johnson said, ā€œI can say things that are quite humorous and not smile about it and it leads people to think about what I said.ā€

ā€œOften, Iā€™ve been known to use humor as I deliver a message. Thatā€™s just one of the gifts that I think that I have,ā€ Johnson deadpanned.

ā€œIā€™ve been around long enough in this district for voters to know that if Hank said Guam is in danger of capsizing, they would know precisely that I have a sense of humor.ā€

As of this writing, Hank Johnson Jr. is still the U.S. Representative for Georgiaā€™s 4th congressional district.

So, no, as far as this (global warming) goes, stupidity seems to have relegated itself entirely to the GOP/

Fact Checker:David Mikkelson

Published:3 April 2010

Updated:9 August 2017


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You agree that Guam will tip over.

Good data point there

Is Crick pulling data points out of his ass again??!!!:2up:
And made this argument to the head of Woods Hole.

Rep. Brooks asks if rocks cause sea level rise - CNN Video

Are you making fun of Brooks or Duffy?

Brooks asked for factors that contributed to sea level rise. Apparently Duffy had made catastrophic claims for melting ice. Ground subsidence was mentioned by someone. Duffy then stated he knew of no other factors involved.

Isnt there a penalty for lying at these hearings? Thermal expansion of water, and pumped ground water are two major factors left unmentioned.

Brooks brought up a minor factor for SLR, erosion, that is a major factor for land next to the sea. Surely no one is doubting that silt from erosion will increase the height of water when it is deposited in ocean basins?

Brooks asked for contributing factors regardless of proportional size. Duffy should have had a list of a dozen items just off the top of his head. He didn't and Brooks made him look foolish at best, or an obvious liar at worst.

Are you serious? Yes, if I go to the beach and throw in a rock, I have raised global ocean levels. Duffy responded to Brooks, telling him that the rise attributable to erosion was microscopic. Brooks provided dirt and rocks as an alternative to thermal expansion and melting ice.

Land subsidence increases the rate of relative sea-level rise and helps explain why the southern Chesapeake Bay region has the highest rate of sea-level rise on the Atlantic Coast of the United States (Zervas, 2009). As communities in the region grapple with flooding problems and prepare for higher sea levels in the future, it is important to understand and potentially manage land subsidence.

Land Subsidence Contributes to Relative Sea-Level Rise Land subsidence contributes to the relative sea-level rise that has been measured in the Chesapeake Bay (fig. 2). However, tidal-station measurements of sea levels do not distinguish between water that is rising and land that is sinkingā€”the combined elevation changes are termed relative sea-level rise. Global sea-level rise and land subsidence increase the risk of coastal flooding and contribute to shoreline retreat (fig. 3)

Interesting...............I was ready to throw him under the bus............but the issue was Land Subsidence which in the Chesapeake Bay shows how it effects the over all data.
Sea level rise ā€“ or land subsidence?

Confusion arises because discussions often involve ā€œrelative sea level riseā€ ā€“ which combines glacial isostatic and groundwater subsidence, along with actual sea level rise ā€“ just as we just did with our 2 feet per century total. However, the term obscures what is really going on and lends itself to climate alarmism, by leaving the false impression that the entire problem is melting icecaps and rising seas.

It clearly is not. Focusing attention on alleged ā€œmanmade climate cataclysms,ā€ supposedly driven by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, will result in our spending hundreds of billions of dollars to replace oil, gas and coal with expensive, subsidized, land-intensive renewable energy systems ā€“ while foregoing hundreds of billions of dollars in jobs and economic growth. Meanwhile, China, India, Indonesia and other developing nations will continue doing what they must to lift billions out of abject poverty and disease: burn more fossil fuels, thereby emitting more CO2.

Those nations are not about to succumb to the Obama EPA ā€œsocial cost of carbonā€ con game. This is the fraudulent scheme under which bureaucrats blame U.S. oil, gas, and coal for every climate and weather event, habitat and species loss, and other problem that they can possibly conjure up anywhere in the world ā€“ while completely ignoring the phenomenal and undeniable benefits of using those fuels, and the equally important benefits of having more plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
Sea level rise ā€“ or land subsidence?

Confusion arises because discussions often involve ā€œrelative sea level riseā€ ā€“ which combines glacial isostatic and groundwater subsidence, along with actual sea level rise ā€“ just as we just did with our 2 feet per century total. However, the term obscures what is really going on and lends itself to climate alarmism, by leaving the false impression that the entire problem is melting icecaps and rising seas.

It clearly is not. Focusing attention on alleged ā€œmanmade climate cataclysms,ā€ supposedly driven by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, will result in our spending hundreds of billions of dollars to replace oil, gas and coal with expensive, subsidized, land-intensive renewable energy systems ā€“ while foregoing hundreds of billions of dollars in jobs and economic growth. Meanwhile, China, India, Indonesia and other developing nations will continue doing what they must to lift billions out of abject poverty and disease: burn more fossil fuels, thereby emitting more CO2.

Those nations are not about to succumb to the Obama EPA ā€œsocial cost of carbonā€ con game. This is the fraudulent scheme under which bureaucrats blame U.S. oil, gas, and coal for every climate and weather event, habitat and species loss, and other problem that they can possibly conjure up anywhere in the world ā€“ while completely ignoring the phenomenal and undeniable benefits of using those fuels, and the equally important benefits of having more plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
To you, it's all about money. We only have one planet; think of the responsibility we have to keep it livable. Maybe worth a little more than money.
Sea level rise ā€“ or land subsidence?

Confusion arises because discussions often involve ā€œrelative sea level riseā€ ā€“ which combines glacial isostatic and groundwater subsidence, along with actual sea level rise ā€“ just as we just did with our 2 feet per century total. However, the term obscures what is really going on and lends itself to climate alarmism, by leaving the false impression that the entire problem is melting icecaps and rising seas.

It clearly is not. Focusing attention on alleged ā€œmanmade climate cataclysms,ā€ supposedly driven by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, will result in our spending hundreds of billions of dollars to replace oil, gas and coal with expensive, subsidized, land-intensive renewable energy systems ā€“ while foregoing hundreds of billions of dollars in jobs and economic growth. Meanwhile, China, India, Indonesia and other developing nations will continue doing what they must to lift billions out of abject poverty and disease: burn more fossil fuels, thereby emitting more CO2.

Those nations are not about to succumb to the Obama EPA ā€œsocial cost of carbonā€ con game. This is the fraudulent scheme under which bureaucrats blame U.S. oil, gas, and coal for every climate and weather event, habitat and species loss, and other problem that they can possibly conjure up anywhere in the world ā€“ while completely ignoring the phenomenal and undeniable benefits of using those fuels, and the equally important benefits of having more plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
To you, it's all about money. We only have one planet; think of the responsibility we have to keep it livable. Maybe worth a little more than money.
To's about a rep that I was willing to throw under the bus for being stupid.................

But when I watched the video.............he was looking for other factors................which the other guy said Land Subsidence...................So I looked it up.............

Then found the studies and it showed a problem with Chesepeake Bay and rising water levels......................

So I found a study and found that they blame Subsidence as a key factor.................this was the area of real discussion.................But subsidence caused shrinkage from removal of water from coast lines............which were far worse than the Ocean level rises causing major problems.......

So HOW DO THE EXPERTS account for this................................How much is erosion or subsidence in determining the Real do they account for it............................

OTHER FACTORS was the key it's oh...............we are throwing rocks into the water and the oceans are rising..........

Wasn't the real deal he was after............he was after other FACTORS.................

And Subsidence is a major factor as I just posted the study.
You want to know what really pisses me off...............

Sea level rise ā€“ or land subsidence?

Confusion arises because discussions often involve ā€œrelative sea level riseā€ ā€“ which combines glacial isostatic and groundwater subsidence, along with actual sea level rise ā€“ just as we just did with our 2 feet per century total. However, the term obscures what is really going on and lends itself to climate alarmism, by leaving the false impression that the entire problem is melting icecaps and rising seas.

It clearly is not. Focusing attention on alleged ā€œmanmade climate cataclysms,ā€ supposedly driven by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, will result in our spending hundreds of billions of dollars to replace oil, gas and coal with expensive, subsidized, land-intensive renewable energy systems ā€“ while foregoing hundreds of billions of dollars in jobs and economic growth. Meanwhile, China, India, Indonesia and other developing nations will continue doing what they must to lift billions out of abject poverty and disease: burn more fossil fuels, thereby emitting more CO2.

Those nations are not about to succumb to the Obama EPA ā€œsocial cost of carbonā€ con game. This is the fraudulent scheme under which bureaucrats blame U.S. oil, gas, and coal for every climate and weather event, habitat and species loss, and other problem that they can possibly conjure up anywhere in the world ā€“ while completely ignoring the phenomenal and undeniable benefits of using those fuels, and the equally important benefits of having more plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
To you, it's all about money. We only have one planet; think of the responsibility we have to keep it livable. Maybe worth a little more than money.

The U.N. estimates we need to spend 76 trillion to achieve that!! How much do you think we need to spend?
Sea level rise ā€“ or land subsidence?

Confusion arises because discussions often involve ā€œrelative sea level riseā€ ā€“ which combines glacial isostatic and groundwater subsidence, along with actual sea level rise ā€“ just as we just did with our 2 feet per century total. However, the term obscures what is really going on and lends itself to climate alarmism, by leaving the false impression that the entire problem is melting icecaps and rising seas.

It clearly is not. Focusing attention on alleged ā€œmanmade climate cataclysms,ā€ supposedly driven by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, will result in our spending hundreds of billions of dollars to replace oil, gas and coal with expensive, subsidized, land-intensive renewable energy systems ā€“ while foregoing hundreds of billions of dollars in jobs and economic growth. Meanwhile, China, India, Indonesia and other developing nations will continue doing what they must to lift billions out of abject poverty and disease: burn more fossil fuels, thereby emitting more CO2.

Those nations are not about to succumb to the Obama EPA ā€œsocial cost of carbonā€ con game. This is the fraudulent scheme under which bureaucrats blame U.S. oil, gas, and coal for every climate and weather event, habitat and species loss, and other problem that they can possibly conjure up anywhere in the world ā€“ while completely ignoring the phenomenal and undeniable benefits of using those fuels, and the equally important benefits of having more plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
To you, it's all about money. We only have one planet; think of the responsibility we have to keep it livable. Maybe worth a little more than money.

Nice sentiment. It must be that you care for more about the environment than anybody else in here. Touching.

Just wondering though.... are you prepared to discard your cell phone?:2up: How about ride a bicycle to work from now on.:beer: Prepared to go without air conditioning in your life? Better yet.... how does getting taxed 50% on every item you buy sound? :coffee:And no more red meat for you honey! Candle power for your home sweets..... sounds awesome huh?:113:

You see sweetie.... Progressive ideas sound romantic and wonderful until put to the test of having to answer the question, "At what cost?". At every turn it is then that the progressive argument collapses like a house of cards:bye1::bye1::bye1:.

Thankfully most people out there in the real world recognize the absurdity with the costs attached to progressive ideas. I'm not thinking anybody is jumping out of their shorts this morning wanting to call their congressperson tomorrow morning begging to give up their cell phone.:cul2:
You want to know what really pisses me off...............

So, instead, you fall for the other crap. That is what ignorance does for you. Were you to measure sea level from tidal gauges in Sweden and Norway, you would say that sea levels were falling. Because of isostacy. Over all, sea level is rising. We now have satellite data that confirms that. And Brooks is laughable in his attempts to deny the effect our emissions are having in contributing to the sea level rise.
You want to know what really pisses me off...............

So, instead, you fall for the other crap. That is what ignorance does for you. Were you to measure sea level from tidal gauges in Sweden and Norway, you would say that sea levels were falling. Because of isostacy. Over all, sea level is rising. We now have satellite data that confirms that. And Brooks is laughable in his attempts to deny the effect our emissions are having in contributing to the sea level rise.

It is clear that you didn't watch the posted Video.

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