Rep. Nancy Mace, a first-term Republican from South Carolina, has introduced a bill to decriminalize cannabis at the federal level

What you people are forgetting is that back in the day, the Negro jazz musicians and the migrant farm workers would get all hopped up on that stuff and go out and rape white women.
There's a reason the jails are full of black people.
There's a reason the jails are full of black people.

50% of all murder in this country are committed by blacks. Blacks make up less then 13% of the country. Anyone that is outraged by the reality that a large minority of their male population is in prison, then let me ask you(Mr.clean!), "should we let them rape and kill people without punishment???". Is that something you'd(Mr.Clean) be ok with? Because to not have a large population of black people in prison that is exactly what you're saying. If someone does the crime they should pay for it.

And don't get me wrong I don't believe anyone should be serving any time for drugs and that includes blacks.
Most republicans probably don't agree but the GOP is a big tent. Kind of strange when democrats are pushing against big tobacco and locking up Americans for smoking a (legal) cigarette outside in public that they would legalize the manufacture and distribution of a product that is as toxic to health or perhaps worse. Are we going to experience deja-vu all over again when pot head politicians claim that smoking the noxious weed is good for you? Didn't democrats promise to legalize marijuana by now anyway?
Criminal drug cartels from Mexico have operated in California, Oregon and Washington, for example and
doubtlessly elsewhere, for DECADES whether weed was legal or not.

The argument that legalizing marijuana would end the criminal cartels dealing in weed in this nation is a tiresome lie and it should be retired permanently.
it smells better than tobacco.....

The odor is way more pungent and pervasive than tobacco. You can smell someone smoking weed from a block away, and through vents in apartment complexes. The odor of a cigar, for example, does not travel nearly as far and pervasively. You can say you like the smell of weed, that's fine, but the point is for those who don't, it's very difficult to shield one's self from it when it's being smoked in the vicinity.
The odor is way more pungent and pervasive than tobacco. You can smell someone smoking weed from a block away, and through vents in apartment complexes. The odor of a cigar, for example, does not travel nearly as far and pervasively. You can say you like the smell of weed, that's fine, but the point is for those who don't, it's very difficult to shield one's self from it when it's being smoked in the vicinity.
you can smell tobacco to.....
I know. It's not like you have cared about facts earlier in this thread. No one actually expects you to start now.
Pot: Incredibly dangerous and addictive.

Addicts: Don't care who gets hurt as long as they get their fix.

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