Rep. Nunes On Dems’ Impeachment Push: “This Is The Sequel” To The Russia Hoax

It appears that Augustine and bodecea have nothing to offer against the article, but they do like to offer juvenile insults, must be their inner child struggling to climb out.
These assholes are running to and fro from one made up scandal to the next. Like scandal whack a mole. Then the current bunch of bullshit loses steam, so they rush off willy nilly to either a new whack a mole scandal or one that is used, but still perfectly good in their opinion.

It must be tiresome.
It appears that Augustine and bodecea have nothing to offer against the article, but they do like to offer juvenile insults, must be their inner child struggling to climb out.
Nunes is all about nude photos of trump.....
It appears that Augustine and bodecea have nothing to offer against the article, but they do like to offer juvenile insults, must be their inner child struggling to climb out.
Nunes is all about nude photos of trump.....

Sorry to disturb your pornography hour, but this is the TOPIC at hand:

Rep. Nunes On Dems’ Impeachment Push: “This Is The Sequel” To The Russia Hoax

It is quickly becoming clear you have nothing substantive to offer against Nunes, the man who has made a claim about Russian and Whistle blower hoaxes.
Nunes is one of the heroes stopping the dems' coup attempts. He sees that their shitty plots aren't going anywhere.
I'm wondering what the dems do after the coming 2020 losses? Especially if they lose the House again.
More with Rep. Devin Nunes, on the on the impeachment agenda

"Rep. Devin Nunes: This is the sequel, the Ukrainian hoax and I don’t think it’s going to be any better than the Russian hoax… We’ve always been interested in the origins of the Russian hoax. And if you go back to the Steele dossier it originated in Ukraine. I you believe their sources it originated in Ukraine… Now remember, we may have to bring Bob Mueller out of retirement here. Because Bob Mueller looked at all of this. He knew that the Clinton Campaign, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, other DNC contractors like Chalupa. Those are all Democrats. Those are all Americans except for one Brit. They all got that information from the Ukrainians. So it must be a crime. Where the hell’s Bob Mueller when we need him?"

September 29, 2019
BREAKING... Rep. Devin Nunes: We May Need to Call Back Robert Mueller Back in to Testify on Ukraine (VIDEO)
Congressman Devin Nunes is absolutely right once again! :clap:

Sep 27, 2019
“This Is The Sequel” To The Russia Hoax"

And like most sequels, it's a pale retread of the original.....But this sequel is more like Caddyshack 2.
He knew that the Clinton Campaign, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, other DNC contractors like Chalupa. Those are all Democrats. Those are all Americans except for one Brit. They all got that information from the Ukrainians.
Wait just a minute there Slick, for years the Right were saying Hillary got the dossier from RUSSIA!!!!!

"Who's working with Russians? Steele, Hillary's guy! They are working with the Russians"
"Hillary Clinton and her pals in the Obama Department of Justice and the FBI, they are the ones who colluded with the Russians. They colluded to produce this entirely bogus Steele Dossier,"
- Russia Limbaugh

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