Rep. Paul Broun asked: 'Who Is Going To Shoot Obama?' Broun doesn't disagree

I guess we need to call the internet police and have you fined for saying stupid shit that wasn't funny even 10 yrs ago.

That's your best shot? How sad. :lol::lol::lol:

What's sad is that you would use the phrase 'waaambulance' and think that you're being hip.

I was kind of hoping you'd see what an idiot you're being and calm down. You're behaving like a two year old with a temper tantrum. Seriously.
That's your best shot? How sad. :lol::lol::lol:

What's sad is that you would use the phrase 'waaambulance' and think that you're being hip.

I was kind of hoping you'd see what an idiot you're being and calm down. You're behaving like a two year old with a temper tantrum. Seriously.

And you're a stupid Edited who attacked me first. So, what's your point? Go fuck yourself. I'm not here to please you.
Georgia Rep. Paul Braun was asked by a constituent, "Who is going to shoot Obama?". Instead of condemning the constituent, Braun "ignored" the question and went on to discuss frustration with Obama in general.

Way to go, Braun. Somebody says Obama should be shot and you can't even muster the balls to condemn it. :clap2:

The Athens Banner-Herald in Georgia reports that a shocking question was asked at a town hall event held by Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) on Tuesday. According to the article, an audience member asked the congressman, "Who is going to shoot Obama?"

Blake Aued reports:

Broun's press secretary, Jessica Morris, confirmed that the question was indeed, who is going to shoot Obama? "Obviously, the question was inappropriate, so Congressman Broun moved on," she said.

However, rather than confronting the questioner or condemning the question, Broun instead acknowledged "frustration" with Obama, according to the Banner-Herald. The paper reports that Broun responded to the stunning inquiry as follows:

"The thing is, I know there's a lot of frustration with this president. We're going to have an election next year. Hopefully, we'll elect somebody that's going to be a conservative, limited-government president that will take a smaller, who will sign a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare."

Read the full story from the Athens Banner-Herald.

Rep. Paul Broun Asked At Town Hall: 'Who Is Going To Shoot Obama?'

Braun did the right thing in igoring that idiot.

Only a partisan hack would twist this otherwise non-news into something.
Really? That all you have? The semantics of my post? Sorry, professor, this isn't an English class. The question was asked. Do you agree with it? How do you feel about Braun's lack of condemnation?

OK let's look at the two statements together

Paul Braun was asked by a constituent, "Who is going to shoot Obama?".

Now do you see the difference?

Another professor weighs in. This isn't an English class. I may not be the best writer, but you know damn well what I meant. Is this really all you have? You can't condemn the question or Braun, but you can criticize the wording of my post. How do you people sleep at night?

I'll bet very well - they have no pesky conscience to get in the way.
No body made a suggestion that he should be shot, so that would be a ridiculous answer. And the media would have spun that response to make it into a rant against Braun and why he answered a 'who' with a suggestion that Obama should be shot.

In fact, any response he would have given would have played straight into the left wing media's hands.... and apparently, ignoring the question is held against him as well.

Seems to me that it's more about hanging Braun than anything else. How pathetic.

I would have welcomed and praised a strong stand from Braun against the idiot who asked the question. It would have been a nice change from the usual Republican language calling Obama a socialist intent on destroying America.

You might have... or you might have fallen in line with the left wing media spinning of why he even responded to such an outrageous question.

You're an idiot.
No no no Cali. It's "Are you an idiot?"
He could have at least said "NO ONE" in response to the question.

He knew it would hurt him with his base if he did.
He could have at least said "NO ONE" in response to the question.

He knew it would hurt him with his base if he did.

But he doesn't know that. 'Who will shoot Obama?' That was the question. There is no answer. One hopes that it is no one, but one cannot say that as a fact. See, that's honesty.
Do you need me to hold your hand and walk you through the post? You know exactly what I meant. Maybe you should focus on the wording of the article. They spell it out nice and proper for you. ASSHOLE

One is asking a question
but your twist is making a statement.

Paul Braun was asked by a constituent, "Who is going to shoot Obama?".

Like I said, this isn't English 101. Though, if you're having trouble understanding my post, you probably should take an English class. Now that you're done grading my writing, would you like to address the content?

It seems you are the one with the comprehension problem. What part of asking a question the same as making a statement?
He could have at least said "NO ONE" in response to the question.

He knew it would hurt him with his base if he did.

But he doesn't know that. 'Who will shoot Obama?' That was the question. There is no answer. One hopes that it is no one, but one cannot say that as a fact. See, that's honesty.

This is all a bullshit game of "gotcha"... that "question" wasnt even worth an answer.

The lefties would be flopping around like fish if Broun wouldve demanded the idiot asking the "question" be tossed out on their ass!

Wow.... this is getting rediculous.

Im pissed I spent two minutes looking over this thread.
Someone asked the question 'who is going to shoot Obama?'. Please provide the quote that backs up your claim that anyone said 'Obama should be shot'.

The two are not the same. One is a question. The other a statement. I can see where the question was asked. I cannot find the statement that suggests Obama should be shot.

Really? That all you have? The semantics of my post? Sorry, professor, this isn't an English class. The question was asked. Do you agree with it? How do you feel about Braun's lack of condemnation?

how is it mere Semantics? Words mean something. The way it's phrased. The tone it's spoken in. It's vitally important to understanding and communicating.

You can pretend otherwise but it's vital.
Someone asked the question 'who is going to shoot Obama?'. Please provide the quote that backs up your claim that anyone said 'Obama should be shot'.

The two are not the same. One is a question. The other a statement. I can see where the question was asked. I cannot find the statement that suggests Obama should be shot.

If a dad asks his two sons, "Who is going to mow the lawn?", does that suggest that in the near future the lawn will be mowed?

If the boss asks his staff, "Who is going to sweep the floor?", will the floor be swept? After all, he didn't tell anyone to sweep the floor.

You know that and you defend such an odious statement? That's going pretty low.
Someone asked the question 'who is going to shoot Obama?'. Please provide the quote that backs up your claim that anyone said 'Obama should be shot'.

The two are not the same. One is a question. The other a statement. I can see where the question was asked. I cannot find the statement that suggests Obama should be shot.

If a dad asks his two sons, "Who is going to mow the lawn?", does that suggest that in the near future the lawn will be mowed?

If the boss asks his staff, "Who is going to sweep the floor?", will the floor be swept? After all, he didn't tell anyone to sweep the floor.

You know that and you defend such an odious statement? That's going pretty low.

I see you and Maddie have something else in common (besides abject stupidity), you both seem to have your own unique definition of the word 'defend'. Nothing I said was 'defending' the question. In fact, several times, I did the opposite. As per usual, you never let facts get in the way of your partisan bullshit. At least you are consistent. Consistently ridiculous.
Someone asked the question 'who is going to shoot Obama?'. Please provide the quote that backs up your claim that anyone said 'Obama should be shot'.

The two are not the same. One is a question. The other a statement. I can see where the question was asked. I cannot find the statement that suggests Obama should be shot.

Really? That all you have? The semantics of my post? Sorry, professor, this isn't an English class. The question was asked. Do you agree with it? How do you feel about Braun's lack of condemnation?

It's not semantics. It's fact. There is no quote that says 'Obama should be shot'. Someone asked a question. A stupid question. And Braun ignored it. So? Responding to it would have given it credence, he chose not to give it credence. I have no problem with that.

It was a rhetorical question.
Really? That all you have? The semantics of my post? Sorry, professor, this isn't an English class. The question was asked. Do you agree with it? How do you feel about Braun's lack of condemnation?

It's not semantics. It's fact. There is no quote that says 'Obama should be shot'. Someone asked a question. A stupid question. And Braun ignored it. So? Responding to it would have given it credence, he chose not to give it credence. I have no problem with that.

It was a rhetorical question.

I doubt it. Few, if any, right winger leaders speak up when all the other bizarre Obama accusations are made.

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