Rep. Paul Gosar is being promoted as a 'featured guest' at an upcoming white nationalist event scheduled on Hitler's birthday

Worse than the Nazis?! Wow, how so? The Nazis murder 6 million Jews. Put men women and children in gas chambers and ovens… I’d love to hear you try and explain how BLM is worse.

Stalin's Marxists murdered 65 million.

Which is bigger?
Everybody should care because they are night and day. I soldiers fighting for their country is still pulling the trigger and killing others. A gangster is doing the same thing in a drive by that kills a kid. Both people are pulling the trigger and killing others. The situations are very different and it would be stupid to equate the two. That’s what you’re doing here
they are night and day because you are trying to demonize one side and understand your own. it always Always ALWAYS seems that when the left does the very same thing the right does, it's different for them.

after days of discussion and analysis you find out why it's different.

it just is.

you emotionally relate to one side and understand why they're doing what they're doing. while you may not agree with it, you do *understand it*. this relates any discussion to it on a relative, not subjective term of analysis.

now, if you hate someone on the right and they do it, it's because they are the bad boogie man you hear about and create. why? because you don't empapthize or sympathize with THEIR views. in fact, you disagree strongly.

this makes their actions around their own feelings, wrong. TO YOU.

however, from a higher level of understanding, both are doing it for their own emotional reasons. period.

you having the sole luxury of feeling your way is no different than someone else feeling their own way. to excuse your emotions as something that needs to be understood by all coupled with your refusal to allow the same when you "disagree" is the core of our bullshit we're mired in today.

if it's wrong, it's wrong and i don't give a flying firefart as to why you feel the way you do. that is YOU, not the world. we all live in this world and you don't get to create the rules we live by anymore than they get to be created for you.

one day, though i have strong doubts myself, you may understand what i am saying.
They aren't that far off from one another, Slade.
I don't agree with either of them, and have no support of anything they stand for.
They each have the same cornerstone which is racism. After that, who really cares which is less repugnant.
yep. you see one side try to "understand" the racism their side exhibits while never doing the same for the "other" side.

height of hypocrisy regardless of how justified they feel this is. if you're going to allow your emotional bias to be counted as a proper guide in life, then you allow it for all.

or you're a dick.
WHAT?????????????????? :laughing0301:
Both are racists groups, there is no good with that....but, like I said earlier, you just happen to agree with BLM.
A better analogy would be, one person kills 15 people, and another killed 13 people, but, the one who
killed 15 is worse. It's just splitting hairs at that point.

Good grief

But, now there seems to be a question as to whether this was a legit report about Gosar actually
attending the event or not. I guess we will have to stay tuned.
yep. if he agrees with your cause, anything is valid in order to achieve that causes goals.

if he doesn't agree with your cause, these very same methods suddenly define evil incarnate.

you can't be more obtuse or stupid than to think this way.
The hippie kids who used to chant "better red than dead", spit on Soldiers and paraded with Russian flags are now in charge. For almost a half century they whined about the terrible things HUAC did to suspected Commies and now they rigged the system so that anyone who happens to be white and loves his Country is branded as a "white nationalist".
BLM is a Marxist organization which fortunatley will never attain any amount of power. Marxism has killed far more people than the Nazis.

There's your history lesson for the day. You're welcome.
Humans have killed more people than Nazis. Fact is BLM is a civil right advocacy group. They represent the poor and oppressed. The other side represents the powerful and oppressive. Night and day
The hippie kids who used to chant "better red than dead", spit on Soldiers and paraded with Russian flags are now in charge. For almost a half century they whined about the terrible things HUAC did to suspected Commies and now they rigged the system so that anyone who happens to be white and loves his Country is branded as a "white nationalist".
Rigged the system?!?! Haha. You’re off your rocker
Has anyone considered the possibility that Paul Gosar might actually be a white nationalist?

We have considered that it is a conspiracy. Please move this thread to where it belongs. Thanks.
Humans have killed more people than Nazis. Fact is BLM is a civil right advocacy group. They represent the poor and oppressed. The other side represents the powerful and oppressive. Night and day
Is that why the founders of the movement are all multi millionaires now?
WHAT?????????????????? :laughing0301:
Both are racists groups, there is no good with that....but, like I said earlier, you just happen to agree with BLM.
A better analogy would be, one person kills 15 people, and another killed 13 people, but, the one who
killed 15 is worse. It's just splitting hairs at that point.

Good grief

But, now there seems to be a question as to whether this was a legit report about Gosar actually
attending the event or not. I guess we will have to stay tuned.
You’re still way off. The Nazi party control a world superpower and military. They decided to erraticate a race of people and they ended up murdering 6 million Jews and starting a world war. BLM is an advocacy group started to stand up for blacks people being abused by law enforcement. You can harp on statements from some of their leaders or poor actions from their members during protests but we are not even in the same league when comparing the two. I know you have a brain. Please use it.
Humans have killed more people than Nazis. Fact is BLM is a civil right advocacy group. They represent the poor and oppressed. The other side represents the powerful and oppressive. Night and day
You are really getting away from the meat and potatoes.
Go ahead and ignore the realities of BLM , and just sugar coat it. It leaves a nice gloss. :rolleyes-41:

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