Rep. Paul Gosar is being promoted as a 'featured guest' at an upcoming white nationalist event scheduled on Hitler's birthday

You’re still way off. The Nazi party control a world superpower and military. They decided to erraticate a race of people and they ended up murdering 6 million Jews and starting a world war. BLM is an advocacy group started to stand up for blacks people being abused by law enforcement. You can harp on statements from some of their leaders or poor actions from their members during protests but we are not even in the same league when comparing the two. I know you have a brain. Please use it.
You can have the last say on this, Slade. But, you are just too blind with your partisanship to see otherwise.
Reality can leave a bitter taste.
Enjoy your day
You can have the last say on this, Slade. But, you are just too blind with your partisanship to see otherwise.
Reality can leave a bitter taste.
Enjoy your day
I’d ask that you consider your own advise for yourself. I’m not a BLM supporter. But I know that in reality they are very very different than Nazis
Mohave Nazis. :laughing0301:

On a serious note, that article used the term "America first" three times, like it was some sort of curse.

No bias there, is there?
Because everyone knows it is code for white nationalism. Maybe you didn't get the memo, but it's not fooling anyone.
You are the one telling the Big Lie. Over half the country is convinced the election was stolen and there is not one fucking thing you can do about.
Over half the country as you call it is a small group of brainwashed partisans drunk on propaganda. No reputable law enforcement agency or court is taking any of your crap seriously.
Over half the country as you call it is a small group of brainwashed partisans drunk on propaganda. No reputable law enforcement agency or court is taking any of your crap seriously.

But enough about democrats.
Over half the country as you call it is a small group of brainwashed partisans drunk on propaganda. No reputable law enforcement agency or court is taking any of your crap seriously.
No they are not. If it makes you feel better to lie some more, I completely understand.
And you think the oppression and murder that BLM is imposing is equivalent to what the Nazis did?? Are you high?
Will you be high on Hitler's birthday?
The Nazis were merely more efficient than the acolytes of burn, loot murder. Both groups murdered on a daily basis. Both groups have fashioned elaborate justifications for their killings. Both groups have a target for killing and abuse. Nazis had Jews. Blm has whites.

After listening to black DNC chair, Jamie Harrison and his screed against Tom Cotton, I would say the two groups are moving closer together.
Hey, shouldn't this shit op be moved to conspiracy theories?
Naziboi is up for reelection for his 6th term in November.

Face it people, this is who we are, now. This is our country. We have a large contingent of pissed off white nationalists who vote.

Look at the people tripping over themselves to be human shields for him, right here in this thread.
Because everyone knows it is code for white nationalism. Maybe you didn't get the memo, but it's not fooling anyone.
Is that what the media told you? Do not try to claim you thought of it because independent thought is something you will never have.
Humans have killed more people than Nazis. Fact is BLM is a civil right advocacy group. They represent the poor and oppressed. The other side represents the powerful and oppressive. Night and day
Nazis weren't humans?
Yep. 2016 brought them out of the woodwork. Little did we know how many there were.

We definitely aren't what I thought. What a disappointment.
2016 the media began its never ending lies. Politicians and bureaucrats joined in. White supremacy is a construct of the FBI, another huge lie to divide Americans. It is nowhere near a threat level and to say so is just lying.

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