Rep. Paul Gosar is being promoted as a 'featured guest' at an upcoming white nationalist event scheduled on Hitler's birthday

Has anyone considered the possibility that Paul Gosar might actually be a white nationalist?

Yeah cuz every group the left doesn't like and wants to silence always just HAPPEN to have "ties to white nationalist groups". Pfft.
You guys did this with all the Trump rallies, too. "White nationalists approve of free speech so all those who like free speech have ties to white nationalists!"

Nobody takes it seriously. Well, except you.
There is a much higher likelihood Gosar is a white nationalist than this group

Which is ran by apparently 3 people. 2 of whom are very visibly non white
I think you are very correct, but the nature of the charge requires stronger evidence. I am disappointed WAPO. Published this without more substation.
You are an advocate of The Big Lie because you've been carefully groomed by the Putin/trump cabal.
No, I am an advocate because it has been proven to me. There was massive fraud and a continuing cover up. Which, BTW, has failed.
? The fuck kind of response is that?

Shut the fuck up, peasant. Can't even see the thing is run by Asians
So, you are not just a retard but a racist retard? Thanks for letting us know.
No, correct, for the obvious reasons. Marxists have murdered 10 times more people, conservatively, than fascists have.
And humans have murdered thousands of times more people than Marxist. See how irrelevant your argument is?
Will you be high on Hitler's birthday?
The Nazis were merely more efficient than the acolytes of burn, loot murder. Both groups murdered on a daily basis. Both groups have fashioned elaborate justifications for their killings. Both groups have a target for killing and abuse. Nazis had Jews. Blm has whites.

After listening to black DNC chair, Jamie Harrison and his screed against Tom Cotton, I would say the two groups are moving closer together.
The levels of stupid that y’all are operating at to equivocate Nazis and BLm is rather impressive. You realize BLM is minority advocacy group and not a political party in control of a word super power who actively murdered 6 million people
The levels of stupid that y’all are operating at to equivocate Nazis and BLm is rather impressive. You realize BLM is minority advocacy group and not a political party in control of a word super power who actively murdered 6 million people
BLM is a scam.
The OP most certainly does. But maybe you've been groomed to not see such links?

Hmmm, 4 of the 5 sources you listed used one source...The Arizona Mirror.
The other source you listed showed John Doyle as the featured guest.

The plot thickens
What truth? No one has proven those things were done by Russians. And no one has proven Gosar is a white nationalist either. Until they do you should STFU.
What does that have to do with anything I’ve said? You called me a liar. What did I lie about?

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