Rep. Paul Gosar is being promoted as a 'featured guest' at an upcoming white nationalist event scheduled on Hitler's birthday

Hitler's birthday is a huge holiday in America. There will be festivals and celebrations everywhere.

It is. Everyone gets a day off on Hitler's birthday.

Except the Jews, they have to keep digging coal and laying railroad tracks.

From the article:

The Arizona Republican is being heralded as a "featured guest" at the upcoming American Populist Social, hosted by the ultra-conservative political group American Populist Union in Tempe, Arizona, later this month.

The nonprofit has ties to a group of white nationalists known as groypers, according to The Arizona Mirror. Per the Anti-Defamation League, "groypers are a loose network of alt-right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and 'America First' podcaster Nick Fuentes."

Fuentes is known for promoting racist and antisemitic views, and the ADL has called the 23-year-old Fuentes a "well-known white supremacist pundit and organizer."

1. Who determined that the American Populist group is 'Ultra-conservative'? What aspects of the group put them in that category?
2. Where did they establish that this group has ties to a group of white nationalists called 'groypers'? Says according to the Arizona Mirror, so we're supposed to take them at their word?
3. Who runs and pays for the Anti Defamation League and are they 'ultra leftist'?
4. Who at the ADL determined that Fuentes is promoting racism and is a 'white supremacist', and based on what criteria?

That's my problem with these articles, they throw out all of this crap information and you have no idea where it originated from or who it originated from and what their motives are, and they all have agendas and motives. I believe very little of what I read put out by a media owned by the left.
You can follow the sourcing of the article to find answers to your questions… for example…

American Populist Union has connections to Fuentes ideologically and through its members. The group hobnobbed with Arizona politicians in December when it held an event across the street from Turning Point USA that attracted a slew of fringe activists and groypers.
This is what the left and their media dweebs do in lieu of having an actual platform. It's like the Russian collusion scam, the bogus Mueller investigation, both impeachments and the Jan 6 witch hunt. If Democrats weren't so clueless they could figure out how to represent the American people instead of wasting all their time on propaganda producing investigations.
This is what the left and their media dweebs do in lieu of having an actual platform. It's like the Russian collusion scam, the bogus Mueller investigation, both impeachments and the Jan 6 witch hunt. If Democrats weren't so clueless they could figure out how to represent the American people instead of wasting all their time on propaganda producing investigations.
Curious… how you feeling about investigating a stolen presidential election and the laptop of the presidents son?
Great, so 4/20 will be a holiday for pot heads. Holidays should be for people of history who have a list of accomplishments.

The 4/20 stoners are celebrating Cheech Marin. He did have a part in that Nash Bridges TV show, which is quite an accomplishment for a pot head, ya know.

No idea what happened to the Chong guy, though. He accomplishments kinda went up like a puff of smoke.
Please. Stop taxing us for all of this then We have all paid extreme taxes in our lifetimes and it is still not enough. NAZIS come in all ways.
What does taxing have to do with comparing Nazis to BLM?!
It seems to me that election rigging and having a compromised President are more important than TDS rumors and innuendo.
Got it… so stop the investigations and politicizing unless it’s stuff that supports your side and your agenda… in those cases it’s all good!! You’re funny
Not really, Racists vs Racists, I thought you could have seen that.
Well it’s pretty elementary. One group is historically oppressive and responsible for murdering over 6million Jews. The other is a civil rights advocacy group standing up for blacks, a historically oppressed group in America.

Sad that I needed to explain that.
It is. Everyone gets a day off on Hitler's birthday.

Except the Jews, they have to keep digging coal and laying railroad tracks.

A lot of people might take the day off. It's not a political holiday. It's a social holiday.
Well it’s pretty elementary. One group is historically oppressive and responsible for murdering over 6million Jews. The other is a civil rights advocacy group standing up for blacks, a historically oppressed group in America.

Sad that I needed to explain that.
BLM is a corrupt racist group, make no mistake about that.
You and bodie just happen to agree with them.
Don't get me wrong, Slade, I just happen to disagree with both
of those organizations for exactly the same reason.
Bodie would try and link me to one of them.
Well it’s pretty elementary. One group is historically oppressive and responsible for murdering over 6million Jews. The other is a civil rights advocacy group standing up for blacks, a historically oppressed group in America.

Sad that I needed to explain that.
One group is historically oppressive and murderous. The other is presently oppressive and murderous.
BLM is a corrupt racist group, make no mistake about that.
You and bodie just happen to agree with them.
Don't get me wrong, Slade, I just happen to disagree with both
of those organizations for exactly the same reason.
Bodie would try and link me to one of them.
I’m not a fan of BLM. I support much of their overall mission but I haven’t liked what I’ve seen in how many of their memebers execute their agenda. Still though… night and day from Nazis. You should not be pretending that they are equivalent
Well it’s pretty elementary. One group is historically oppressive and responsible for murdering over 6million Jews. The other is a civil rights advocacy group standing up for blacks, a historically oppressed group in America.

Sad that I needed to explain that. is very sad. And telling where con-servatives are right now.

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