Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) Blames Garner For Dying During Chokehold

Garner's family should have claimed they have ties to the IRA if they wanted King's respect and praise.
Don't feel bad for the family...they will be comforted by the inevitable lawsuit windfall paid for by the law abiding jews of NYC.

If they sue for lost income, how much of the money Garner made selling un-taxed cigarettes did he claim on his taxes?
Selling illegal cigarettes is not a death penality crime. What he's doing is selling them one or two at a time to folks who can't afford to buy a full pack. It's nickle and dime stuff, basically. Doesn't warrant a dealth penality.

Garner died as a result of resisting arrest. He made a bad choice.
I can see a lesson for blacks here. Don't resist arrest, and you won't die. Any questions?
Yes, black people must take special care to be respectful and cower before the police.

We ALL have a responsibility to obey lawful orders you ignorant dope! Why is that so difficult to understand? Garner brought this on himself and him alone. It's so obvious that the Left rabble rousers are making it about race to gain a conviction by the Feds. Show us where race factored in. None of you can answer that and neither will the Feds.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

I hope somebody chokes Peter King.
I can see a lesson for blacks here. Don't resist arrest, and you won't die. Any questions?
Yes, black people must take special care to be respectful and cower before the police.

We ALL have a responsibility to obey lawful orders you ignorant dope! Why is that so difficult to understand? Garner brought this on himself and him alone. It's so obvious that the Left rabble rousers are making it about race to gain a conviction by the Feds. Show us where race factored in. None of you can answer that and neither will the Feds.

The feds got the cops who beat up Rodney King, remember?
Garner has some blame, the cops have some blame, the idiotic laws that make selling loosies an arrestable crime has some of the blame,

The question is do the cops (in particular the one doing the choke hold) have criminally culpable blame.

To me, they don't, however the choke hold guy shouldn't be allowed to remain a cop in NYC.
In Army boot camp, I was trained to apply a choke hold. I know exactly how it's done. This did not look like a choke hold, and if it would have been, the suspect would have been unconscious. He was conscious, as proven by him repeatedly talking, saying "I can't breathe", which was false, because if he couldn't breathe, he would not have been able to utter those words.

Did you ever apply that hold on an obese person with asthma?
Why do you ask ?

Duh, because Eric Garner was an obese person with asthma...
Which is meaningless. since there was NO CHOKEHOLD placed on him. Unlike the speculators, those of us who have been trained on the chokehold, know that after a person gets chokeholded, they go unconscious. Garner was conscious. He was also able to breathe, (as evidenced by him talking) despite his false claims to the contrary. Starting to focus for you now ?

Yeah you're right, it wasn't a proper choke hold. The officers involved fucked up the restraint, as if they'd never made an arrest before. The officers in question were not professional by any stretch of the imagination.
I can see a lesson for blacks here. Don't resist arrest, and you won't die. Any questions?
Yes, black people must take special care to be respectful and cower before the police.

We ALL have a responsibility to obey lawful orders you ignorant dope! Why is that so difficult to understand? Garner brought this on himself and him alone. It's so obvious that the Left rabble rousers are making it about race to gain a conviction by the Feds. Show us where race factored in. None of you can answer that and neither will the Feds.

Race does not have to be a factor in a Federal civil rights case.
Looking at that picture of Peter King, the dude looks fat!
He looks as if he is very over weight and would probably have had problems breathing while in a chokehold. I imagine if he had said he couldn't breath, the cops would have listened as he is white. I do think it was a race thing.
The fact is, if he did as he was told. He would be alive today. He CHOSE not to comply.
I can see a lesson for blacks here. Don't resist arrest, and you won't die. Any questions?
Yes, black people must take special care to be respectful and cower before the police.

We ALL have a responsibility to obey lawful orders you ignorant dope! Why is that so difficult to understand? Garner brought this on himself and him alone. It's so obvious that the Left rabble rousers are making it about race to gain a conviction by the Feds. Show us where race factored in. None of you can answer that and neither will the Feds.

Race does not have to be a factor in a Federal civil rights case.
How many civil rights vio against blacks on whites?
I can see a lesson for blacks here. Don't resist arrest, and you won't die. Any questions?
Yes, black people must take special care to be respectful and cower before the police.

We ALL have a responsibility to obey lawful orders you ignorant dope! Why is that so difficult to understand? Garner brought this on himself and him alone. It's so obvious that the Left rabble rousers are making it about race to gain a conviction by the Feds. Show us where race factored in. None of you can answer that and neither will the Feds.

Race does not have to be a factor in a Federal civil rights case.
How many civil rights vio against blacks on whites?

Admit you didn't know that race did not have to be a factor in a civil rights case and I'll answer your question.
So it was Michael Brown's fault because he was big and strong,

Garner's fault because he was fat and out of shape.

lol, see how elegantly rightwing propaganda pirouettes to keep the agenda alive?
So it was Michael Brown's fault because he was big and strong,

Garner's fault because he was fat and out of shape.

lol, see how elegantly rightwing propaganda pirouettes to keep the agenda alive?
No, if they did what they were told. They would still be criminals today.
So it was Michael Brown's fault because he was big and strong,

Garner's fault because he was fat and out of shape.

lol, see how elegantly rightwing propaganda pirouettes to keep the agenda alive?
No, if they did what they were told. They would still be criminals today.

If the police did what they were told regarding the use of force, Garner would be alive.
So it was Michael Brown's fault because he was big and strong,

Garner's fault because he was fat and out of shape.

lol, see how elegantly rightwing propaganda pirouettes to keep the agenda alive?
No, if they did what they were told. They would still be criminals today.

That's what it boils down to.

The responsibility here lies in the person who initiated the confrontation.

If Brown would have just stepped out of the road he would have had the chance to steal a lot more cigars and rough up a loy more little store clerks.

If Garner had just kept his mouth shut and been polite he'd still be selling single cigarettes to minors.
So it was Michael Brown's fault because he was big and strong,

Garner's fault because he was fat and out of shape.

lol, see how elegantly rightwing propaganda pirouettes to keep the agenda alive?
No, if they did what they were told. They would still be criminals today.

That's what it boils down to.

The responsibility here lies in the person who initiated the confrontation.

If Brown would have just stepped out of the road he would have had the chance to steal a lot more cigars and rough up a loy more little store clerks.

If Garner had just kept his mouth shut and been polite he'd still be selling single cigarettes to minors.

Wrong. The police are subject to the law as much as Garner was. An important point of having laws, rules, regulations regarding the use of force applies to circumtances where the subject make in fact be engaging in wrongdoing.

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