Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) Blames Garner For Dying During Chokehold


Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

No, we blame Hitler for that. Other than Rep. Peter King's history of bigotry and racial insenitivity - I see no holocaust connection. The Native American holocaust was much worse.
If you weren't so fat you could stand a little choking

Whatsa matter with you?
Foreign Tourists actually fear American Cops now. That's how bad things have gotten. They're seen by many around the world as one of the most feared violent Police Forces on earth. And i would have to say they've earned their notorious reputation. Something's very wrong.

This is very true... I was chatting with Irish Police two nights in the pub and they said that American Cops are f*cking crazy... Saying that they did also said if we had the US gun ownership laws that they would be heading towards f*cking crazy too...
The possibility of everyone being legally armed is nuts,.

But on the Garner situation they said it would be hard to decide how many to criminally prosecute, the chokeholder and commanding officer... They other probably loose there jobs... They would also ask what medical attempts were used to revive him...

The commanding officer is a black man and the ranking cop at the scene is a black woman. Firing them would make the white Police Commissioner a racist if he fired them.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

No, we blame Hitler for that. Other than Rep. Peter King's history of bigotry and racial insenitivity - I see no holocaust connection. The Native American holocaust was much worse.

How can it be worse. We introduced them to fire water? Party on, Geronimo!

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

No, we blame Hitler for that. Other than Rep. Peter King's history of bigotry and racial insenitivity - I see no holocaust connection. The Native American holocaust was much worse.

The Nazi's disarmed the Jews before they rounded them up and gassed them. The Native Americans had guns, fought the good fight and lost. Not even close to the same thing.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

No, we blame Hitler for that. Other than Rep. Peter King's history of bigotry and racial insenitivity - I see no holocaust connection. The Native American holocaust was much worse.

The Nazi's disarmed the Jews before they rounded them up and gassed them. The Native Americans had guns, fought the good fight and lost. Not even close to the same thing.

The slaughter of Native Americans greatly exceeds the slaughter of Jews. Google it...or click on my signature links...

Now, back to Eric Garner and Rep. Peter King.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

No, we blame Hitler for that. Other than Rep. Peter King's history of bigotry and racial insenitivity - I see no holocaust connection. The Native American holocaust was much worse.

The Nazi's disarmed the Jews before they rounded them up and gassed them. The Native Americans had guns, fought the good fight and lost. Not even close to the same thing.

The slaughter of Native Americans greatly exceeds the slaughter of Jews. Google it...or click on my signature links...

Now, back to Eric Garner and Rep. Peter King.

That is very possible, but I suspect without looking, that you will use a lying POS like Ward Churchill for your stats

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

No, we blame Hitler for that. Other than Rep. Peter King's history of bigotry and racial insenitivity - I see no holocaust connection. The Native American holocaust was much worse.

There was no Native American Holocaust. What utter horseshit.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

No, we blame Hitler for that. Other than Rep. Peter King's history of bigotry and racial insenitivity - I see no holocaust connection. The Native American holocaust was much worse.

There was no Native American Holocaust. What utter horseshit.

Scalping, which is usually attributed in the movies to the Indians as a practice to gather trophies of the hair of innocent White settlers, was actually a practice also employed by Whites in power (including the clergy) as a way of proving the deaths of Indians for the purpose of paying a bounty. Many of these scalp hunters didn't give a tinker's damn where or from whom they got their scalps. That means that women and children (who were particularly prized because it meant that they wouldn't grow to maturity and reproduce) were fair game.
Garner's family should have claimed they have ties to the IRA if they wanted King's respect and praise.

You know I've been really trying to clean up my profanity lately but sorry as sorry can be when I heard what King said on the radio the first thing that blurted out of my mouth was....

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

I'm still shaking my freaking head that King even had the thought process that Garner's health issues were what caused his death and not the fact some goon on the NYPD wouldn't loosen his grip after Garner had been subdued.

I get a brain cramp trying to figure out how King could come up with this bullshit. Aye carumba! Some people don't know when to zip their lips.

Peter King does seem like kind of a dick.....his remarks are pretty dickish.

He likes getting on TV.
Remember just last week they were freaking out over the OBESE epidemic in the country

they twist which ever way the frikken wind blows them. not a shred of principles they stand on

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Might as well blame the Jews for getting gassed and burned in crematoriums in Europe during WWII. I mean, if they're not smart enough to get out of Germany...

No, we blame Hitler for that. Other than Rep. Peter King's history of bigotry and racial insenitivity - I see no holocaust connection. The Native American holocaust was much worse.

There was no Native American Holocaust. What utter horseshit.

Scalping, which is usually attributed in the movies to the Indians as a practice to gather trophies of the hair of innocent White settlers, was actually a practice also employed by Whites in power (including the clergy) as a way of proving the deaths of Indians for the purpose of paying a bounty. Many of these scalp hunters didn't give a tinker's damn where or from whom they got their scalps. That means that women and children (who were particularly prized because it meant that they wouldn't grow to maturity and reproduce) were fair game.

True, and it was much worse than that. Read the Marlon Brando section in the link below:
The troopers cut off the vulvas of Indian women, stretched them over their saddle horns, then decorated their hatbands with them; some used the skin of brave’s scrotums and the breasts of Indian women as tobacco pouches, then showed off these trophies, together with the noses and ears of some of the Indians they had massacred, at the Denver Opera House.

Native American Genocide
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Garner has some blame, the cops have some blame, the idiotic laws that make selling loosies an arrestable crime has some of the blame,

The question is do the cops (in particular the one doing the choke hold) have criminally culpable blame.

To me, they don't, however the choke hold guy shouldn't be allowed to remain a cop in NYC.
In Army boot camp, I was trained to apply a choke hold. I know exactly how it's done. This did not look like a choke hold, and if it would have been, the suspect would have been unconscious. He was conscious, as proven by him repeatedly talking, saying "I can't breathe", which was false, because if he couldn't breathe, he would not have been able to utter those words.

Did you ever apply that hold on an obese person with asthma?
Why do you ask ?

Duh, because Eric Garner was an obese person with asthma...
Which is meaningless. since there was NO CHOKEHOLD placed on him. Unlike the speculators, those of us who have been trained on the chokehold, know that after a person gets chokeholded, they go unconscious. Garner was conscious. He was also able to breathe, (as evidenced by him talking) despite his false claims to the contrary. Starting to focus for you now ?
Garner has some blame, the cops have some blame, the idiotic laws that make selling loosies an arrestable crime has some of the blame,

The question is do the cops (in particular the one doing the choke hold) have criminally culpable blame.

To me, they don't, however the choke hold guy shouldn't be allowed to remain a cop in NYC.
In Army boot camp, I was trained to apply a choke hold. I know exactly how it's done. This did not look like a choke hold, and if it would have been, the suspect would have been unconscious. He was conscious, as proven by him repeatedly talking, saying "I can't breathe", which was false, because if he couldn't breathe, he would not have been able to utter those words.

That's for a complete textbook chokehold. As long as pressure is applied to the windpipe (which the coroner found) then you have asphyxiation in progress. THAT has been "no go" territory for the NYPD for decades.
You either have a chokehold, or you don't. It was NOT a chokehold, and I see no evidence of any coroner saying it was. (including from you)

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