Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) Blames Garner For Dying During Chokehold

The chokehold is not illegal. It against department policy. While the hold used on Garner looks like a chokehold to the public it isn't to those that have had training. It is a standard take down hold taught at the academy.

A Grand Jury Did Indict One Person Involved In Eric Garner's Killing -- The Man Who Filmed It

On Wednesday, a Staten Island grand jury decided not to return an indictment for the police officer who put Eric Garner, an unarmed black man, in a chokehold shortly before his death. A different Staten Island grand jury was less sympathetic to Ramsey Orta, however, the man who filmed the entire incident.

More: A Grand Jury Did Indict One Person Involved In Eric Garner's Killing -- The Man Who Filmed It

I still can't comprehend that the only person indicted was the person who filmed Garner's murder. Unbelievable...

I think the two words that describe you in posting this article are 'disingenuous asshole.' Filming the Garner arrest had absolutely nothing to do with Orta's arrest.

"In August, less than a month after filming the fatal July 17 encounter in which Daniel Pantaleo and other NYPD police officers confronted Garner for allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes, a grand jury indicted Orta on weapons charges stemming from an arrest by undercover officers earlier that month."

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

The racism surrounding the Garner case is actually worse than the Michael Brown case.
I'm kind of conflicted about whether or not racism is involved in their opinions of this, but I do pretty much believe if Garner had been white they would have been outraged.

No, if he had been white, no one but his family would even know about it.

If he had been white the cops would have handed him an appearance ticket and moved on.

Just to take it one step further. If Garner had been white, the minority store owners that called the cops would not have called them. Did I get that right?
Garner's family should have claimed they have ties to the IRA if they wanted King's respect and praise.
Don't feel bad for the family...they will be comforted by the inevitable lawsuit windfall paid for by the law abiding jews of NYC.

If they sue for lost income, how much of the money Garner made selling un-taxed cigarettes did he claim on his taxes?
I'm more of the opinion that if the cop hadn't used an ILLEGAL CHOKE HOLD, that has been banned from use since 1993 by the police force, he'd probably still be alive.

The autopsy revealed that his throat had been crushed, and he also had too much weight on his ribcage and diaphragm to breathe properly.

Not only did the film show him being choked by the police officer, but he also had about 4 or 5 FULL GROWN men sitting on his back.

The average male weighs in at around 180 lbs. Multiply that times 4 and you have somewhere in the neighborhood of 700 to 800 lbs. on his chest.

How many of you people out there can breathe properly with that much weight on your chest and a choke hold around your neck? Even if you're in great shape, you stand a chance of being choked to death.

What part of If I can't breathe, I can't talk don't you understand?
I'm more of the opinion that if the cop hadn't used an ILLEGAL CHOKE HOLD, that has been banned from use since 1993 by the police force, he'd probably still be alive.

The autopsy revealed that his throat had been crushed, and he also had too much weight on his ribcage and diaphragm to breathe properly.

Not only did the film show him being choked by the police officer, but he also had about 4 or 5 FULL GROWN men sitting on his back.

The average male weighs in at around 180 lbs. Multiply that times 4 and you have somewhere in the neighborhood of 700 to 800 lbs. on his chest.

How many of you people out there can breathe properly with that much weight on your chest and a choke hold around your neck? Even if you're in great shape, you stand a chance of being choked to death.

The "choke hold" wasn't illegal. Not according to the state of NY.
His throat wasn't crushed either.
And he also had serious health issues that contributed to his death.

What about the EXTREME pressure put on his back while he was face-down in a choke hold (while having asthma)?

Should the cops have asked him if he had asthma before they arrested him?
This chokehold is banned from Police-use in NY. It is a horrific miscarriage of justice that no one was held accountable. The People have every right to be angry. Peter King is dimwitted asshole.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on Wednesday that if Eric Garner had been healthier, he would not have died after a police officer placed him in a chokehold.

"If he had not had asthma, and a heart condition and was so obese, almost definitely he would not have died from this," King told CNN's Wolf Blitzer during an interview.

Even though video captured Garner saying that he couldn't breathe as officer Daniel Pantaleo placed him in a chokehold and wrestled him to the ground, King said that "police had no reason to know that he was in serious condition."

More: Peter King Says Eric Garner Would Not Have Died From Chokehold Were He Not Obese

WOW! Just WOW! How would King feel if Garner had been an obese/unhealthy Jew?

Most of America is unhealthy.
I'm more of the opinion that if the cop hadn't used an ILLEGAL CHOKE HOLD, that has been banned from use since 1993 by the police force, he'd probably still be alive.

The autopsy revealed that his throat had been crushed, and he also had too much weight on his ribcage and diaphragm to breathe properly.

Not only did the film show him being choked by the police officer, but he also had about 4 or 5 FULL GROWN men sitting on his back.

The average male weighs in at around 180 lbs. Multiply that times 4 and you have somewhere in the neighborhood of 700 to 800 lbs. on his chest.

How many of you people out there can breathe properly with that much weight on your chest and a choke hold around your neck? Even if you're in great shape, you stand a chance of being choked to death.

The "choke hold" wasn't illegal. Not according to the state of NY.
His throat wasn't crushed either.
And he also had serious health issues that contributed to his death.

Illegal or Not...

Officer should be fired. It is against NYPD policy and someone died.

That is a minimum, then there is the civil case too.
Bottom line, had this guy not been such an out of shape fat-fuck, he'd be alive today.

Now, with that said, think of the irony, the statists who now are so anti-police, support the tactics of arresting people for not giving the state their cut in the sale of goods.


Foreign Tourists actually fear American Cops now. That's how bad things have gotten. They're seen by many around the world as one of the most feared violent Police Forces on earth. And i would have to say they've earned their notorious reputation. Something's very wrong.
If he had been white the cops would have handed him an appearance ticket and moved on.

The depths if your racism and hatred have no limits do they?

Recall how many RWnuts took Clive Bundy's side.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything moron? Seriously, remedial reading classes, they would do you a lot of good. Careful though, an education will turn you into a conservative.

Can you explain why the RWnuts like you were all in for Clive Bundy, vs. law enforcement, but on the other hand all in for law enforcement vs. every black man in Bundy's circumstance?

We weren't and aren't, you are just making shit up. Shit that has nothing to do with Gardner.

Anyone wish to dispute that the rightwing consensus around here supported Clive Bundy and his armed gangs?

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