Rep. Steve King to Governors: Call National Guard to Seal Border

A few hundred billion and it's yours. Build away.

Apache attack helicopters, night vision, and replays to public of border runners getting lit-up by a 20mm cannon. Kill em all. It's an invasion and a war.
I see you live in Fantasyland. Carry on...

Bush92 trusts Obama so much that he wants to give him the right to shoot people committing misdemeanors without a trial. Obviously he is a radical extremist democrat.
Send the guard. You will need one every 100 feet or so for 1,300 hundred miles.
Guard towers at strategic locations would significantly reduce manpower.
1,300 miles of guard towers? Knock yourself out, and don't forget about about the other 700 miles, that they punch right through currently.
I said strategic locations only, not the entire 1900 miles. This would be areas where illegals tend to cross in large numbers.
Now its on. Obama is going to screw this up stone cold too. I'm starting to feel for the guy..:(



Rep. Steve King is asking the nation's border states to call in the National Guard to stop the tidal wave of illegal immigrants washing into the United States.

King, an Iowa Republican and a member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, told "The Steve Malzberg Show'' on Newsmax TV that President Barack Obama has failed to do enough to stop the influx.

"If he's not going to close that border," King said Wednesday, "then I'm calling upon the border governors to call up their National Guard, order their National Guard to the border . . . [and] seal the border.''

King was jolted on hearing that the president, after rejecting an invitation to tour the Texas border, was seen shooting pool and drinking beer in a photo-op with Colorado Gov. Bill Hickenlooper.

"It's getting harder and harder to explain these things away as being just mistakes made by a president,'' he said.

"We are a sanctuary nation and . . . he is poised to extend this unconstitutional position that allows for people to stay in America illegally until he should decide that they should go, [but] he's never going to decide that they go.

"We cannot presume that the Constitution means anything to him except an inconvenience. Neither does the law mean anything to him except an inconvenience.''

Read the rest here: Rep. Steve King to Governors: Call Up National Guard to Seal Border With Mexico

King is spot on.
Great idea! The National Guard can uses helicopters to find those that overstayed their Visas......right?

i was going to give you a "thank you"............., for the first idiotically stupid post, but readers would take the thanks the wrong way, so here is another kind of ''thank you"..,

Send the guard. You will need one every 100 feet or so for 1,300 hundred miles.

Yeah? And ?

Knock yourself out. It's not like the weekend pretend cannon fodder have anything else to do. Three shifts, every hundred feet, for 2,000 miles, have at it.

That's 318,000 BTW, assuming they work seven days a week and never get sick or need to go home.
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Don't forget that the fence will have to extend several miles into the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, since they often just float around the border...

As I said before, the great Wall of China is thousands of miles long. The Mongols just bribed their way through it.
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Send the guard. You will need one every 100 feet or so for 1,300 hundred miles.

great idea you have there, and back them up with an all volunteer armed civilians, ooooh! and don't give me that fucking line about a bunch of trigger happy yahoos, most of us have a military background, trained in the use of firearms and well disciplined.

you get the troops there and i will be the first to volunteer as a back up :up:
Send the guard. You will need one every 100 feet or so for 1,300 hundred miles.

great idea you have there, and back them up with an all volunteer armed civilians, ooooh! and don't give me that fucking line about a bunch of trigger happy yahoos, most of us have a military background, trained in the use of firearms and well disciplined.

you get the troops there and i will be the first to volunteer as a back up :up:
I sure that you would, because you want to play Rambo and have an excuse to use that penis replacement you paid 1k for...
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Apache attack helicopters, night vision, and replays to public of border runners getting lit-up by a 20mm cannon. Kill em all. It's an invasion and a war.
I see you live in Fantasyland. Carry on...

Bush92 trusts Obama so much that he wants to give him the right to shoot people committing misdemeanors without a trial. Obviously he is a radical extremist democrat.

Shoot people invading our nation. POTUS takes oath to protect and defend the United States of America.
Guard towers at strategic locations would significantly reduce manpower.
1,300 miles of guard towers? Knock yourself out, and don't forget about about the other 700 miles, that they punch right through currently.
I said strategic locations only, not the entire 1900 miles. This would be areas where illegals tend to cross in large numbers.

you really do not expect the liarberals here to understand "strategic locations only", hell.., the word strategic will have them scratching their ass, ooooh! BTW, that is where they keep their brain. :up:

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