Rep. Steve Scalice's Shot at Speakership

Gabby Giffords?
If you liked what happened with voters when Trump shut down the govt over not getting his wall, you're gonna love what happens next.

The gop just shat on what leverage they had to force cuts.
Trump never shut down Government.

Frankly on that Gaetz is correct. Trump also got 500 miles of our wall. That wall is there as security for this country. Biden ruined it so that is why now we have millions of illegals in our country being cared for by hopefully Democrats.
Wow! Really, reprimanded?
Yes, Democrats are so wonderful that if a deranged Democrat tries to murder a Republican congressman, they are willing to criticize the would-be killer.

(Scalise was within minutes of losing his life.)
But the point is .... did Trump condemn it. That's the difference between the gop and dems today. The dems have their idiots, but they don't allow the idiots to actually run things.
They’re allowing Biden to continue as president, and he’s totally demented. Just saying.
Could a Speaker Scalice play ball with Democrats? I believe he'd be worse than McCarthy.
Apparently you believe this Government simply lacks enough national debt and you prefer it go deeper into debt. Steve does not think that way.
It is being reported that Rep. Scalice will take a shot at running for the Speakership. It's a tragic position for GOPers in the Republican run House. Dog -eat-Dog as we have seen. I predict Scalice's shot will fail.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's stunning ouster has kicked off a feverish race to succeed him, with fiery Rep. Jim Jordan announcing a run and the party's Number Two leader Steve Scalise quietly making calls to test the waters.

Rep. Scalise would make a wonderful speaker if we weren't so concerned about his multiple myeloma's aggressive chemo. He took a bullet for being a great Republican Congressman from a former employee of Communist creepo Bernie Sanders, James Hodgkinson, who bore a list of Republican Congressmen to kill at their baseball practice on June 14, 2017, with Steve Scalise's name written on a paper found in his shirt pocket after his attempted mass shooting in which he was shot and killed by police on scene who were there to protect the congressmen who were planning to win a baseball game with proceeds going to charity.

This brings to mind why I'm a little disappointed that Congress has aggressively ignored Ike Eisenhower-supported Anticommunist Act of 1954 to prevent crap just like Bernie Sanders' ex-employee pulled after listening and being indoctrinated into communist methodology and ploys to bring about a more expedient form of tyrannical control over a former freedom-of-speech-loving American people who are fallinglike flies to Hillary Rodham Clinton's worshipful Alinsky step-by-step method of creating chaos in the targeted land.

I'm sick of having to live under the big tent the Commie-pushing media is so well-paid for to cheat the American people out of everything our forbears died in bitter wars to insure that the common man has rights equal to that of the celebrities who govern them. It's supposed to be a system of brotherly love, but communist creepsisters do not have brotherly or sisterly love for their fellow Americans.

The problem with not enforcing the Anticommunist Act is that some people's feelings will be hurt, which is not a very courageous course to pursue, but politicians pursued it for fear of not getting elected in the next public election.

Our forefathers wisely gave equality the shot it deserves, but when communists take their guns to town to wipe out their rivals, no amount of coulda-woulda-shouldas are going to keep Americans having freedom of speech, life, liberty, nor the pursuit of happiness.

My nightly prayers petition the good Lord to protect us, because the Extortion King Joe Biden is very unconcerned about his rivals' freedoms, and he lavishes all his focus on what kind of ice cream he's gonna get tonight. Or so it seems to me, having read over 25 years ago about David Horowitz's expose on his former activist pal's greed for power at others' expense. When will Congress wake up to reconsidering the good of the American people's rights? I don't think the hubris of creating a nanny state does much for individuals' freedoms.

What was Hodgkinson's motive for sniping off Republican representatives leaders rather than following the Constitution? Would he have done that if he had learned about Eisenhower's concerns about Communism, Totaliatarianism, and Fascism in two European countries run by Fascists in Germany and Japan and communists in our own ally at the time, Russia, who unbeknownst to the west were routinely murdering not only non-communist critics, but their acquaintances, churches, and communities; and also dodging worldwide scrutiny was Mao Zedong in China who murdered of 45 million Chinese rivals*, caught unawares by bullets and life-defying tortures that dragged out death to the horror of their Chinese cities, villages, and regions. Mao, too, wanted totalitarian power with ZERO ACCOUNTING for his crimes against humanity. :cranky: Why couldn't someone have gotten through to Bernie Sanders to not push any resemblance of Communism which threatens its opposite, which is freedom for all. Mao wante his rivals dead, and he got his way at the expense of the hundreds of thousands of Chinese people caught and killed in the most cruel manners possible, instituting starvation against millions of Chinese people who disrespected him with minor complaints. :cranky:


* Mao Zedong: He Killed Millions of His Own People and Built Nuclear Weapons

The Biden-Clinton-Obama-Pelosi-Waters mob et al, is this push to make middle class people poor through punitive inflation going to turn into this just because Bernie Sanders wants to install God forsaken communism that has zero accountability to worry their little pointy heads with? When is he going to pull back the crap he's foisting on hating on Americans? He's called most projectively that Trump Republicans are fascists, and he's followed up with bullying against free people using punitive inflationary marketing ignominies. :puke:

I'm sick of Joe Biden and his hatred for American oil people and worst of all, Former President Trump and the 72 million Republicans who didn't vote for Joe, but voted for President Trump who told the truth and kept his promises to voters to give high-paying jobs to people of color, and to improve everyone's lives with fiscal miracles in the markets. Long Live President Trump!!!
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Meanwhile, sick or not, Scalise just tossed his hat in:

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You can read a little story on the subject...

I live here. Look, today's gop .... they all want to do what Ala has done, and no voting for felons. It's disenfranchisement only with a smiley face. And if the blacks would vote for them, they'd do Juneteenth with them. What Scalise said was only remarkable because he used Duke's name. Duke tried to take off those robes to become mainstream, but the taint was too much.
Gyn Jordan would be an amazing choice. Who can forget his ferocious defence of those young boys when they told him they were being fucked in the arse by his friend.
Gyn Jordan would be an amazing choice. Who can forget his ferocious defence of those young boys when they told him they were being fucked in the arse by his friend.
What "young boys"? College wrestlers? Like these guys? College wrestlers are GROWN MEN dumbass.
Jim Jordan was training for the Olympics as a wrestler, he was NOT the head coach.




Maybe you were thinking about that British rowing team with hard ons?


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They all told Gym and he did fuck all. Disgusting pervert.
LOL!! You must be confused like Joe Biden, who showered with his daughter, disgusting pervert.

That was druggie Hunter Biden that fucked everything.

Jim Jordan was an Olympic wrestler in training, not a coach dumbass. You need to prove your "young boy" lies if you can. Waiting...
Meanwhile, sick of not, Scalise just tossed his hat in:

I'm putting him on my prayer list for complete healing, BackAgain. His success of beating back his myeloma will be at the top of my list for months to come. I promise.
Gyn Jordan would be an amazing choice. Who can forget his ferocious defence of those young boys when they told him they were being fucked in the arse by his friend.
Amazing??? Complaining about a homosexual doctor; when we complain about them, they call us homophobes. I read up on this and rather than blame the Doctor, they target only one person. Jim Jordan. This despite witnesses of the doctors acts say it was common knowledge and so on. The boy said the doctor examined his genitals. This is why boys go to a doctor that everybody knows is a homosexual.

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