Rep. Steve Scalice's Shot at Speakership

I heard the guy who actually shot Scalice was an unrequited male lover of his? Who knows? I don't know for sure. Just know people have said it.
Waaaaah, JFK. wtf? Ancient history. We had White Southerners bringing their slaves into the homes the government/the people paid for.

Whores? Look at all of those Southern Gentlemen who occupied the WH and sat in both Houses of the Congress.

Your feigned outrage would be humorous if it weren't for your pathetic attempts to be taken oh, so, seriously.
I am no longer pissed at two of the Democrats biggest whore mongers of record. They are dead.
Nope you lying creep. No one present ever said Biden was sniffing any children. That's what creeps like you spin out of looking at photos.

You're really a tired, old, angry person. Full of hatred for things, which makes you susceptible to “the firehose of falsehood.

When MAGAts show us what THEIR sexual fantasies are.
They all told Gym and he did fuck all. Disusting pervert.
Maybe you mean the college fucked them since it was the college that paid them all 49 million dollars. Would you let the doctor have his way with your ass for 49 million dollars? Or do you hate homosexuals too much?
Lisa is correct. Scalise was wounded at the Congressional softball game when a gunman shot him.
I will correct the above to state it was the Congressional baseball game. There is a difference in the two types of balls. The Softball used in Fast Pitch is hard, and can be hit pretty close to the distance ordinary baseballs are hit.
The wall was never about a real wall all along the border. And the wall would not prevent as much as imbeciles like you claim. You like the showmanship, the blowhardiness of Trump. But in reality -- Even Trump lost interest in his Wall.

He played you suckers, just as FOX News did. We can factually prove all assertions here. You? You can whine and attack like a stuck pig. Speaking of pigs, where is Lisa?
We will vote for new authoritarians as you support. We will know what they are. And we will all be suckers. In the end they will exterminate your authoritarians as they become the new ones. And that gives some comfort of payback and revenge. This is doable and possible. Authoritarians in Deplorable areas are phukn over their own.
It is being reported that Rep. Scalice will take a shot at running for the Speakership. It's a tragic position for GOPers in the Republican run House. Dog -eat-Dog as we have seen. I predict Scalice's shot will fail.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's stunning ouster has kicked off a feverish race to succeed him, with fiery Rep. Jim Jordan announcing a run and the party's Number Two leader Steve Scalise quietly making calls to test the waters.

I suppose that anybody who wants that shit job has a good chance of getting it. Somebody will bite the bullet.
I suppose that anybody who wants that shit job has a good chance of getting it. Somebody will bite the bullet.
That “shit job” is third in line. With a corrupt, demented president and a totally inept Affirmative Action pick as vp, he’d be well-positioned to become U.S. President.
That “shit job” is third in line. With a corrupt, demented president and a totally inept Affirmative Action pick as vp, he’d be well-positioned to become U.S. President.
Maybe Trump should reconsider, eh?
That “shit job” is third in line. With a corrupt, demented president and a totally inept Affirmative Action pick as vp, he’d be well-positioned to become U.S. President.
Its a great choice isnt it ?
The Grand Cyclops vs The Groomer.
God Bless America.
Steve Scalese who is battling blood cancer, and doesn't need the added stress,
or National Wrestling Champion Jim Jordan who has the heart of a lion.
I hope its Jim Jordan.
Thats right. Klan vs Groomer.
Why do you want sympathy for scalise who is, by any measure ,a piece of shit ?
Lisa is correct. Scalise was wounded at the Congressional softball game when a gunman shot him.
It was NOT just a gunman...he was a leftist, he was sent there under orders from Obama, Biden and the Democrats to murder Republicans..

After the shooting, there were reports that the gunman's family was paid 30 million dollars by Soros.....this is why it should mandatory that we kill more Democrats
Thats right. Klan vs Groomer.
Why do you want sympathy for scalise who is, by any measure ,a piece of shit ?
You can try to label or name-call them all you want.
The wiki article below has no Klan reference dumbass, and Jim Jordan has no skeletons in his closet either, just Leftist lies.

They're both about to save the US from the Leftist clowns currently running DC.
The US has a $33T Debt, and pays about $2T a year in interest on that Debt.
Time to slash spending.

Scalese was shot by a Left-Wing Extremist while playing baseball. You want to offer sympathy or congratulations to the shooter?

You can try to label or name-call them all you want.
The wiki article below has no Klan reference dumbass, and Jim Jordan has no skeletons in his closet either, just Leftist lies.

They're both about to save the US from the Leftist clowns currently running DC.
The US has a $33T Debt, and pays about $2T a year in interest on that Debt.
Time to slash spending.

Scalese was shot by a Left-Wing Extremist while playing baseball. You want to offer sympathy or congratulations to the shooter?

Ive got no sympathy for klan shit. Let the cancer take him.

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