Rep Steve Scalise exposes FBI Director Andrew McCabe as the idiot he is.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Having this guy run the FBI is a joke.

I Dire
Scalise tweeted it on June 15th. And McCabe is right. Why would a gunman want to target a fat fucking nobody? (Scalise).
Most likely, they were targets of opportunity.
Scalise tweeted it on June 15th. And McCabe is right. Why would a gunman want to target a fat fucking nobody? (Scalise).
Most likely, they were targets of opportunity.

Glad to see the asshole left wingers are true to form. Go choke on it.
Scalise tweeted it on June 15th. And McCabe is right. Why would a gunman want to target a fat fucking nobody? (Scalise).
Most likely, they were targets of opportunity.

Glad to see the asshole left wingers are true to form. Go choke on it.

Right back at ya alt-righter. Your tears are not only delicious, they sustain me. :)
Scalise tweeted it on June 15th. And McCabe is right. Why would a gunman want to target a fat fucking nobody? (Scalise).
Most likely, they were targets of opportunity.

Glad to see the asshole left wingers are true to form. Go choke on it.

Right back at ya alt-righter. Your tears are not only delicious, they sustain me. :)

LOL. Shooting members of Congress you don't like your cup of tea eh?
Scalise tweeted it on June 15th. And McCabe is right. Why would a gunman want to target a fat fucking nobody? (Scalise).
Most likely, they were targets of opportunity.

Glad to see the asshole left wingers are true to form. Go choke on it.

Right back at ya alt-righter. Your tears are not only delicious, they sustain me. :)

LOL. Shooting members of Congress you don't like your cup of tea eh?

There are crazies everywhere. On both sides. However, it seems far more common to have a shooter that identifies with the right wing or right wing causes.
These happened to be Republican politicians and the gunman hated Trump. But he didn't have names. He just asked if they were Repub or Dem.
That makes them targets of opportunity.

And honestly, just dispense with the whole "holier than thou" attitude when it comes to espousing violence. Far more of it happens on the right.
Hell, you have the former President fomenting insurrection and his followers hunting down members of Congress.
The DemNazi party probably planned this after they assassinated Seth Rich and a SCOTUS Judge, then went on to buy a Dirty Dossier directly from Putin and launched a COUP that failed three times. After that they contracted with China and Dominion to commit election fraud on a massive scale.
Scalise tweeted it on June 15th. And McCabe is right. Why would a gunman want to target a fat fucking nobody? (Scalise).
Most likely, they were targets of opportunity.

Glad to see the asshole left wingers are true to form. Go choke on it.

Right back at ya alt-righter. Your tears are not only delicious, they sustain me. :)

LOL. Shooting members of Congress you don't like your cup of tea eh?

There are crazies everywhere. On both sides. However, it seems far more common to have a shooter that identifies with the right wing or right wing causes.
These happened to be Republican politicians and the gunman hated Trump. But he didn't have names. He just asked if they were Repub or Dem.
That makes them targets of opportunity.

And honestly, just dispense with the whole "holier than thou" attitude when it comes to espousing violence. Far more of it happens on the right.
Hell, you have the former President fomenting insurrection and his followers hunting down members of Congress.

Your first sentence I would agree with about crazies on both sides. However we all saw last summer left wing violence in major cities, BLM has supporters who have chanted Kill the pigs fry'em like bacon, what do we want dead cops when do we want it now Antifia would not know a fascist if one bit them in the face.. As for January 6 there was no so called insurrection, the only mistake the protesters made was going inside the capital after being invited in. That was a set up from the start so the left wing loons would try and crush any questioning of the rigged 2020 election in certain states.
Having this guy run the FBI is a joke.

View attachment 502823I Dire
Trump's biggest mistake was not purging the FBI, CIA etc the moment he was sworn in,

Had TRUMP done that he would have been instantly impeached. Not sure why it's so hard for people to understand the republicans who controlled the GOP hated TRUMP and McConnell wouldn't have had any problem getting the votes for impeachment. Before TRUMP was elected the 1st time both parties had expressed Comey needed to be fired, and when TRUMP did just that both parties went into hysteria.
Having this guy run the FBI is a joke.

View attachment 502823I Dire
Trump's biggest mistake was not purging the FBI, CIA etc the moment he was sworn in,

Had TRUMP done that he would have been instantly impeached. Not sure why it's so hard for people to understand the republicans who controlled the GOP hated TRUMP and McConnell wouldn't have had any problem getting the votes for impeachment. Before TRUMP was elected the 1st time both parties had expressed Comey needed to be fired, and when TRUMP did just that both parties went into hysteria.
That was only after the phony Russia hoax investigation started. If Trump fired Comey in January 2017 instead of a few months later that would have been avoided. Also Trump trusted too many Bushies as well.
The FBI has a huge crediblity gap problem.
They are supposed to be protecting the American citizens, not the totally corrupt Democrat Party.
They are behaving just like a banana republic political secret police.

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