Rep Tim Murphy, a big whig in the pro life movement


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
wanted his girlfriend to have an abortion.

You hypocrites.

Why our eyes are on LV shooting, the senate is voting to make abortions illegal after 20 weeks.
wanted his girlfriend to have an abortion.

You hypocrites.

Why our eyes are on LV shooting, the senate is voting to make abortions illegal after 20 weeks.
While you were busy killing millions of babies you missed.
21 trillion in debt
Murder rates in Chicago sky rocket.
And you want to scream social justice?

You are about 4 decades to fuckin late.
wanted his girlfriend to have an abortion.

You hypocrites.

Why our eyes are on LV shooting, the senate is voting to make abortions illegal after 20 weeks.
While you were busy killing millions of babies you missed.
21 trillion in debt
Murder rates in Chicago sky rocket.
And you want to scream social justice?

You are about 4 decades to fuckin late.

Want to talk about Tim Murphy and his hypocrisy. I never killed any babies, but I will be damed if back street abortions start back up.

Men should stay the hell out of it. Is none of their business. If a women does not want to have your baby , look in the mirror.
All Republicans are hypocrites when it comes to abortions, they depend on the Evangelical and Christian vote, at least Democrats are honest about it.

Oh and many Evangelicals and Christians get abortions. The elites probably get vasectomies and carry the morning after pill.

The irony here is that the evangelical religious right christians are anything but christians.
A republican politician proves himself to be a scumbag! He cheats on his wife! He impregnates his mistress! He urges his mistress to abort his bastard child! Does this really prove that "all Republicans are hypocrites when it comes to abortions.."?

Seriously though, Penelope. What objection do you have to making it illegal to kill a 5 month old baby in the womb?
Oh. A republican politician proves himself to be a scumbag! He cheats on his wife! He impregnates his mistress! He urges his mistress to abort his bastard child!

Seriously though, Penelope. What objection do you have to making it illegal to kill a 5 month old baby in the womb?

the possible pregnancy of tim's girl friend-------IT SEEMS---from the article on the net-----was nowhere near FIVE
MONTHS------in fact it turned out to be a false alarm. Why
are we CASTING ASPERSIONS? I was under the impression that five months IS the cutoff for ELECTIVE NON-MEDICALLY indicated abortions-------isn't it? maybe
not. ????------first trimester is customary.
Oh. A republican politician proves himself to be a scumbag! He cheats on his wife! He impregnates his mistress! He urges his mistress to abort his bastard child!

Seriously though, Penelope. What objection do you have to making it illegal to kill a 5 month old baby in the womb?

the possible pregnancy of tim's girl friend-------IT SEEMS---from the article on the net-----was nowhere near FIVE
MONTHS------in fact it turned out to be a false alarm. Why
are we CASTING ASPERSIONS? I was under the impression that five months IS the cutoff for ELECTIVE NON-MEDICALLY indicated abortions-------isn't it? maybe
not. ????------first trimester is customary.
Ask Penelope.

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