Repair shop owner who had Hunter Biden’s laptop tells how his life has been ruined by left

I always kind of wondered what would happen to this guy. Was curious if or any kind of retaliation was levied against him for what happened. I understand how unforgiving and mean spirited and spiteful democrats are and they have a long memory when it comes to someone they hate. If I was him I'd probably be worried I was going to get iced one day.
I don't think the the 200K bill he got stuck with when he sued one of the media outlets helped his finances out much.

I bet if someone started a "go fund me" for him they would shut it down.

Leftists are despicable (deserving of contempt) in every other meaning of the word.

contemptible · loathsome · hateful · detestable · reprehensible · abhorrent · abominable · awful · heinous · beyond the pale · odious · execrable · repellent · repugnant · repulsive · revolting · disgusting · horrible · horrid · horrifying · obnoxious · nauseating · offensive · distasteful · beneath/below contempt · vile · base · low · mean · abject · shameful · degrading · ignominious · cheap · shabby · miserable · wretched · sorry · scurvy · infamous · villainous · ignoble · disreputable · discreditable · unworthy · unscrupulous · unprincipled · unsavory · caitiff
Remember the Ashley Biden Diary FBI raid?
Biden used the FBI like it is his secret police.
The Democrat Cult has politicized the government agencies like it's done in some sort of third world banana republic junta.
The Yellow Press remains silent because they always protect the Dirty Dems.
Do you think that the FBI would raid a person's home for you if you thought that they had your daughter's diary?
Biden > incest, pedophilia, rape.......yea no wonder Hollywood and the Press love Joe so much, it a perfect match

Project Veritas founder’s apartment raided as part of ...

Nov 06, 2021 · The FBI raided Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe’s home on Saturday, as authorities continued to investigate the apparent theft of President Biden’s daughter’s diary
Yet you have zero proof of what law I broke, the repairman just decided to be a stool pigeon.

And Pedocrats are OUTRAGED that anyone would turn in a laptop full of kiddie porn. I mean pedophilia is so much of what it MEANS to be a democrat. Look at the outrage Pedocrats have over not being able to groom 4 year olds..
I am glad I was never dumb enough to record my ventures in my youth. I am sure the repair shopman will find employment somewhere, we had to when we were hunted for smoking weed.
Oh hun, weed is bad for your really messes people up long term. It does explains alot about your lib supporting "posts" though. I am so sorry.
The left will destroy anyone that threatens their filthy deceitful ideology by any means necessary.
They don't play. They attack and destroy.
Their time in the sunlight yelling and slobbering is coming to a standstill, sooner than I expected. Although a lot if credit goes to the independent journalists, domestic and foreign, who have maintained the fight to get out the truth regarding the hyped up virus, the current true factors of why we are where we are with the price of gasoline not having anything to do with Putin, and Biden’s/Rice’s/Obama’s continuation of a shadow government. I am so glad they went so far although it’s been overly rough on everyone unnecessarily. The best news is they exposed themselves not only to the Republicans, but to all independents! Whooo hoooo going down in 2022 and 2024!!! We’ll have the control of the ship for another good 8 years from their own major failures alone. Their deception will not be forgiven nor forgotten.

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