Repair shop owner who had Hunter Biden’s laptop tells how his life has been ruined by left

Their time in the sunlight yelling and slobbering is coming to a standstill, sooner than I expected. Although a lot if credit goes to the independent journalists, domestic and foreign, who have maintained the fight to get out the truth regarding the hyped up virus, the current true factors of why we are where we are with the price of gasoline not having anything to do with Putin, and Biden’s/Rice’s/Obama’s continuation of a shadow government. I am so glad they went so far although it’s been overly rough on everyone unnecessarily. The best news is they exposed themselves not only to the Republicans, but to all independents! Whooo hoooo going down in 2022 and 2024!!! We’ll have the control of the ship for another good 8 years from their own major failures alone. Their deception will not be forgiven nor forgotten.
The right had better get better invested in the infrastructure of a political body or face losses continuously in the future.
And Pedocrats are OUTRAGED that anyone would turn in a laptop full of kiddie porn. I mean pedophilia is so much of what it MEANS to be a democrat. Look at the outrage Pedocrats have over not being able to groom 4 year olds..
Then why is Hunter not being prosecuted for having kiddie porn on his laptop?
Pot doesn't make me bad just like going to church doesn't make you good.
Pot kills brain cells and lowers one inhibitions allowing the users to do horrible things. It also kills ones memory ability...You would be able to remember that I am an atheist----and that I agree that going to church does not make one good.

Remember I am not a REpublican--but an independent--FISCAL conservative, More liberal on social issues. Pro-abortion (not to be confused with pro-choice), pro everyone gets treated equally based on merit no special rights for certain groups. Atheist--but I don't care if others go to church or not as long as they don't try to push their views down my or others throats. I hate criminals though and see the harm that drug abuse does---not all druggies harm others but most do one way or the other. DEBT, personal and especially government, is EVIL and destructive. Everyone should be paying their bills---and if the government has to support you or your kids, you should not be having any others. Illegals are INVADERS and destructive on the nation ( I was raised around them--they are evil people) and as such should be shot for invading here and stealing from taxpayers and others. Their offspring are not citizens---
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Pot kills brain cells and lowers one inhibitions allowing the users to do horrible things. It also kills ones memory ability...You would be able to remember that I am an atheist----and that I agree that going to church does not make one good.

Remember I am not a REpublican--but an independent--FISCAL conservative, More liberal on social issues. Pro-abortion (not to be confused with pro-choice), pro everyone gets treated equally based on merit no special rights for certain groups. Atheist--but I don't care if others go to church or not as long as they don't try to push their views down my or others throats. I hate criminals though and see the harm that drug abuse does---not all druggies harm others but most do one way or the other. DEBT, personal and especially government, is EVIL and destructive. Everyone should be paying their bills---and if the government has to support you or your kids, you should not be having any others. Illegals are INVADERS and destructive on the nation ( I was raised around them--they are evil people) and as such should be shot for invading here and stealing from taxpayers and others. Their offspring are not citizens---
Sorry Charlie, but it is alcohol that kills brain cells. If one must lie at least make it believable. It has not reduced my memory capability but you may believe whatever you like because you are demonizing people, not me. As far as your diatribe about the rest of the B.S. you might do well to actually educate yourself on what drugs actually are like caffeine, sugar, sex, and Dr. Demento. I have lived a long life and raised four kids while being self-employed and buying everything I own, and the rest about illegals is a load of diatribe digression from a straight boy.
Moonie lighten up... I understand that the side of history you have chosen is collapsing all around you... The foundation of the progressive left is crumbling... Maybe a trip to your local GOP office might help...
The right had better get better invested in the infrastructure of a political body or face losses continuously in the future.
There is always work to be done to improve in life, including political parties. Here’s the thing about voting, we’ve been stuck since 1852 with current 2 major parties (prior to that time with Hamiltonians (Federalists) versus Jeffersonians (anti-Federalists). Stuck because of the “all or nothing” electoral vote system. In 1992, Ross Perot acquired 19% of the vote (even after dropping out of the race during the summer) but not one electoral regardless of almost 1/5 popular vote. Nineteen percent is certainly not enough to win an election but is evidence that it could be done, if the will (now requiring a billion dollars) backed it.

Btw-there is something wrong with the process when a candidate receives almost 20% of the vote yet receives zero electoral votes. I’d have to review the information to find out which states voters were ripped off in that election. Those voters must not have paid into the special interest groups enough to have any say whatsoever.

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