Repairing the Rule of Law: An Agenda for Post-Trump Reform

What's laughable is that compared to Barack Obama's administration, Trump has been squeaky clean
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You can try and laugh, Berg...but the fact is...your side has been investigating Trump for four years now and you've come up with nothing that you could impeach him on. Of course that didn't stop Pelosid, Schiff and Nadler from going ahead with an impeachment but that simply shows how little they care about the country.
Another is to make it a federal felony to not impose the full force of our laws and constitution when it's violated. So anyone who doesn't prosecute a criminal then becomes a criminal. So that things like when the Hatch Act and the emoluments clause are violated, those who violated those laws are properly prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
So you think Trump's rhetoric on illegal immigration is way to soft because what you are suggesting, the end to prosecutorial discretion, would be a damn nightmare in a million ways. Immigration would be just one tiny part of that train wreck.
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What's laughable is that compared to Barack Obama's administration, Trump has been squeaky clean
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Laugh away but do not expect anyone to take you seriously when Obama crapped on the constitution and played fast and loose with he powers of the office in a MAJOR way.

It seems you only care about abuses of power when one party is the one doing it while looking the other way when your guy is in office. All this talk of presidential abuse will end the day Biden takes office and I guarantee you that Biden will openly abuse his powers jut like Obama and Trump have.
You can try and laugh, Berg...but the fact is...your side has been investigating Trump for four years now and you've come up with nothing that you could impeach him on.
As you know, that is not true. Your statement also ignores the multitude of ethical and legal violations perpetrated by members of this admin and Trump himself.

But............................please get back on topic. I would regard it as a personal favor if you actually read the article before you respond further.
There is nothing controversial about this.

Reform of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act to prevent perpetual “acting” appointments. Vacancies happen. Not every political position within the executive branch is filled all the time. And the Senate confirmation process for political appointees is not always expedient. As a result, through the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1988 (FVRA), Congress provided general authority enabling the president to temporarily fill vacancies in high-level federal government positions. The law also establishes rules for the appointment of such temporary officers. When not superseded by other statutes, the act specifies whom the president can appoint to fill a vacancy and how long that individual can serve.

The Trump administration has exploited this authority to avoid the Senate confirmation process while placing preferred individuals in key positions. The Department of Homeland Security has not seen a confirmed secretary for more than 500 days (the longest such vacancy in American history). Instead, three acting secretaries have led the wayward agency and the president has only recently announced his intent to nominate a full-time leader.
What makes it objectionable to Trumpette's is not pointing out the need for reform but rather the author pointing out how Trump has abused weakness in the rules.
What objection do members of the Party of Trump have to this?

Mandatory disclosure of presidential candidate tax returns and strengthening of presidential financial disclosure. To mitigate concerns about a conflict of interest between the performance of the president’s official duties and his personal financial interests, it has been custom since the Nixon administration that American presidents provide the public some insight into their finances by releasing their tax returns. The form and substance of these releases have varied over time, largely because there is no law compelling such disclosure. President Trump has refused to release his tax returns and has fought in the courts to challenge requests and demands for almost all information about his personal finances. Moreover, since the beginning of his administration, President Trump has retained control over and financial stakes in his various businesses, and the potential conflicts of interest raised by his financial entanglements are now well documented.
You can try and laugh, Berg...but the fact is...your side has been investigating Trump for four years now and you've come up with nothing that you could impeach him on.
As you know, that is not true. Your statement also ignores the multitude of ethical and legal violations perpetrated by members of this admin and Trump himself.

But............................please get back on topic. I would regard it as a personal favor if you actually read the article before you respond further.
Ah, Berg? If there really WAS a "multitude of ethical and legal violations" then why weren't they presented during the impeachment hearings? Duh?

It's amusing that you scold me for not being "on topic" when what I'm discussing is the actual topic.
You on the other hand seem to see this string as an opportunity to trot out all of the things that liberals TRIED to accuse Trump of and then failed miserably to prove during the impeachment hearings!
You on the other hand seem to see this string as an opportunity to trot out all of the things that liberals TRIED to accuse Trump of and then failed miserably to prove during the impeachment hearings!
Yet, it was Your guy who obstructed the investigations and denied and disparaged executive department personnel from testifying. Why if nothing wrong was going on?
You on the other hand seem to see this string as an opportunity to trot out all of the things that liberals TRIED to accuse Trump of and then failed miserably to prove during the impeachment hearings!
Yet, it was Your guy who obstructed the investigations and denied and disparaged executive department personnel from testifying. Why if nothing wrong was going on?
Would you like to attempt to make the case that the Trump Administration was more "obstructive" of investigations than the Obama Administration was? I'd be happy to go down THAT road with you, Daniel. Barack Obama's administration set the bar for refusing to cooperate with investigations into it's activities! Trump's doesn't even come CLOSE to what Barry's crew gave us for eight years!
"As the U.S. begins to see the light at the end of the Trumpian tunnel, it is time to begin thinking about the issue of repair. One should not assume the result of the election, but it is nonetheless worth asking the question: What should be done in a post-Trump world to restore the rule of law?

Of Trump’s many excesses, his assault on legal norms has to rank high in terms of damage to fundamental values that form the fabric of America. His attacks on the free press, the independent judiciary and the independence of the Department of Justice have all created significant damage. His abuse of executive discretionary authority has made a mockery of the concept of checks and balances. His gaming of the judicial system has revealed weaknesses in our legal process. His attempts to place himself (and his family and his business interests) above the law have called into question foundational national conceptions of equal justice. In short, President Trump has led a wrecking crew (aided and abetted by William Barr and Mitch McConnell) that has severely damaged American legal norms of behavior."

I've heard a number of suggestions along the lines of what should be done. Some including a commission to identify weakness in the laws governing a prez's behavior Trump has exploited. Some recommending a type of tribunal to hold people like Billy the Bagman accountable for the extra-legal path he has taken the DoJ down.

Whatever the method one thing is clear. The US can never allow legal and ethical ambiguities to enable a prez to abuse the office as the Orange Menace has.
What is interesting is that what the president has done, is the relinquishing of powers to the president by the feckless Congress under then Obama. Didnt seem that you Progs had any problem with that, until the sick bitch Hitlery lost and it was found out how corrupt the swamp creatures are still in that government entity with the ABOVE THE LAW , Nan from San Fransicko, doing what she does while telling everyone else not to.
Yes, the democrats should be minding their P's and Q's, especially if it would compare and contrast more favorably for the left.

What the right wing forgets is that Obama actually understood our Constitution and was able to practice diplomacy.
Yea, Obama brought slavery back to Africa because he was a puppet. Even Obama's own brother , Malik, turned to TRUMP.

DECEMBER 1, 2017

"Still, the question remains: How did Libya become a place where slavery is permitted? Ironically the decisions made by a Black man, Barack Obama, and a white woman, Hillary Clinton, to take out a Pan-African leader, Muammar Qadaffi, led to both the resurrection slavery for Africans, and a reversal of progress in women’s rights."
"As the U.S. begins to see the light at the end of the Trumpian tunnel, it is time to begin thinking about the issue of repair. One should not assume the result of the election, but it is nonetheless worth asking the question: What should be done in a post-Trump world to restore the rule of law?

Of Trump’s many excesses, his assault on legal norms has to rank high in terms of damage to fundamental values that form the fabric of America. His attacks on the free press, the independent judiciary and the independence of the Department of Justice have all created significant damage. His abuse of executive discretionary authority has made a mockery of the concept of checks and balances. His gaming of the judicial system has revealed weaknesses in our legal process. His attempts to place himself (and his family and his business interests) above the law have called into question foundational national conceptions of equal justice. In short, President Trump has led a wrecking crew (aided and abetted by William Barr and Mitch McConnell) that has severely damaged American legal norms of behavior."

I've heard a number of suggestions along the lines of what should be done. Some including a commission to identify weakness in the laws governing a prez's behavior Trump has exploited. Some recommending a type of tribunal to hold people like Billy the Bagman accountable for the extra-legal path he has taken the DoJ down.

Whatever the method one thing is clear. The US can never allow legal and ethical ambiguities to enable a prez to abuse the office as the Orange Menace has.
Just getting back to some level of increased decency will be nice right away.

The damage will obviously take a lot longer.
You on the other hand seem to see this string as an opportunity to trot out all of the things that liberals TRIED to accuse Trump of and then failed miserably to prove during the impeachment hearings!
Yet, it was Your guy who obstructed the investigations and denied and disparaged executive department personnel from testifying. Why if nothing wrong was going on?
Would you like to attempt to make the case that the Trump Administration was more "obstructive" of investigations than the Obama Administration was? I'd be happy to go down THAT road with you, Daniel. Barack Obama's administration set the bar for refusing to cooperate with investigations into it's activities! Trump's doesn't even come CLOSE to what Barry's crew gave us for eight years!
How many executive department personnel did Obama forbid to testify to Congressional oversight committees?
You on the other hand seem to see this string as an opportunity to trot out all of the things that liberals TRIED to accuse Trump of and then failed miserably to prove during the impeachment hearings!
Yet, it was Your guy who obstructed the investigations and denied and disparaged executive department personnel from testifying. Why if nothing wrong was going on?
Would you like to attempt to make the case that the Trump Administration was more "obstructive" of investigations than the Obama Administration was? I'd be happy to go down THAT road with you, Daniel. Barack Obama's administration set the bar for refusing to cooperate with investigations into it's activities! Trump's doesn't even come CLOSE to what Barry's crew gave us for eight years!
How many executive department personnel did Obama forbid to testify to Congressional oversight committees?
Well for starters, Barry's Attorney General was cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the Fast & Furious scandal!
"As the U.S. begins to see the light at the end of the Trumpian tunnel, it is time to begin thinking about the issue of repair. One should not assume the result of the election, but it is nonetheless worth asking the question: What should be done in a post-Trump world to restore the rule of law?

Of Trump’s many excesses, his assault on legal norms has to rank high in terms of damage to fundamental values that form the fabric of America. His attacks on the free press, the independent judiciary and the independence of the Department of Justice have all created significant damage. His abuse of executive discretionary authority has made a mockery of the concept of checks and balances. His gaming of the judicial system has revealed weaknesses in our legal process. His attempts to place himself (and his family and his business interests) above the law have called into question foundational national conceptions of equal justice. In short, President Trump has led a wrecking crew (aided and abetted by William Barr and Mitch McConnell) that has severely damaged American legal norms of behavior."

I've heard a number of suggestions along the lines of what should be done. Some including a commission to identify weakness in the laws governing a prez's behavior Trump has exploited. Some recommending a type of tribunal to hold people like Billy the Bagman accountable for the extra-legal path he has taken the DoJ down.

Whatever the method one thing is clear. The US can never allow legal and ethical ambiguities to enable a prez to abuse the office as the Orange Menace has.
What is interesting is that what the president has done, is the relinquishing of powers to the president by the feckless Congress under then Obama. Didnt seem that you Progs had any problem with that, until the sick bitch Hitlery lost and it was found out how corrupt the swamp creatures are still in that government entity with the ABOVE THE LAW , Nan from San Fransicko, doing what she does while telling everyone else not to.
Yes, the democrats should be minding their P's and Q's, especially if it would compare and contrast more favorably for the left.

What the right wing forgets is that Obama actually understood our Constitution and was able to practice diplomacy.
Yea, Obama brought slavery back to Africa because he was a puppet. Even Obama's own brother , Malik, turned to TRUMP.

DECEMBER 1, 2017

"Still, the question remains: How did Libya become a place where slavery is permitted? Ironically the decisions made by a Black man, Barack Obama, and a white woman, Hillary Clinton, to take out a Pan-African leader, Muammar Qadaffi, led to both the resurrection slavery for Africans, and a reversal of progress in women’s rights."
He was man enough to admit his mistake, unlike Your guy.

Barack Obama has said the biggest mistake of his presidency was the lack of planning for the aftermath of Muammar Gaddafi’s ouster in Libya that left the country spiralling into chaos and coming under threat from violent extremists.--
Then there is Obama's Secretary of State who ran State through private servers hidden in her home to escape the oversight of Congress then lied to Congressional investigators trying to investigate Benghazi destroying tens of thousands of emails related to the scandal!
You on the other hand seem to see this string as an opportunity to trot out all of the things that liberals TRIED to accuse Trump of and then failed miserably to prove during the impeachment hearings!
Yet, it was Your guy who obstructed the investigations and denied and disparaged executive department personnel from testifying. Why if nothing wrong was going on?
Would you like to attempt to make the case that the Trump Administration was more "obstructive" of investigations than the Obama Administration was? I'd be happy to go down THAT road with you, Daniel. Barack Obama's administration set the bar for refusing to cooperate with investigations into it's activities! Trump's doesn't even come CLOSE to what Barry's crew gave us for eight years!
How many executive department personnel did Obama forbid to testify to Congressional oversight committees?
Well for starters, Barry's Attorney General was cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the Fast & Furious scandal!
But not an actual impeachment inquiry. Why, if nothing wrong was going on?
"As the U.S. begins to see the light at the end of the Trumpian tunnel, it is time to begin thinking about the issue of repair. One should not assume the result of the election, but it is nonetheless worth asking the question: What should be done in a post-Trump world to restore the rule of law?

Of Trump’s many excesses, his assault on legal norms has to rank high in terms of damage to fundamental values that form the fabric of America. His attacks on the free press, the independent judiciary and the independence of the Department of Justice have all created significant damage. His abuse of executive discretionary authority has made a mockery of the concept of checks and balances. His gaming of the judicial system has revealed weaknesses in our legal process. His attempts to place himself (and his family and his business interests) above the law have called into question foundational national conceptions of equal justice. In short, President Trump has led a wrecking crew (aided and abetted by William Barr and Mitch McConnell) that has severely damaged American legal norms of behavior."

I've heard a number of suggestions along the lines of what should be done. Some including a commission to identify weakness in the laws governing a prez's behavior Trump has exploited. Some recommending a type of tribunal to hold people like Billy the Bagman accountable for the extra-legal path he has taken the DoJ down.

Whatever the method one thing is clear. The US can never allow legal and ethical ambiguities to enable a prez to abuse the office as the Orange Menace has.
What is interesting is that what the president has done, is the relinquishing of powers to the president by the feckless Congress under then Obama. Didnt seem that you Progs had any problem with that, until the sick bitch Hitlery lost and it was found out how corrupt the swamp creatures are still in that government entity with the ABOVE THE LAW , Nan from San Fransicko, doing what she does while telling everyone else not to.
Yes, the democrats should be minding their P's and Q's, especially if it would compare and contrast more favorably for the left.

What the right wing forgets is that Obama actually understood our Constitution and was able to practice diplomacy.
Yea, Obama brought slavery back to Africa because he was a puppet. Even Obama's own brother , Malik, turned to TRUMP.

DECEMBER 1, 2017

"Still, the question remains: How did Libya become a place where slavery is permitted? Ironically the decisions made by a Black man, Barack Obama, and a white woman, Hillary Clinton, to take out a Pan-African leader, Muammar Qadaffi, led to both the resurrection slavery for Africans, and a reversal of progress in women’s rights."
He was man enough to admit his mistake, unlike Your guy.

Barack Obama has said the biggest mistake of his presidency was the lack of planning for the aftermath of Muammar Gaddafi’s ouster in Libya that left the country spiralling into chaos and coming under threat from violent extremists.--
I would argue that Obama's worst mistake of his presidency was the decision to withdraw US combat troops from the Middle East unleashing ISIS on a defenseless civilian population! That caused the deaths of countless people and the forced migration of millions! But hey, with Barry there are SO MANY mistakes to choose from! It's hard to pick just one!
You on the other hand seem to see this string as an opportunity to trot out all of the things that liberals TRIED to accuse Trump of and then failed miserably to prove during the impeachment hearings!
Yet, it was Your guy who obstructed the investigations and denied and disparaged executive department personnel from testifying. Why if nothing wrong was going on?
Would you like to attempt to make the case that the Trump Administration was more "obstructive" of investigations than the Obama Administration was? I'd be happy to go down THAT road with you, Daniel. Barack Obama's administration set the bar for refusing to cooperate with investigations into it's activities! Trump's doesn't even come CLOSE to what Barry's crew gave us for eight years!
How many executive department personnel did Obama forbid to testify to Congressional oversight committees?
Well for starters, Barry's Attorney General was cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the Fast & Furious scandal!
But not an actual impeachment inquiry. Why, if nothing wrong was going on?
Because Nancy Pelosi controlled the House? Duh?
Then there is Obama's Secretary of State who ran State through private servers hidden in her home to escape the oversight of Congress then lied to Congressional investigators trying to investigate Benghazi destroying tens of thousands of emails related to the scandal!
Unlike the current administration?

Private servers should double the penalty if there are Any irregularities. Public office is not private office.

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