Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Aside from the fact that blacks today are not entitled to reparations for someone else’s suffering generations ago, there simply is no money for it it. Are these people crazy?! Where would the money come from? We are already $33T in debt.

And to IM2 who is peddling the lie that giving out a massive amount of money to blacks would be good for the economy…..false! Sure, blacks could afford to buy fancy cars and fancy vacations, but the MAJORITY of Americans would be hit with hyperinflation so bad that most people would barely be able to buy ground chuck and a box of spaghetti.

IOW, whites would be living worse than our grandparents did during the Great Depression while blacks would be living high on the hog. Is that the goal?
Blacks wouldn’t be living high on the hog, they’d be like lottery winners or “payday millionaires”. They’d blow the money and be worse off in the long run, and then the inflation everybody else would be suffering from would hit them even worse. The only way black people will achieve financial success is the same way everyone else did. Get educated, work hard, spend less money than they make and learn how to handle money. It’s not something white people have any advantage at learning, I was raised dirt poor and had to use those things to claw my way into the middle class. I had no advantages, my family never had money, I was never taught how to handle money, hell when I graduated high school I didn’t even know how to balance a checkbook. The thing that drove me was that I didn’t want to stay poor and my grandmother, who raised me, beat the fact into me that it was dishonorable to accept assistance from the government. It was something to be ashamed of. But IM2 will never acknowledge that, he is certain that all white people are privileged and inherit generational wealth.
All Rise!
This Evenings Lesson:

A Black Man Sitting on a Recliner in the Living Room is Not the Solution to Problems in Black Communities.

In 2017, Demos published a study titled, “The Asset Value of Whiteness:Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.” On page ten, this statement is written: “The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than themedian Latino two-parent household.”

Payscale did a two-year study from 2017 to 2019, and this is their conclusion: “We find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality.” They studied the earnings of white men and men of color using data from 1.8 million employees. They found that no matter how far they advanced, black men made less than white men with the same qualifications.

According to the study, “black men were the only racial/ethnic groupnot achieving pay parity with white men at some level.” The study showed that black men had the most significant “uncontrolled pay gap” relative to white men and that on average, black men earned eighty-seven cents for every dollar a white man earned. The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men. Even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked in the same geographic location, the study shows a controlled pay gap whereby black men earned less. Executive-level black men still earn less than white men at that same level. At that level, black men are paid ninety-seven cents for every dollar a white man is paid but face the same executive responsibilities and are expected to produce the same or superior results.

The “conservative” judgment of the single parent, unwed mother,and fatherless home because of irresponsible black men has problems. The National Women’s Law Center also showed that black women are paid less than other women. Black women are paid sixty-three cents for every dollar paid to white men based on calculations used in the study. Where this impacts black single mothers is this study shows a pay difference of over 20,000 dollars per year.

“Black women have to work more than 19 months—until the very last dayof July—to make as much as white, non-Hispanic men did in the previous 12-month calendar year.” Black women in high-wage occupations earn sixty-four cents for every dollar a white man earns. On average, that is 40,000 dollars per year less than white men in those same occupations. This renders the unwed mother, fatherless home opinion meritless relative to income and poverty because a black couple can get married, daddy lives at home, and the family still makes less than whites. This is not about lack of education. Nor is it about the field of study.

“Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees,black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education.”
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors.

“Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to makewell over $100,000 a year.”
Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

So, let’s review. In low-wage paying occupations, Black men are paid 87 cents for every dollar a white man makes, and black women sixty-three cents. In high-paying occupations, black men earn ninety-seven cents for every dollar a white man makes, and black women 64 cents. A black married couple will earn less than a white couple even when all other factors are the same.

So, a black man sitting on a recliner in the living room is not the solution to problems in black communities. The root cause of the problems blacks face has been and continues to be, white racism.

Stay in school. Get married. Raise your children in a two parent home.

Problem solved.
Stay in school. Get married. Raise your children in a two parent home.

Problem solved.
You have been shown that those things aren't the problem.

End white racism.

Problem solved.
You have been shown by someone who actually lives as a black person, not some white racist trying to gaslight after reading a bunch of nonsense from Uncle Toms, that your opinions of the problem are incorrect.
You have been shown that those things aren't the problem.

End white racism.

Problem solved.
Racism has nothing to do with failure. Failure is the result of poor preparation. As we said in the Army: “prior planning prevents piss-poor performance”. Anyone of any race can succeed, after, you claim to have succeeded, if someone with your attitudes can succeed, anyone can.
You have been shown that those things aren't the problem.

End white racism.

Problem solved.
And you have been shown that those things ARE the problem. So stay in school and don’t have children before marriage. And stop blaming whitey.

For the 71st time, if racism is what keeps blacks poor, then how come most blacks are in the working and middle class?
Racism has nothing to do with failure. Failure is the result of poor preparation. As we said in the Army: “prior planning prevents piss-poor performance”. Anyone of any race can succeed, after, you claim to have succeeded, if someone with your attitudes can succeed, anyone can.
Great point. IM2, despite his personality and attitudes, is a college graduate and self-supporting. So racism didn‘t hold him back.
None of your arguments make any sense. You guys have neither studied the issue or have a really good understanding the economic impact of what this infusion of capital into a capital deprived population would do. 48 million people with extra money to spend will mean some of that money will return to whites. But you idiots have been so thouroughly race baited and race pimped that all you can do is repeat that sane old dumb ass what I did't own, what I didn't do and all the other race bait trash you have heard over and over listening to white grievance mongers.
None of your arguments make any sense. You guys have neither studied the issue or have a really good understanding the economic impact of what this infusion of capital into a capital deprived population would do. 48 million people with extra money to spend will mean some of that money will return to whites. But you idiots have been so thouroughly race baited and race pimped that all you can do is repeat that sane old dumb ass what I did't own, what I didn't do and all the other race bait trash you have heard over and over listening to white grievance mongers.
As you've been told over and over and over again, the money has to come from somewhere. The government doesn't have a money tree. Either it taxes it out of the mostly white taxpayers, cuts it from other programs, or it prints it and inflation will be double or triple of what it is now.
Well you can work for the government as a social worker.
Yeah, the government employs a lot of pretty incompetent people who couldn’t get a job elsewhere, especially at the mid and lower levels, and pays them pretty well.
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