Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Actually it's does, because your people benefitted from Jim Crow. However, your argument fails in this one big way and it's important:

This is a case against the government, what you did or did not do doesn't matter. And it's time that whites with your same mindset recognized this.
We benefited from Jim crow because we were not discriminated against. You people were. That is not the same as saying that we benefited from your presence. Nor is the same as saying that you did not benefit from our presence.

Look at sub Saharan Africa, Haiti, and the Caribbean. That is what happens when blacks are in charge of countries, and whites are not around to manage things.

Blacks are trying to move from these areas to Europe, the United States, and Canada. This is because they appreciate the benefits of white civilization. Virtually no whites are moving to these areas because the benefits of black civilization are virtually imperceptible.

You people used to make good popular songs. Rap music is ugly and morally depraved. It is not about romantic love and unrequited love, like soul music was. It is about violence, and raw animal sex. When blacks do not try to emulate whites they respond to instincts that enabled their ancestors to thrive in the tribal environments of sub Saharan Africa.
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The Cumulative Costs of Racism and the Bill for Black Reparations

A core contribution of economic historians is to bring quantitative estimates to their topics. With respect to American slavery and its ongoing legacy of racial oppression, the concreteness of numerical estimates plays an additional role. The arguments over payment of reparations to Black descendants of American slaves have many dimensions, but one key requirement of any plan for reparative justice is determination of an appropriate dollar amount. Measures can be partitioned into two broad categories: 1) those based upon itemization of the costs to the victims or gains to the perpetrators from specific atrocities; and 2) those based upon estimates of the combined global effects of the atrocities on living descendants of those persons enslaved in the United States.

The first approach requires identification of a comprehensive list of relevant atrocities and injustices, assigning a dollar value to each, and adding them to arrive at an amount for the reparations bill. In the first main section of the paper, we provide examples of the itemization strategy: the wage costs to the enslaved of bondage; the gains to the perpetrators of slavery;
the lives taken by White terrorists in post Civil War massacres and lynching during Reconstruction and legal segregation; the property destroyed and seized by White terrorists during the massacres; discrimination in the provision of the homebuying supports from the Federal Housing Administration and the Servicemen’s Readjustment Bill of 1944 (commonly known as “the G.I. Bill”); and racial discrimination in employment.

We are talking about more than slavery. You racists know we are talking about more than slavery. So you're purposefully ignoring the real topic while trying to derail this thread. This is not about what Jews did, Asians are not part if this discussion and neither is any talk of black crime or IQ.

This is about ALL OF THESE THINGS:

the wage costs to the enslaved of bondage; the gains to the perpetrators of slavery;


the lives taken by White terrorists in post Civil War massacres and lynching during Reconstruction and legal segregation; the property destroyed and seized by White terrorists during the massacres; discrimination in the provision of the homebuying supports from the Federal Housing Administration and the Servicemen’s Readjustment Bill of 1944 (commonly known as “the G.I. Bill”); and racial discrimination in employment.
If blacks got reparations tomorrow, where is the money going to be spent? In America for the most part. It would be a huge economic stimulus that would benefit everyone.

Where is the money coming from? Taxes? Borrowing? Printing?

It would be a huge economic stimulus that would benefit everyone.

Prove that everyone would benefit.
Drug dealers would definitely benefit. The Mexican drug cartels would be worth more than most nations.
None of your arguments make any sense. You guys have neither studied the issue or have a really good understanding the economic impact of what this infusion of capital into a capital deprived population would do. 48 million people with extra money to spend will mean some of that money will return to whites. But you idiots have been so thouroughly race baited and race pimped that all you can do is repeat that sane old dumb ass what I did't own, what I didn't do and all the other race bait trash you have heard over and over listening to white grievance mongers.
Where would the money come from in the first place? That's where this all falls apart, because you can't borrow trillions, inject them into the economy and expect long-term positive results. We've been seeing the results of doing that on a smaller scale.

I'd still like to see millionaire Spike Lee go into the wilds of Appalachia and tell the destitute white coal miners that they owe him hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Where would the money come from in the first place? That's where this all falls apart, because you can't borrow trillions, inject them into the economy and expect long-term positive results. We've been seeing the results of doing that on a smaller scale.

I'd still like to see millionaire Spike Lee go into the wilds of Appalachia and tell the destitute white coal miners that they owe him hundreds of thousands of dollars.
He’s a typical liberal: he only looks at spending money and never considers where it comes from.
The Cumulative Costs of Racism and the Bill for Black Reparations
I would prefer a study of the cumulative costs of the Negro presence in the United States. It would include the costs of black crimes and the cost of the criminal justice system and the welfare system. If there were no Negroes in the United States the crime rate would be much lower. We would not need to spend so much money on criminal justice and welfare.

The study should include the cost affirmative imposes by elevating Negroes to positions where they are unable to perform adequately.
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Where would the money come from in the first place? That's where this all falls apart, because you can't borrow trillions, inject them into the economy and expect long-term positive results. We've been seeing the results of doing that on a smaller scale.

I'd still like to see millionaire Spike Lee go into the wilds of Appalachia and tell the destitute white coal miners that they owe him hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Those who favor reparations should contribute their own money to a reparations fund. The rest of us should not be required to contribute any money at all.
The Cumulative Costs of Racism and the Bill for Black Reparations

A core contribution of economic historians is to bring quantitative estimates to their topics. With respect to American slavery and its ongoing legacy of racial oppression, the concreteness of numerical estimates plays an additional role. The arguments over payment of reparations to Black descendants of American slaves have many dimensions, but one key requirement of any plan for reparative justice is determination of an appropriate dollar amount. Measures can be partitioned into two broad categories: 1) those based upon itemization of the costs to the victims or gains to the perpetrators from specific atrocities; and 2) those based upon estimates of the combined global effects of the atrocities on living descendants of those persons enslaved in the United States.

The first approach requires identification of a comprehensive list of relevant atrocities and injustices, assigning a dollar value to each, and adding them to arrive at an amount for the reparations bill. In the first main section of the paper, we provide examples of the itemization strategy: the wage costs to the enslaved of bondage; the gains to the perpetrators of slavery;
the lives taken by White terrorists in post Civil War massacres and lynching during Reconstruction and legal segregation; the property destroyed and seized by White terrorists during the massacres; discrimination in the provision of the homebuying supports from the Federal Housing Administration and the Servicemen’s Readjustment Bill of 1944 (commonly known as “the G.I. Bill”); and racial discrimination in employment.

We are talking about more than slavery. You racists know we are talking about more than slavery. So you're purposefully ignoring the real topic while trying to derail this thread. This is not about what Jews did, Asians are not part if this discussion and neither is any talk of black crime or IQ.

This is about ALL OF THESE THINGS:

the wage costs to the enslaved of bondage; the gains to the perpetrators of slavery;


the lives taken by White terrorists in post Civil War massacres and lynching during Reconstruction and legal segregation; the property destroyed and seized by White terrorists during the massacres; discrimination in the provision of the homebuying supports from the Federal Housing Administration and the Servicemen’s Readjustment Bill of 1944 (commonly known as “the G.I. Bill”); and racial discrimination in employment.

Send the bill to the DNC.
The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

Did you get your money yet leech?
Where is the money coming from?

Blacks are 13 percent of the population, so provide 13 percent of the annual income tax revenue to organizations/ programs in the black community until the 15 trillion is paid. Thats approximately 200 billion annually for 35 years with a 1 time payment of 300,000 for every black citizens who earns less than 400,000 per year. That would be around 9 trillion for programs and around 6 for individual payments. This money would recycle throughout the whole economy, whites will lose nothing.

Blacks have paid for white progress so I'm not going to hear the whining.

After 35 years, you will see a drastic change and the overall American economy will benefit.
Send the bill to the DNC.
No, we will send the bill to the Federal, state and local governments. This consistent racism is bi partisan, you are a republican and you practice it now.
Where are My White Reparations! I want all the money NOW! :aargh::aargh: "stomps feet"
You've got them. Read your history. The government has given whites everything they have.

Freedom has been free for whites.
Where is the money coming from?

Blacks are 13 percent of the population, so provide 13 percent of the annual income tax revenue to organizations/ programs in the black community until the 15 trillion is paid. Thats approximately 200 billion annually for 35 years with a 1 time payment of 300,000 for every black citizens who earns less than 400,000 per year. That would be around 9 trillion for programs and around 6 for individual payments. This money would recycle throughout the whole economy, whites will lose nothing.

Blacks have paid for white progress so I'm not going to hear the whining.

After 35 years, you will see a drastic change and the overall American economy will benefit.
Assuming, for the sake of discussion, that blacks actually contribute "13 percent of annual income tax revenue", where do you intend to take it from?
Where is the money coming from?

Blacks are 13 percent of the population, so provide 13 percent of the annual income tax revenue to organizations/ programs in the black community until the 15 trillion is paid. Thats approximately 200 billion annually for 35 years with a 1 time payment of 300,000 for every black citizens who earns less than 400,000 per year. That would be around 9 trillion for programs and around 6 for individual payments. This money would recycle throughout the whole economy, whites will lose nothing.

Blacks have paid for white progress so I'm not going to hear the whining.

After 35 years, you will see a drastic change and the overall American economy will benefit.

This money would recycle throughout the whole economy, whites will lose nothing.

Give me $6 trillion, I'll cycle it throughout the whole economy, blacks will lose nothing.
Send the bill to the DNC.
No, we will send the bill to the Federal, state and local governments.
No, we will send the bill to the Federal, state and local governments. This consistent racism is bi partisan, you are a republican and you practice it now.

No, we will send the bill to the Federal, state and local governments.

No, send it to the DNC.
Where are My White Reparations! I want all the money NOW! :aargh::aargh: "stomps feet"
“I’m the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative actionprogram in American history: A free education, a loan for ahouse. But black veterans didn’t get it. We got made middleclass by our government program.”-The Rev. Jim Wallis
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