Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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This money would recycle throughout the whole economy, whites will lose nothing.

Give me $6 trillion, I'll cycle it throughout the whole economy, blacks will lose nothing.
Whites have got their 6 trillion and then some. And we piad for part of it.
Where is the money coming from?

Blacks are 13 percent of the population, so provide 13 percent of the annual income tax revenue to organizations/ programs in the black community until the 15 trillion is paid. Thats approximately 200 billion annually for 35 years with a 1 time payment of 300,000 for every black citizens who earns less than 400,000 per year. That would be around 9 trillion for programs and around 6 for individual payments. This money would recycle throughout the whole economy, whites will lose nothing.

Blacks have paid for white progress so I'm not going to hear the whining.

After 35 years, you will see a drastic change and the overall American economy will benefit.
Boy do you have a vivid imagination. On a previous thread I took the time to research the average black incomes over the years and it showed that blacks over time paid almost no income tax. They worked at jobs that didn't break the threshold of paying income tax. Until AA improved the employment status of blacks, they just didn't pay a significant amount of income taxes. According, of the people in the USA who pay no income tax at all, black Americans compose 17% of the total. 56% of black American households pay no income tax at all. That means TWENTY-SIX MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND American blacks pay no income tax. Your entire premise is a lie, but then I don't expect better of you.
Whites have got their 6 trillion and then some. And we piad for part of it.

I said I'll cycle it throughout the whole economy, blacks will lose nothing.
What are you whining about?
Think of all the economic growth I'll create.
Might even create enough jobs for the black kids who graduate from the Chicago Public Schools unable to read or do math.

You're welcome.
Boy do you have a vivid imagination. On a previous thread I took the time to research the average black incomes over the years and it showed that blacks over time paid almost no income tax. They worked at jobs that didn't break the threshold of paying income tax. Until AA improved the employment status of blacks, they just didn't pay a significant amount of income taxes. According, of the people in the USA who pay no income tax at all, black Americans compose 17% of the total. 56% of black American households pay no income tax at all. That means TWENTY-SIX MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND American blacks pay no income tax. Your entire premise is a lie, but then I don't expect better of you.

Your math was invented by Africans, but it's still racist.
Boy do you have a vivid imagination. On a previous thread I took the time to research the average black incomes over the years and it showed that blacks over time paid almost no income tax. They worked at jobs that didn't break the threshold of paying income tax. Until AA improved the employment status of blacks, they just didn't pay a significant amount of income taxes. According, of the people in the USA who pay no income tax at all, black Americans compose 17% of the total. 56% of black American households pay no income tax at all. That means TWENTY-SIX MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND American blacks pay no income tax. Your entire premise is a lie, but then I don't expect better of you.
So the majority of black Americans pay nothing toward operating the federal government - yet enjoy all it provides. As I said, blacks descended from slaves are much better off compared to if their ancestors had never been shipped here. THAT is their reparations - a better life than they would have had otherwise.
“I’m the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative actionprogram in American history: A free education, a loan for ahouse. But black veterans didn’t get it. We got made middleclass by our government program.”-The Rev. Jim Wallis
Our tax money paid for all of that, just as our tax money pays for your welfare checks.
“I’m the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative actionprogram in American history: A free education, a loan for ahouse. But black veterans didn’t get it. We got made middleclass by our government program.”-The Rev. Jim Wallis
Seriously, how much money do you think is fair, for you personally? Name your digits and tell me the likely-hood that they will pay you that price. It's kind of like buying a car, name your price you will accept.
Democrats enslaved you, Republicans freed you.
I think Republicans should get a third of what you get from the DNC.
Actually Negroes were enslaved by other Negroes in Africa. They were sold to white slave traders when Negro slaves in Africa were often the victims of cannibalism and human sacrifices.
Which would include you. No?
There are many buildings around that were built by slaves. There are many colleges and universities still around that were built with slave labor. There are many White families who still enjoy wealth that was created by slave labor.
“I’m the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative actionprogram in American history: A free education, a loan for ahouse. But black veterans didn’t get it. We got made middleclass by our government program.”-The Rev. Jim Wallis

You'll get paid with bananas and you'll like. it. Just kidding, you won't get squat.
So you'd prefer to be ruled by King Charles of the UK today. It figures. Nothing is ever good enough for you and IM2. Without the American Revolution, the British Empire would never have broken up and you would still be a second-class subject. Look at all the places blacks were ruled by the Brits up until the end of colonization, blacks were always worse off than they are in the USA today.
Why didn't the Founding Fathers free the African slaves after they won the Revolutionary War? Why was freedom good for the English subjects, but not the slaves?
There are many buildings around that were built by slaves. There are many colleges and universities still around that were built with slave labor. There are many White families who still enjoy wealth that was created by slave labor.
It was created by unskilled labor.

As intelligence becomes increasingly important to our economy the wealth and power of Jews and Orientals will increase. Black poverty will also increase. As black poverty increases it will be necessary to increase the severity of the criminal justice system to keep Negroes under control.
“I’m the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative actionprogram in American history: A free education, a loan for ahouse. But black veterans didn’t get it. We got made middleclass by our government program.”-The Rev. Jim Wallis
To get into the middle class one needs more IQ power than most Negroes have.

Slavery and the "Democratic" Party....​

February 20, 1864

It is not at all necessary to go back of that Presidential canvass for proof that the Democratic party was positively and irrevocably wedded to the institution of Slavery. Its abrogation of the Missouri Compromise, its almost unanimous endeavor to force the Pro-Slavery Lecompton Constitution upon Kansas, its approval of the Dred Scott decision, which was designed to propagate Slavery everywhere by constitutional guaranty -- these and the whole long catalogue of Democratic acts, executive, legislative, and judicial, extending, through years, all directed to the single object of strengthening and perpetuating the slave power, may be left out of mind. Proof enough of the union between Northern Democracy and Slavery may be found in the single circumstance that while JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE received ninety-one electoral votes, STEPHEN A DOUGLAS received but eleven. Mr. COX, and all his fellow Copperheads, may protest until they are black in the face, that their party was not a Pro-Slavery, but a non-intervention party, it will not make their present abandonment of Slavery a whit the more respectable. Protest as they may, the fact will go into history that the Democratic party in its later years gave itself to Slavery, hand and heart, and that it adhered to Slavery, when dead, with a stubbornness of fond infatuation such as the world has seldom seen.

There are many buildings around that were built by slaves. There are many colleges and universities still around that were built with slave labor. There are many White families who still enjoy wealth that was created by slave labor.
And these buildings were designed by white architects and funded by white investors and businessmen. Black families are enjoying those buildings too.
Why didn't the Founding Fathers free the African slaves after they won the Revolutionary War? Why was freedom good for the English subjects, but not the slaves?
If the Founding Fathers had had any sense they would have freed the Negroes and forced them to move to Africa. Then they would have passed laws preventing free Negroes to move here.
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