Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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No todd, none of those questions have to be asked. I have shown you multiple times that blacks and whites with the same education, the same degrees, the same experience and the same jobs are not paid the same and whites get paid more. It's time to stop looking for excuses.
No todd, none of those questions have to be asked. I have shown you multiple times that blacks and whites with the same education, the same degrees, the same experience and the same jobs are not paid the same and whites get paid more. It's time to stop looking for excuses.

You've claimed it, I've never seen any evidence.
No todd, none of those questions have to be asked. I have shown you multiple times that blacks and whites with the same education, the same degrees, the same experience and the same jobs are not paid the same and whites get paid more. It's time to stop looking for excuses.
Hiring is a personal decision. Bosses want to hire people they will enjoy working with, and who will be accepted by co workers.
No todd, none of those questions have to be asked. I have shown you multiple times that blacks and whites with the same education, the same degrees, the same experience and the same jobs are not paid the same and whites get paid more. It's time to stop looking for excuses.
If someone has tenure on a job or performs better, even with the same job title, you can’t expect equal pay. You constantly make negative claims about whites that you can’t prove. You just ASSume.
The idiots who continue arguing about reparations for slavery without mentioning everything else are not discussing the topic. They are trolling off topic and any discussion of reparations that only makes it about slavery should be treated as any other off topic troll post. Everybody making this false claim have been shown the congressional bill that outlines exactly what reparations are being asked for.

Also, the excuse of money being asked for things you didn't do is invalid on it's face because at minimum, nobody alive in the 90's put Japanese in interment camps and nobody in 2009 was alive when the Dawes Act was enacted(Cobell v. Salazar).

So all discussions on reparations sgould be about the provisions outlined here'

Whereas to meet the international legal obligation of reparations, the Federal Government must compensate descendants of enslaved Black people and people of African descent in the United States to account for the harms of chattel slavery, the cumulative damages of enslavement, and the epochs of legal and de facto segregation; Whereas the Federal Government is responsible for

(1) policies that led to the economic, political, and social erosion of Black communities

(2) failing to keep Black people safe from or actively sanctioning White domestic terrorism and failing to prosecute it when it occurred

(3) the impacts of government-imposed segregation leading to harmful health outcomes and environmental racism

(4) the ongoing harms of racialized mass incarceration and family separation, oppressive and abusive criminalization, and the continued impact of embedded historical harms of the criminal legal system on Black people and Black communities; and

(5) banking, consumer, housing, health, education, and employment discrimination

lol blacks got their reparations under Reconstruction and then the '2nd Reconstruction' under FDR . They pissed those away, and they will just piss away any new ones. 'AA' and handing the cretins their own school systems was a huge failure, too.
lol blacks got their reparations under Reconstruction and then the '2nd Reconstruction' under FDR . They pissed those away, and they will just piss away any new ones. 'AA' and handing the cretins their own school systems was a huge failure, too.
None of this happened.

AA benefitted whites the most.

Try another tall tale.
Hiring is a personal decision. Bosses want to hire people they will enjoy working with, and who will be accepted by co workers.

Except as a wise man said, "You didn't build that!" Businesses only exist because the rest of us subsidize them, either through our patronage, our labor, or through the allocation of government services.

Which is why we have robust anti-discrimination laws in hiring.
Except as a wise man said, "You didn't build that!" Businesses only exist because the rest of us subsidize them, either through our patronage, our labor, or through the allocation of government services.

Which is why we have robust anti-discrimination laws in hiring.
not according to IM2 and his supporters we don't.
Except as a wise man said, "You didn't build that!" Businesses only exist because the rest of us subsidize them, either through our patronage, our labor, or through the allocation of government services.

Which is why we have robust anti-discrimination laws in hiring.
The effect of these "anti-discrimination laws in hiring" is to pressure bosses to hire inadequate Negroes. The Supreme Court has ruled that employers cannot give applicants IQ tests because blacks usually perform poorly on them.
Nothing is going to satisfy that man's anger... Just like nothing is going to satisfy Hector's anger because Jamal stuffed him into a locker once.

I look for something in between we can all live with.

lol bullshit. You're just a petty troll.
Nothing is going to satisfy that man's anger... Just like nothing is going to satisfy Hector's anger because Jamal stuffed him into a locker once.

I look for something in between we can all live with.
There you go again, flaming me with mention of a fictional character dreamed up by your demented imagination.

I have never known anyone named Jamal. Men like Jamal really do exist. They have low IQ's, felony convictions, illegitimate children supported by tax money, and they are illegitimate themselves, rarely knowing who their indifferent fathers are.

Try to present your arguments at the top, rather than the bottom of this pyramid.


Let's sit down and have a polite, erudite conversation about the genetic reasons for black social pathology.
No todd, none of those questions have to be asked. I have shown you multiple times that blacks and whites with the same education, the same degrees, the same experience and the same jobs are not paid the same and whites get paid more. It's time to stop looking for excuses.
It is reasonable for hiring manager to suspect that black credentials are the unearned result of affirmative action.
It is reasonable for hiring manager to suspect that black credentials are the unearned result of affirmative action.
Yes, because statistics show that it Is likely they were.

In order to make a fair comparison, we’d need to compare blacks who were admitted to their universities with qualifications that would have gotten them in even if they were white, which is about one out of three. We’d need to compare how these well-qualified blacks are doing in comparison with their white peers.

Similarly, in terms of the wealth gap, we’d need to make comparisons with blacks who did NOT have three kids with different fathers by age 23 and dropped out of school. We’d need to compare the cohort of well-qualified blacks (the one out of three who would have qualified for their schools even with affirmative action) who did not have children they couldn’t afford. Then let’s see.
The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

I say you Brown and Black folk who stole over a million Slavs as SLAVES should pay me the going rate; those oil rich states in Asia Minor need to cough up NOW...I suggest a million a piece. You know I'm right!!!

No todd, none of those questions have to be asked. I have shown you multiple times that blacks and whites with the same education, the same degrees, the same experience and the same jobs are not paid the same and whites get paid more. It's time to stop looking for excuses.
I have worked for two men who were open in expressing their hostility for Negroes. Why should a boss be required to hire people he dislikes?

Now, there are bosses who dislike Orientals and Jews. Nevertheless, Orientals and Jews usually earn more than white Gentiles. This is because bosses who dislike them recognize that they tend to be more intelligent than white Gentiles.

There is no reason for a person who dislikes Negroes to hire them, unless he is hiring them as professional athletics.

By every objective measurable criterion blacks tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites. In the United States they have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate. and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half times the white rate.

No one should be surprised that a race with those characteristics arouses durable feelings of contempt and hostility. I am surprised that there are taboos and sanctions against discussing these characteristics.
I've shown it multiple times. Besides you know it's true because you have seen it being done and you may be doing it yourself.

Some clown in some study made a lot of claims.
None of those claims showed that black graduates with the same degree
and the same job with the same experience made less than whites.

If you want to whine about younger black graduates, with less experience
and weaker degrees making less than whites, go right ahead.
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