Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Fools laugh at truth. But what we see here is white racism in 2023. The attitude is that we fucked you guys over and you will take it. That is the exact same attitude that created slavery and Jim Crow. And it validates our demand for reparations.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” -Frederick Douglass

We are going to get reparations. And it will probably happen within the next 25 years. At some point this nation will produce a generation smart enough to see what kind of huge economic stimulus this would really be.

Everybody laughs at you.

The attitude is that we fucked you guys over and you will take it.

Sorry, Charlie, I didn't fuck you over then. I'm not fucking you over now.

We are going to get reparations.

You will die without ever receiving reparations.

At some point this nation will produce a generation smart enough to see what kind of huge economic stimulus this would really be.

Looking at the way black Democrats are dumbing down the kids in the Chicago Public Schools, you may be right. Only illiterate dropouts from failed leftist schools will think that taking from the productive, or worse, printing it, to give trillions to black people, will be a huge economic stimulus.
Uh, yeah, they've been debunked in that no one is taking their work and building on it.

No one wants to work on the idea that some portion of intelligence is genetic?

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you think some portion of intelligence is genetic? Or is it all environmental?
Everybody laughs at you.

The attitude is that we fucked you guys over and you will take it.

Sorry, Charlie, I didn't fuck you over then. I'm not fucking you over now.

We are going to get reparations.

You will die without ever receiving reparations.

At some point this nation will produce a generation smart enough to see what kind of huge economic stimulus this would really be.

Looking at the way black Democrats are dumbing down the kids in the Chicago Public Schools, you may be right. Only illiterate dropouts from failed leftist schools will think that taking from the productive, or worse, printing it, to give trillions to black people, will be a huge economic stimulus.
Look at it this way, we will get reparations or America will be destroyed. You are breaking laws that are spiritual and supercede mans constitution. You have the same racist attitude as your ancestors, and your dumb ass argument fails to recognize that this is a case against the governments of this country. So what you did or did not do doesn't matter one fng bit. If you get your way, this nation will be destroyed regardless of what you or any other white racist in opposition to this claims they have not done.

The white racism you practice is costing this nation more than 1 trillion dollars per year. You bitches whine about debts and deficits while you racism creates them. I have lived 62 years without reparations so your punk --- telling me what I'm not going to get doesn't faze me. But I am watching this nation get destroyed because of people like you and as far as I'm concerned, watching you arrogant pricks go down is just as satisfying.
No one wants to work on the idea that some portion of intelligence is genetic?

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you think some portion of intelligence is genetic? Or is it all environmental?
There is no link between genetics and intelligence. Given what I read here, most of you have very low IQ's.
Everybody laughs at you.
Yeah, right. You're a joke making comments online you'd never say to a black persons face. I say what I do to white people in real life without fear.
Look at it this way, we will get reparations or America will be destroyed. You are breaking laws that are spiritual and supercede mans constitution. You have the same racist attitude as your ancestors, and your dumb ass argument fails to recognize that this is a case against the governments of this country. So what you did or did not do doesn't matter one fng bit. If you get your way, this nation will be destroyed regardless of what you or any other white racist in opposition to this claims they have not done.

The white racism you practice is costing this nation more than 1 trillion dollars per year. You bitches whine about debts and deficits while you racism creates them. I have lived 62 years without reparations so your punk --- telling me what I'm not going to get doesn't faze me. But I am watching this nation get destroyed because of people like you and as far as I'm concerned, watching you arrogant pricks go down is just as satisfying.
I hope you’re in therapy. Seriously.
Look at it this way, we will get reparations or America will be destroyed. You are breaking laws that are spiritual and supercede mans constitution. You have the same racist attitude as your ancestors, and your dumb ass argument fails to recognize that this is a case against the governments of this country. So what you did or did not do doesn't matter one fng bit. If you get your way, this nation will be destroyed regardless of what you or any other white racist in opposition to this claims they have not done.

The white racism you practice is costing this nation more than 1 trillion dollars per year. You bitches whine about debts and deficits while you racism creates them. I have lived 62 years without reparations so your punk --- telling me what I'm not going to get doesn't faze me. But I am watching this nation get destroyed because of people like you and as far as I'm concerned, watching you arrogant pricks go down is just as satisfying.

Look at it this way, we will get reparations or America will be destroyed.

You're always good for a laugh.

The white racism you practice is costing this nation more than 1 trillion dollars per year.

So less than your black crime and failure.
Yeah, right. You're a joke making comments online you'd never say to a black persons face. I say what I do to white people in real life without fear.

I wouldn't make comments to crazy white assholes either.

So what?

You gonna beat me up for your reparations?
Blacks in California, it turns out, are smarter than the Philadelphia blacks who trashed an Apple store yesterday and then threw the locked gadgets on the road.
These people didn't smash anything, just picked out a few bags at the store in Pasadena and quietly walked away. Just like a civilized society should.
I say what I do to white people in real life without fear.
You racists need to go back and study about what the government gave to whites before you try engaging me anymore. Because your responses are fact free and ignorant. Whites do not have what they do based on the merit of their achievements. You have what you do because of the exclusion of others whose money was used to help whites. So, you owe, and that's just the inconvenient truth.
You racists need to go back and study about what the government gave to whites before you try engaging me anymore. Because your responses are fact free and ignorant. Whites do not have what they do based on the merit of their achievements. You have what you do because of the exclusion of others whose money was used to help whites. So, you owe, and that's just the inconvenient truth.

What did the government give to me?
Telling the truth about average intrinsic non cosmetic can be a career stopper. Nevertheless, I am confident that nearly everyone who has made a scientific, dispassionate study of the matter agrees with them.

Except no one is pursuing this kind of research at any university, and the ones were tenured morons got away with it, have denounced the studies.

As more gene alleles that determine intelligence and influence behavior are discovered it will become increasingly difficult to deny hereditarianism and race realism.

Sorry, that kind of Eugenics went out the door with Hitler, and deservedly so. Race Realism is about as "Scientific" as Phrenology.

Meanwhile most Negroes will continue to disappoint optimistic predictions of their potential, like they have for the past two generations.

Uh, guy, let's get real here. When you die, who will remember who you were in 20 years? The idea that there is some kind of Potential is ridiculous... most of us will leave this world without leaving much of a mark.
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