Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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No one wants to work on the idea that some portion of intelligence is genetic?

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you think some portion of intelligence is genetic? Or is it all environmental?

I think it's genetic, but I don't think it's racial. You do get multi-generational geniuses, but you get just as many where you have a smart kid from a smart parent, but a couple generations down you get idiots.


Okay, that cheap shot aside, let's take someone who was truly a genius. Wolfgang Mozart. His father Leopold was a composer of note, but not a genius. More of a huckster who pimped of his talented child. Of the two children Wolfgang sired who survived into adulthood, (four died as infants) only one tried to be a composer (Ironically, tutored by Mozart's supposed enemy, Antonio Salieri), but his music was considered mediocre at best.

Do you get an occassional combination of genes that produces a Mozart or an Einstein? Sure. But they usually have to be born into the right environment as well. Mozart had the good luck to be born at a time when royal patronage and interaction with other composers created just the right lab for genius.
Sorry, that kind of Eugenics went out the door with Hitler, and deservedly so. Race Realism is about as "Scientific" as Phrenology.
The Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race on earth does not disprove the advisability of eugenics. Claiming that it does is an example of the Guilt by Association Fallacy.

Computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs that can be learned by people of below average intelligence. While this is happening, people with below average intelligence are having more children than people with above average intelligence.

The early advocates of eugenics did not advocate killing those of low intelligence. They only advocated sterilizing them.
I think it's genetic, but I don't think it's racial. You do get multi-generational geniuses, but you get just as many where you have a smart kid from a smart parent, but a couple generations down you get idiots.

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Okay, that cheap shot aside, let's take someone who was truly a genius. Wolfgang Mozart. His father Leopold was a composer of note, but not a genius. More of a huckster who pimped of his talented child. Of the two children Wolfgang sired who survived into adulthood, (four died as infants) only one tried to be a composer (Ironically, tutored by Mozart's supposed enemy, Antonio Salieri), but his music was considered mediocre at best.

Do you get an occassional combination of genes that produces a Mozart or an Einstein? Sure. But they usually have to be born into the right environment as well. Mozart had the good luck to be born at a time when royal patronage and interaction with other composers created just the right lab for genius.

I think it's genetic, but I don't think it's racial.


There are no genetic differences between the races, right?
What did the government give to me?
When were you born?

When were your parents born?

When were their parents born?

Then you will understand just how much the government has given you.

This is the problem with whites who think like you. You are given so much that you're oblivious to how it's happening. That's why whites who think like you run around talking about how race should not be a fsctor while forgetting that white is a rscr, and being white was THE main factor in the types of opprtunities were available.
You racists need to go back and study about what the government gave to whites before you try engaging me anymore. Because your responses are fact free and ignorant. Whites do not have what they do based on the merit of their achievements. You have what you do because of the exclusion of others whose money was used to help whites. So, you owe, and that's just the inconvenient truth.
Westvall you are an idiot. Your people have recieved reparations. And they continue getting reparations for things that happened before you were born. So you really need to stay out of this conversation if you're going to play cigar store indian.
When were you born?

When were your parents born?

When were their parents born?

Then you will understand just how much the government has given you.

This is the problem with whites who think like you. You are given so much that you're oblivious to how it's happening. That's why whites who think like you run around talking about how race should not be a fsctor while forgetting that white is a rscr, and being white was THE main factor in the types of opprtunities were available.

When were you born?

They gave me more (or less) depending on the year I was born?
Post the chart that shows the year and amount they gave.
You're the best!!!
When were you born?

They gave me more (or less) depending on the year I was born?
Post the chart that shows the year and amount they gave.
You're the best!!!
Try answering my questions then you can be shown exactly how you have benefitted.
When were you born?

When were your parents born?

When were their parents born?

Then you will understand just how much the government has given you.

Post the charts for the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s.

That should cover all the possible birth years for my family.
Yeah, right. You're a joke making comments online you'd never say to a black persons face. I say what I do to white people in real life without fear.
Shows your thug character, you would use violence if someone said something to your face.
You racists need to go back and study about what the government gave to whites before you try engaging me anymore. Because your responses are fact free and ignorant. Whites do not have what they do based on the merit of their achievements. You have what you do because of the exclusion of others whose money was used to help whites. So, you owe, and that's just the inconvenient truth.
The government has given whites NOTHING, this is 2023. You are no more entitled than anyone else, of any race.
Post the charts for the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s.

That should cover all the possible birth years for my family.
Your family benefitted from New Deal programs that excluded blacks. This means you benefitted indirectly as a child from the programs because of what your parents were able to get. If you were born during Jim Crow, your being white came with explicit preferences. The latest help whites have received was the overturning of Affirmative Action.

The tax code has long favored whites.

Your family benefitted from New Deal programs that excluded blacks. This means you benefitted indirectly as a child from the programs because of what your parents were able to get. If you were born during Jim Crow, your being white came with explicit preferences. The latest help whites have received was the overturning of Affirmative Action.

The tax code has long favored whites.

Your family benefitted from New Deal programs that excluded blacks.

Which ones?

If you were born during Jim Crow, your being white came with explicit preferences.

What preferences did I get in Chicago from Jim Crow?

The tax code has long favored whites.

Which part of the code? Can you copy and paste the section you mean?
Your family benefitted from New Deal programs that excluded blacks.

Which ones?

If you were born during Jim Crow, your being white came with explicit preferences.

What preferences did I get in Chicago from Jim Crow?

The tax code has long favored whites.

Which part of the code? Can you copy and paste the section you mean?
Don’t expect an honest answer.
Your family benefitted from New Deal programs that excluded blacks. This means you benefitted indirectly as a child from the programs because of what your parents were able to get. If you were born during Jim Crow, your being white came with explicit preferences. The latest help whites have received was the overturning of Affirmative Action.

The tax code has long favored whites.

What I saw every year was what researchers call the “marriage penalty”: My parents, like many other married Black couples trying to pay for a mortgage, save for their children’s future, and afford health care, were paying higher taxes under the joint return than they would have had they remained single and filed separately.

That's not favoring whites. LOL!
If anything, because fewer blacks were married, it punished whites.

Subsidies for homeownership benefit white homeowners more than Black homeowners. Tax breaks for workers benefit white workers more than Black workers. And tax reform has always been a fight over which white Americans get tax cuts, with Black Americans paying the price, as I document in my book The Whiteness of Wealth: How the Tax System Impoverishes Black Americans—And How We Can Fix It.

OMG! What a hustler.

Do you believe any idiocy as long as it's written by a black person?
The Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race on earth does not disprove the advisability of eugenics. Claiming that it does is an example of the Guilt by Association Fallacy.

Wait, now, the question is WHY did the Nazis try to exterminate them, when for the previous 2000 years, Christians were just happy not trusting them and occasionally running them out when they got too annoying.

Oh, that's right, because someone came up with a crackpot racial theory.
Just like you are

Computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs that can be learned by people of below average intelligence. While this is happening, people with below average intelligence are having more children than people with above average intelligence.

then we need to educate them and train them better, because frankly, intelligent people don't really want kids. Kids are a pain in the ass... They want to live their best lives.


There are no genetic differences between the races, right?
Sit down and shut up, Troll.
Wait, now, the question is WHY did the Nazis try to exterminate them, when for the previous 2000 years, Christians were just happy not trusting them and occasionally running them out when they got too annoying.

Oh, that's right, because someone came up with a crackpot racial theory.
Just like you are

then we need to educate them and train them better, because frankly, intelligent people don't really want kids. Kids are a pain in the ass... They want to live their best lives.

Sit down and shut up, Troll.

No differences at all. DURR
The black proportion of national wealth has remained basically the same since slavery. Whites on average are born into at least 6 times more wealth than blacks and they are born into what they did not personally produce. On the other hand, blacks are born into deficts they did not create. Since racism caused this, simply not talking about race or being "colorblind" is not going to cure this economic disparity.
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