Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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The black proportion of national wealth has remained basically the same since slavery. Whites on average are born into at least 6 times more wealth than blacks and they are born into what they did not personally produce. On the other hand, blacks are born into deficts they did not create. Since racism caused this, simply not talking about race or being "colorblind" is not going to cure this economic disparity.
Because our economy requires more intelligence, I am surprised that blacks have not fallen behind.
The black proportion of national wealth has remained basically the same since slavery. Whites on average are born into at least 6 times more wealth than blacks and they are born into what they did not personally produce. On the other hand, blacks are born into deficts they did not create. Since racism caused this, simply not talking about race or being "colorblind" is not going to cure this economic disparity.
ohh blow it out your ass we werent born into wealth and you werent born into debt,
The black proportion of national wealth has remained basically the same since slavery. Whites on average are born into at least 6 times more wealth than blacks and they are born into what they did not personally produce. On the other hand, blacks are born into deficts they did not create. Since racism caused this, simply not talking about race or being "colorblind" is not going to cure this economic disparity.
Blacks are born into deficits they didn’t create?!

The majority of black babies are born to a single mother, unable to afford them. So yes, those black babies are born into a ”deficit” - one created by the massive out-of-wedlock rate.

Blacks are responsible for their own outcomes.
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And we see just how much white right wingers love to freeload.
Stupid factless comment...Rinse... Repeat stupid factless comment.
Wait, now, the question is WHY did the Nazis try to exterminate them, when for the previous 2000 years, Christians were just happy not trusting them and occasionally running them out when they got too annoying.

Oh, that's right, because someone came up with a crackpot racial theory.
Just like you are

then we need to educate them and train them better, because frankly, intelligent people don't really want kids. Kids are a pain in the ass... They want to live their best lives.

Sit down and shut up, Troll.
The Nazis weren’t just trying to exterminate the Jews, it was the Roma, homosexuals, Slavs, people with birth defects; pretty much anyone who didn’t meet their Aryan ideal. S.M. Stirling does a pretty good job of projecting the Nazi’s plans in his Domination of the Draka series. It’s fiction and just a bit far-fetched, but very frightening.
No differences at all. DURR
Sit down, you were already dismissed.
The black proportion of national wealth has remained basically the same since slavery. Whites on average are born into at least 6 times more wealth than blacks and they are born into what they did not personally produce. On the other hand, blacks are born into deficts they did not create. Since racism caused this, simply not talking about race or being "colorblind" is not going to cure this economic disparity.
And so?

Here's a crazy idea. How about instead of whining about how whites are "born into wealth", you look at why that is.

My nieces both have two kids each. They didn't start having kids until they 1) Completed College, 2) Were established in their careers, 3) Got Married, and 4) Purchased a home. In short, they BUILT wealth before having kids. As opposed to too many black families where "unknown" was on the birth certificate (even though the child has a different last name than the mother) they can get those government benefits! (And yes, when I was in the service and handled personnel records, "Unknown" was the most prolific father out there.

Now, it's a sad commentary that, our society being what it is, white folks are waiting until their 30s to achieve these four steps before having kids. Used to be you graduated high school, joined a union, and you were established by your mid-20s.

So IM 'Wah, white people are doing responsible things before having kids, so their kids are born into more wealth."

Um. yeah. Duh.
Because our economy requires more intelligence, I am surprised that blacks have not fallen behind.

400 years of institutionalized racism will do that.

The Nazis weren’t just trying to exterminate the Jews, it was the Roma, homosexuals, Slavs, people with birth defects; pretty much anyone who didn’t meet their Aryan ideal. S.M. Stirling does a pretty good job of projecting the Nazi’s plans in his Domination of the Draka series. It’s fiction and just a bit far-fetched, but very frightening.

Um, that was exactly my point. Crackpot racial theories inevitably lead to that kind of extermination. It's why people like Hector need to be bitchslapped when the spew it.

Of course, the animus towards the Jews comes from lot of different places in Christianity, from the fact the Bible explicitly says they killed Jesus (Sorry, Vatican II doesn't Trump the Bible) to the fact that Jews often engaged in unsavory behavior (like moneylending) that made them pariahs. So they were an easy target.
All God's races are exactly the same in all aspects?

You've already been dismissed.

inconvenient science is ignored of course.

Except it isn't science, is it? Most of this Eugenics garbage was rejected in the 1950's (Too late to prevent some truly awful applications.)

The problem with any "Science" that proves Group X is inferior to Group Y, is almost always advocated by Group Y needing to feel better about itself.
Okay, as much as I just ripped IM a new one up above....

We spend 2 trillion a year on MIddle Class entitlements, as opposed to 500 billion on poverty relief. Everyone's got their mouth up the the government teet.
That’s social security and Medicare - that middle class people paid in for.

The $500 billion on handouts to welfare recipients is totally different. They did nothing to earn that.
400 years of institutionalized racism will do that.
400 years of institutionalized racism elevated American Negroes to the point where they have a higher standard of living than Negroes anywhere else in the world.
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